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The empire of Caileenia is a nation led by Queen Erin Ryan on the continent of Europe. The empire of Caileenia's government is a Theocratic Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The empire of Caileenia favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of The empire of Caileenia is the Euro. At 136 days old, The empire of Caileenia is a mature nation. The empire of Caileenia has a population of 669,583 and a land area of 10,350.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 64.69. Pollution in the nation is a problem. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Diplomacy: The empire of Caileenia encourages diplomacy. We welcome all diplomatic measures from any nation.


Defence treaty: The empire of Caileenia maintains a Defence treaty with the nation of Meow Meow. Both nations are obligated to come to the others Defence in war, unless the defender wishes to fight alone, in which case the decision will be respected.   

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Caileenia
Leader Name: Erin Ryan
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Caileen are a group of genetically identical people. They all share the same appearance. They are all teenage girls with blonde hair, green eyes, white skin and petite bodies. They have several abilities differentiating them from other races. When they reproduce, only Caileen genes are passed on, with none of the fathers genes being present. This has led to the genetically identical all-female race. They all stop aging in their late teens. They have shorter pregnancies of 2.5 months and take 0.5 months to regain fertility after childbirth. They are always fertile, not experiencing periods. A side effect of this is that they have an increased sex-drive and are easily arroused. Although they look like women, they are slightly stronger on average than the average woman, though still weaker than men.

It is thought the Caileen race originated due to a genetic mutation, causing only their genes to be inherited, leading to a lack of genetic diversity.

The Caileen believe they are all sisters, and that their goddess is their mother, which they used in ancient times to explain why they were all identical. This way of thinking is encouraged by their upbringing. Caileen society doesn't have normal family units. Instead, all children born are raised without parents. They are thought to see all Caileen as their family. This leads to a strong sense of cultural identity in Caileenia. Caileen culture promotes promiscuity which likely developed due to their unique reproductive abilities. The religious institution of the Caileenian faith, the 'Sisterhood of Steel' encourages this further as they claim it is the wish of their goddess for the Caileen to have as many children as possible.

The Caileen historically constructed large, stone fortresses that would have housed entire tribes of Caileen. The presence of metals close to the surface led to the Caileen utilising it heavily in their culture. It was common for all Caileen warriors to have a suit of intricately decorated plate armour. Armour was often decorated with scenes from Caileen history and mythology, or the story of the warrior who owned the armour. Due to their geography and lack of contact with the outside world, the Caileen were technologically far behind the rest of Europe, with the Caileen medieval age only ending in the 1700s.

The Caileen have always been a xenophobic and insular people. They have generally kept to themselves throughout history, with the exception being when Caileen raiders would sail to the mainland, in search of valuables and, more importantly, men to take as slaves. As an all-female race, the Caileen required men to reproduce, even though they don't see men as equals. Male slaves made up the entire population of foreigners in the kingdom and were treated as second class citizens. In the modern day, the Caileen have abolished slavery. These days, the Caileenian government invites foreign men to Caileenia on 'sex-holidays'. Men are given temporary visa's and are allowed into the country, with the government encouraging men to have sex with as many Caileen as possible over a two-week period. This is among the only time foreigners are brought into the country, with the Caileenian government being adamant about having a zero-immigration policy, which causes tension with other countries at times. Due to the Caileen's, unique abilities, its population grows extremely quickly.

The Queen of Caileenia is seen to Channel the divine will of the goddess. The Queen is the Head of state and holds the right to absolute power, although this power is rarely used. Instead, the Caileenian government makes many of the decisions to run the country, yet defers power to the Queen when necessary.
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 16,656.67 sq. km
Terrain: The Caileenian archipelago is situated in the North Atlantic ocean. The terrain of the islands is generally rough in the south west. In this region, rocky, mountainous terrain is present as well as Highland hills. In the North West, there are large fields with lakes and rivers. Tropical rainforest covers the coastal regions.
Highest Peak: Mt.Erda, 3,714 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: The Caileenian archipelago experiences harsh, cold winters as cold air blows down from the Arctic. In the summer, warm air blows in from the equator in the south west, bringing warm temperatures.
People & Society
Population: 669,583 people
Demonym: Caileen
Demonym Plural: Caileenians
Ethnic Groups: Caileen - 99.5%
European and others - 0.5%
Languages: English - 92.0%
Caileenian - 8.0%
Religions: Caileenian - 99.5%
Mixed - 0.5%
Life Expectancy: 82 years
Obesity: 0.5%
Alcohol Users: 12%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Average Yearly Income: $46.18
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $419,325,758.00
GDP per Capita: $626.25
Gross National Income (GNI): $213,216,940.00
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/25/2024 03:59 pm