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UNITED PHILIPPINES is a nation led by TITAN G-man on the continent of Asia. UNITED PHILIPPINES's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, UNITED PHILIPPINES favors left wing policies. The official currency of UNITED PHILIPPINES is the Yen. At 55 days old, UNITED PHILIPPINES is an established nation. UNITED PHILIPPINES has a population of 1,189,804 and a land area of 16,160.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 73.63. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is sufficient with an approval rating of 74.2832%.

Aircrafts: F-22,F-35,F-15  

F-22 Total : 40

F-35 Total : 60

F-15 Total : 150

B-2 : 60

Total Aircrafts : 303

Warships:UPP Pan Spatial Teton(Battleship),UPP New Hamspire(Battleship),UPP Arsenal(Cruiser),UPP Constitution(Destroyer),UPP Zumwalt(Destroyer),UPP Yoshino Yukina(Nuclear Powered Super Aircraft Carrier),UPP Pang(Aircraft carrier),UPP Musk(CVN-X)(Helicarrier),UPP Ghost Comander(Aircraft Carrier),UPP Type 26(Frigate),UPP Venator(Frigate),UPP Blue Shark(Frigate),UPP Jose Rizal(Frigate),UPP Victor III(Nuclear Attack Submarine),UPP Imperial-911(Nuclear Attack Submarine)


Pan Spatial Teton Class  : 2

New Hamspire Class : 8

Arsenal Class : 10

Zumwalt Class : 25

Constitution Class : 31

Yoshino Yukina Class : 1

Pang Class :1

Musk Class : 1

Ghost Comander Class : 1

Type 26 Class : 5

Venator Class : Project

Blue Shark Class : 5

Jose Rizal Class : 15

Victor III Class : Project

Imperial-911 Class : Project


Total Battleships : 10

Total Cruisers : 10

Total Aircraft Carriers : 3

Total Helicarriers : 1

Total Destroyers : 56

Total Frigate : 25

Total Warships : 105

Flagship : Yoshino Yukina Super Aircraft Carrier


Soldiers Total : 105,000

Active Personel : 55,000

Reserve Personel : 50,000


Total Tanks : 7500

Main Battle Tanks : 4000

Artillery Tanks : 300

Tank Destroyers : 200

Armored Tanks : 2000

Multi Rocket Launchers : 1000



Total soldiers by 2025 : 1,000,000

Total Tanks By 2025 : 20,000

Total Aircraft by 2025 : 15,000

Total Warships by 2025 : 1000


Growing ↑ Stable = Decrease ↓

Economy :↑

Populations : ↑

Land Area : ↑

GDP : ↑

GDP per capita : ↑

GNI : 


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Leader Name: G-man
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Philippine Eagle
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 26,006.93 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt.Nuclear, 15,000 meters
Lowest Valley: Bulod, -347 meters
People & Society
Population: 1,189,804 people
Demonym: English
Demonym Plural: Englishmen
Ethnic Groups: Asian - 75.2%
American - 20.8%
European - 10.0%
Languages: Engish - 50.0%
Japanese - 26.0%
Tagalog - 24.0%
Religions: Christine - 75.0%
Filipino - 20.0%
Imperial - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 85 years
Obesity: 25.2%
Alcohol Users: 21.7%
Tobacco Users: 30.8%
Cannabis Users: 15.3%
Hard Drug Users: 9.7%
Average Yearly Income: $95.46
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,218,983,735.00
GDP per Capita: $1,024.52
Gross National Income (GNI): $422,537,140.00
Soldiers: 105,000
Tanks: 8,750
Aircraft: 345
Ships: 105
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/30/2024 08:56 pm