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The Kingdom of Servastan is a nation led by Shah Yosef Nu Ahmadzi on the continent of Asia. The Kingdom of Servastan's government is a Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Servastan favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Servastan is the Gold Standard. At 51 days old, The Kingdom of Servastan is an established nation. The Kingdom of Servastan has a population of 1,156,722 and a land area of 10,050.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 115.10. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is seriously lacking with an approval rating of 23.7355%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Servastan
Leader Name: Yosef Nu Ahmadzi
Currency: Currency Image
Gold Standard
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: The Kingdom of Servastan (known locally as the Ahmadzi Dynasty) was founded in the year 642 by King Narseh Ahmadzi in response to the Sassanid collapse to the Rashidun Caliphate.
Servastan is the foreign name given to the Ahmadzi Dynasty, meaning Land of Wealth/Trade in Persian.
Servastan can be seen as the direct successor state of the Sassanid and thus Achaemenid Empires, speaking Pahlavi Persian (a more traditional form with much less Arabic loan words) and using the old Pahlavi script. The nation is also majority Zoroastrian, however as immigration from Iran increases Islam and the use of modern Persian is on the rapid rise.
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 16,173.87 sq. km
Terrain: The Kingdom of Servastan’s terrain is characterized by high rugged mountains with lower interior basins and small rivers. The coastline is long, flat, and dotted with small river deltas and natural harbors.
Highest Peak: Kūh-e-Tabašt, 3,218 meters
Lowest Valley: Mand River Basin, 31 meters
Climate: Servastan’s climate is hot and aired with long dry summers and cooler, wet winters. The coast is characterized as a hot arid desert, and the interior is characterized as a hot arid steppe.
People & Society
Population: 1,156,722 people
Demonym: Servastani
Demonym Plural: Servastanis
Ethnic Groups: Persian - 78.3%
Lur - 11.7%
Qashqayi - 6.3%
Languages: Pahlavi Persian - 60.6%
Iranian Persian - 29.3%
Luri - 6.2%
Religions: Zoroastrianism - 57.1%
Shi’a Islam - 32.4%
Persian Orthodox Christian - 8.5%
Life Expectancy: 77 years
Obesity: 11.6%
Alcohol Users: 64.8%
Tobacco Users: 16.9%
Cannabis Users: 6.2%
Hard Drug Users: 1.6%
Description: The nations economy is a mix of socialism and capitalism in where the government often sponsors industry around the country, provides relative aid to those in need, and helps to regulate cost of living.
The economy is steady, growing anywhere from 4 to 7% yearly and seeing increased foreign interest and investment.
Average Yearly Income: $72.24
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,317,043,459.00
GDP per Capita: $1,138.60
Gross National Income (GNI): $817,046,660.00
Industries: Major industries include oil extraction and refinery, raw resources (such as gold and iron), steel refinery, and medical services.
History: The Servastani military consist of four branches, the Land Force, Air Force, Sea Force and Dynastic Guard.
Soldiers: 58,109
Tanks: 2,780
Aircraft: 58
Ships: 42
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 06/17/2024 06:52 am