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Intramuros is a nation led by Presidente Sorapnw on the continent of North America. Intramuros's government is a Federal Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, Intramuros favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Intramuros is the Mexican Peso. At 127 days old, Intramuros is a mature nation. Intramuros has a population of 1,632,039 and a land area of 20,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 81.60. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is at an all-time high with an approval rating of 100%.


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The Ancient Empire (5 June 2024 - 19 June 2024)

Federated States of Orbis (19 June 2024 - Present)

FSO IA Low Gov (July 19 2024 - Present)


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Intramuros
Leader Name: Sorapnw
Currency: Currency Image
Mexican Peso
National Animal: National Animal Image
Red Fox
History: A Brief History of Intramuros

Origins and Early History

Intramuros, a nation located in the bioregion of Cascadia, traces its origins to the remnants of the Spanish Empire. As Spain expanded its reach in the New World, it established a stronghold in this fertile region. Named Intramuros, meaning "within the walls," the area became a fortified center of Spanish colonial power. Its capital, Nueva Tondo, along with its nine other cities—Santo Tomas, Ermita, Burgos, Monte Cascadia, Ciencia, San Agustin, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and Nueva Vizcaya—grew as vibrant hubs of Spanish culture and governance.

The Spanish-American War and American Purchase

Following the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain's grip on its colonies weakened. Intramuros, along with other Spanish holdings, was sold to the United States. However, the people of Intramuros, inspired by the wave of independence movements worldwide, revolted against American rule. The rebellion was swiftly suppressed, but it left a lasting impact on the national consciousness, fostering a deep-seated desire for self-determination.

Migration and Cultural Melting Pot

Throughout the early 20th century, Intramuros became a unique melting pot, attracting Asians, particularly Filipinos, due to its lenient immigration policies under American administration. This influx of diverse cultures enriched Intramuros, creating a vibrant society where White, Hispanic, and Filipino communities coexisted. The capital, Nueva Tondo, flourished as a cosmopolitan city with a distinctive blend of American and Spanish architectural influences.

Path to Independence

In 1935, as the Philippines was promised independence, Intramuros received a similar assurance from the United States. Unlike the Philippines, Intramuros remained largely untouched during World War II, preserving its historic cities and infrastructure. This period of stability allowed Intramuros to prepare for a smooth transition to independence. On July 3rd, 1945, Intramuros finally achieved its long-awaited sovereignty.

Post-Independence and Modernization

The post-war period marked a new chapter for Intramuros. Under the leadership of Emilio Aguinaldo, the exiled Filipino revolutionary hero, the country embarked on an ambitious path of modernization and development. Aguinaldo, known as "El Presidente," became the first head of state for two democracies, an unprecedented achievement that underscored his political acumen and resilience.

During his presidency, Aguinaldo founded five new cities—Aguinaldo, Ciencia, Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and Nueva Vizcaya—further expanding the nation's urban landscape. These cities became centers of industry, education, and culture, contributing to Intramuros' rapid growth and prosperity.

Culture and Language

Intramuros is renowned for its rich cultural heritage, with a unique blend of American and Spanish influences evident in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions. The nation's bilingual policy promotes both Spanish and English, with Spanish being the more widely spoken language, reflecting the country's colonial past. Tagalog, spoken by a significant minority, adds to the linguistic diversity of the nation.

Economy and Industry

The thriving coal industry forms the backbone of Intramuros' economy, driving industrial growth and providing energy for its burgeoning cities. Additionally, the country's well-preserved historic sites and picturesque landscapes attract tourists from around the world, boosting the tourism sector.

Joining the Federated States of Orbis

In recent years, Intramuros has taken a significant step onto the global stage by joining the Federated States of Orbis (FSO). This move has strengthened its diplomatic and economic ties with other member nations. As part of its commitment to international peace and stability, Intramuros has sent peacekeeping missions to several nations within the FSO. These missions aim to promote peace, support post-conflict reconstruction, and uphold human rights, reflecting Intramuros' dedication to global cooperation and humanitarian efforts.


Intramuros, with its rich history and cultural diversity, stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people. Under Emilio Aguinaldo's visionary leadership, the nation has navigated the challenges of post-war reconstruction and forged a path towards a prosperous and inclusive future. As it continues to grow and evolve, Intramuros remains a beacon of cultural heritage and modern innovation in the Cascadian region, while actively contributing to international peace and stability through its involvement in the Federated States of Orbis.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 32,186.80 sq. km
Terrain: Intramuros' terrain is predominantly mountainous, featuring extensive ranges of high peaks, deep valleys, glaciers, forests, and meadows. The landscape is both a challenge and a treasure, offering stunning natural beauty and rich natural resources while demanding ingenuity in adaptation and infrastructure.
Highest Peak: Golden Hinde, 2,195 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
Climate: Intramuros' climate is defined by its high-altitude peaks and the resulting cooler temperatures. The country's weather patterns are heavily influenced by its mountainous terrain, leading to a mix of alpine conditions, varied microclimates, and distinctive seasonal characteristics.
People & Society
Population: 1,632,039 people
Demonym: Intramurosian
Demonym Plural: Intramurosians
Ethnic Groups: Hispanic - 46.0%
Caucasian - 25.0%
Filipino - 22.0%
Languages: Spanish - 77.0%
English - 44.0%
Tagalog - 21.0%
Religions: Roman Catholic - 92.0%
Life Expectancy: 65 years
Obesity: 0%
Alcohol Users: 0%
Tobacco Users: 0%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 0%
Description: Sora's economy remains robust, underpinned by its industrial base and natural resources. The early exploitation of coal reserves laid the groundwork for sustained economic growth, allowing the nation to invest in infrastructure and technological advancements. The capital city, Taiga, stands as a testament to this economic prosperity, boasting modern amenities and a high standard of living.

