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Beta Holdings LLC

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The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC is a nation led by The Chair Of The Board on the continent of South America. The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC's government is a Oligarchy with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC favors extremely right wing policies. The official currency of The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC is the Gold Standard. At 43 days old, The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC is an established nation. The tax haven of Beta Holdings LLC has a population of 787,269 and a land area of 6,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 125.96. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is mediocre with an approval rating of 34.8100%.

BetaHoldings LLC was established to evade taxes and to offshore assets from the Beta Company and to launder it's money from illicit trades. BetaHoldings Ltd are known for their extreme right and libertarian policies and little tolerance for communism with the chairman of the board and CEO being quoted saying "Anything left of the middle line is commie and therefore bad, stupid and bad."

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Beta Holdings LLC
Leader Name: Chair Of The Board
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Used for tax purposes
Continent: South America
Land Area: 10,058.38 sq. km
Terrain: Money, piles of it
Highest Peak: Mount bean, 7 meters
Lowest Valley: Unmount unbean, -7 meters
Climate: Dollar bills
People & Society
Population: 787,269 people
Demonym: Betonian
Demonym Plural: Betonians
Ethnic Groups: Smart - 99.8%
Poor - 0.2%
Languages: English - 99.8%
Dead - 0.2%
Religions: Gambling - 117.0%
Life Expectancy: 97 years
Obesity: 0.2%
Alcohol Users: 99.8%
Tobacco Users: 99.8%
Cannabis Users: 0.2%
Hard Drug Users: 0.2%
Description: Freedom, deregulation and all that
Average Yearly Income: $926.19
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,359,365,901.00
GDP per Capita: $1,726.68
Gross National Income (GNI): $712,428,170.00
Industries: Banking fraud and oil refining
History: The Betaholdings Corporate Espionage Team were created after scares of communism. One spy was deployed to terrorize citizens of communist countries.
Soldiers: 75,000
Tanks: 6,180
Aircraft: 360
Ships: 37
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/22/2024 08:18 pm