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The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu is a nation led by God Zen Xing the Second on the continent of Asia. The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu's government is a Theocratic Dictatorship with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu is the Lumicoin. At 138 days old, The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu is a mature nation. The Kingdom of Truth Zukafu has a population of 674,385 and a land area of 12,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 56.20. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)09/24/2024 07:44 pm ZukafuEutopiaZukafu$195,689.000.000.00691.0081.000.00808.
2)09/23/2024 04:00 pm ZukafuMountain DewZukafu$69,300.000.000.00858.00100.001.001,
3)09/23/2024 10:03 am Zukafurigcz kwateraZukafu$63,,
4)09/19/2024 11:18 am ZukafuExperiment 21Zukafu$1,046,837.000.000.00925.00107.000.001,
5)09/08/2024 10:14 am ZukafuczarcasmZukafu$78,771.000.000.00735.0082.000.00851.
6)09/08/2024 04:05 am ZukafuBlackZukafu$63,
7)09/08/2024 02:06 am ZukafuPylowe RepublicZukafu$63,,
8)09/04/2024 12:48 am ZukafuRepublic of PanjabZukafu$675,775.000.000.001,012.00112.000.001,
9)08/18/2024 04:58 am ZukafuBelgoZukafu$320,329.000.000.00639.0066.000.00743.
10)08/12/2024 07:49 am ZukafuAntascaZukafu$315,608.000.000.00554.0054.001.00646.
11)08/11/2024 06:45 am ZukafuCorporatocratic CyberneticaZukafu$399,
12)08/09/2024 10:50 pm ZukafuPromenathinaZukafu$320,
13)08/02/2024 02:04 am ZukafuDuvastanZukafu$635,970.000.000.00493.0040.001.00580.
14)08/01/2024 02:02 pm ZukafuZukafu$767,
15)08/01/2024 04:25 am ZukafuAaTrZukafu$974,503.000.000.00635.0051.001.00747.

Showing 0-15 of 52 Records