The nation's economic policies are liberal, encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation. However, the authoritarian political climate imposes certain constraints, particularly on expressions of dissent and social freedoms. This delicate balance between economic liberalism and political control defines the contemporary Soran experience.
Average Yearly Income: $98.42
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,242,257,004.00
GDP per Capita: $761.17
Gross National Income (GNI): $277,140,120.00
Industries: Sora's economy is deeply rooted in its coal and logging industries, which have shaped its historical development and continue to drive its economic engine. However, the nation is also embracing change, diversifying its industrial base, and investing in sustainable practices and innovative technologies. This balanced approach ensures that Sora remains resilient and prosperous in the face of evolving global and environmental challenges.
History: The Military of Sora: The Soran Royal Guard
Origins and Early History
The military forces of Sora, known as the Soran Royal Guard, have their roots deeply embedded in the nation’s spiritual and cultural history. The Guard's origins trace back to the time of Sora Kasugano and her union with Haruka, whose forbidden love story sparked the need for protection.
Formation of the Guards of the Truth: When the love between Sora and Haruka became known, it stirred both devotion and controversy. To safeguard Sora Kasugano and uphold her teachings, her followers united to form the Guards of the Truth. This group was dedicated to protecting Sora, her beliefs, and her emerging community.
Evolution into the Soran Royal Guard: As the village of Aisaka, later known as Kasugano, grew in prominence, the Guards of the Truth evolved into a more structured and formal military unit. Renamed the Soran Royal Guard, they took on the expanded role of protecting the village, the burgeoning monarch, and eventually the entire nation.
Modernization and Structure
The transformation of the Soran Royal Guard into a modern military force began in the mid-20th century, influenced significantly by historical events.
Influence of Japanese War Criminals: During and after World War II, Sora granted amnesty to Japanese war criminals. These individuals, skilled in military tactics and discipline, brought with them a wealth of knowledge and experience. Their integration into Sora's society led to the modernization of the Soran Royal Guard, infusing it with new strategies, training regimens, and organizational structures.
Discipline and Training: Inspired by the rigorous discipline of Japanese soldiers from World War II, the Soran Royal Guard adopted similar training methods. The Guard emphasizes physical endurance, mental fortitude, and unwavering loyalty to the teachings of Sora Kasugano. Training programs are intense and designed to instill a deep sense of duty and resilience in every member.
Organizational Structure: The Royal Guard is structured hierarchically, with a clear chain of command. Key divisions include:

Infantry Units: The backbone of the Guard, responsible for ground operations and maintaining order.
Special Forces: Elite units trained for high-risk missions, counter-terrorism, and special operations.
Intelligence Division: Handles espionage, reconnaissance, and strategic planning.
Logistics and Support: Ensures the Guard is well-equipped, supplied, and operationally ready at all times.
Spiritual Guards of the Truth: Composed of the best soldiers in the country, this elite unit is responsible for guarding the reigning monarch and important cultural and spiritual sites across Sora. They embody the highest standards of dedication and skill, ensuring the protection of the nation's most sacred places and figures.
Role and Responsibilities
The Soran Royal Guard’s responsibilities extend beyond conventional military duties, reflecting its origins and the nation's unique context.
Protection of the Monarchy and Kasugano Village: The primary mission remains the protection of the spiritual capital, Kasugano, and the monarchy. This includes safeguarding important religious sites and the royal family.
National Defense: As the nation's principal military force, the Guard defends Sora's borders and maintains internal security. They are prepared to respond to external threats and internal unrest with equal dedication.
Preservation of Sora Kasugano's Teachings: The Guard sees itself as the protector of Sora's spiritual and cultural heritage. Members are trained not only in combat but also in the history and teachings of Sora Kasugano, ensuring they embody the values they defend.
Community Engagement: The Royal Guard participates in community service and public works, reinforcing their role as protectors and servants of the people. This includes disaster relief, infrastructure projects, and public safety initiatives.
Equipment and Capabilities
Modernization efforts have equipped the Soran Royal Guard with advanced armaments and diversified its military capabilities significantly.
Advanced Armaments: The Royal Guard boasts a range of modern weaponry, including state-of-the-art assault rifles, precision sniper systems, advanced machine guns, and anti-tank missile systems. These armaments ensure that the Guard can respond effectively to a wide array of combat situations.
Coast Guard and Navy: Sora has developed a robust coast guard and naval force to protect its maritime borders and ensure the security of its waters. The navy includes modern warships, patrol boats, and submarines equipped with the latest technology for surveillance, defense, and offensive operations.
Growing Air Force: The Soran air force is a rapidly expanding branch of the military, equipped with modern fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft, and transport planes. Advanced training programs and state-of-the-art equipment ensure air superiority and support for ground operations.
Intelligence and Espionage: The Intelligence Division has become one of the most sophisticated units within the Royal Guard, leveraging cutting-edge technology for cyber warfare, surveillance, and espionage. Their capabilities include advanced drone operations, encrypted communication networks, and deep-cover operations to gather critical information and conduct strategic planning.
The Soran Royal Guard stands as a unique blend of spiritual dedication and modern military prowess. Rooted in the protection of Sora Kasugano and her teachings, the Guard has evolved into a disciplined and capable force. Their modern structure, influenced by historical alliances and conflicts, enables them to defend the nation effectively while preserving its cultural and spiritual essence.
Soldiers: 150,000
Tanks: 12,500
Aircraft: 750
Ships: 150
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/15/2024 02:21 pm