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THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI is a nation led by RULER OF UNDEAD KINGOFUNDEADAINZ on the continent of Africa. THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI favors far left wing policies. The official currency of THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI is the GOLDEN SKULLS. At 44 days old, THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI is an established nation. THE REALM OF THE DEATH MOON NAZARKI has a population of 1,200,488 and a land area of 3,950.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 303.92. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Rulers of Death Kingdom are a mysterious and malevolent force that has dominated the land for centuries. Their kingdom is a twisted realm of darkness and shadow, where the undead roam free and the living are preyed upon.

At the heart of the kingdom lies the capital city, a sprawling metropolis of black stone and twisted spires. Here, the rulers of death reside in their dark palace, surrounded by legions of undead minions and dark magic.

The rulers themselves are powerful sorcerers who have mastered the arts of necromancy and dark magic. They are led by the feared and powerful Lich King, a master of the dark arts who has ruled the kingdom for centuries.

The Rulers of Death Kingdom are known for their brutal tactics and merciless rule. They seek to spread their darkness across the land, enslaving the living and adding to their undead hordes.

Despite their formidable power, the Rulers of Death Kingdom are not invincible. They have been opposed by brave heroes and rebels throughout history, who have sought to bring light and hope to the land.

Overall, the Rulers of Death Kingdom are a formidable and malevolent force, feared and respected by all who know of them. Their dark magic and undead minions make them a powerful enemy, but their ultimate goal of spreading darkness and death across the land makes them a threat that must be stopped.


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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)07/06/2024 07:10 am NAZARKIThe Republic FederationNAZARKI$579,836.000.000.00142.0039.0078.00357.0047.0031.0034.0090.00133.00
2)06/28/2024 07:30 pm NAZARKIMearachpovaNAZARKI$49,
3)06/20/2024 12:22 am NorwayempireNAZARKINorwayempire$454,213.000.0012.
4)06/12/2024 01:21 pm NAZARKIGorpNAZARKI$80,677.001,056.0013.0042.0011.000.001.0051.0034.

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