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Euphonix is a nation led by Shah Aga-Mehemmed on the continent of Australia. Euphonix's government is a Social Democracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Euphonix favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Euphonix is the Energon Cubes. At 281 days old, Euphonix is an old nation. Euphonix has a population of 1,369,893 and a land area of 32,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 42.81. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

la ilaha illallah! audhu billahi minashaitanir rajeem! 

Ar Rahman Ar Rahim Al Malik Al Quddus As Salam Al Mu'min Al Muhaymin Al Aziz Al Jabbar Al Mutakabbir Al Khaliq Al Bari Al Musawwir Al Ghaffar Al Qahaar Al Wahaab Ar Razzaq Al Fattah Al Aleem Al Qabid Al Basit Al Khafid Ar Rafi Al Mu'izz Al Muzill As Sami Al Baseer Al Hakam Al Adl Al Latif Al Khabir Al Haleem Al Azim Al Ghafur Ash Shakur Al Aliyy Al Kabir Al Hafeez Al Muqeet Al Haseeb Al Jaleel Al Karim Ar Raqeeb Al Mujeeb Al Wasi Al Hakeem Al Wadud Al Majeed Al Baa'ith Ash Shaheed Al Haqq Al Wakeel Al Qawiyy Al Mateen Al Walee Al Hameed Al Muhsi Al Mubdi Al Mu'id Al Muhyee Al Mumeet Al Hayy Al Qayyum Al Wajid Al Majid Al Wahid As Samad Al Qadir Al Muqtadir Al Muqqadim Al Mu'akhir Al Awwal Al Aakhir Az Zahir Al Batin Al Wali Al Muta'alee Al Barr At Tawwab Al Muntaqim Al Afoow Ar Ra'oof Al Malik ul Mulk Zul Jalali Wal Ikram Al Muqsit Al Jamee Al Ghanee Al Mughnee Al Manee Ad Daar An Naafi An Nur Al Hadi Al Badi Al Baqi Al Waarith Ar Rashid As Sabur Allah

There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.