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Tanvahak Confederation

The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation is a nation led by Supreme chef Damian Jason Tanahak on the continent of North America. The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation's government is a Theocratic Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation favors far right wing policies. The official currency of The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation is the Canadian Dollar. At 61 days old, The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation is an established nation. The confederated land of Tanvahak Tanvahak Confederation has a population of 812,196 and a land area of 9,800.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 82.88. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Welcome to the Tanvahak Confederation, a nation where reverence for nature and a rich cultural heritage converge to create a unique and vibrant society.

In the heart of Tanvahak's ethos lies a profound respect for the elements that sustain life: air, birds, and bears. Known as Ushu, Aro, and Kalumm respectively, these elements symbolize equality, spirituality, and strength. They form the foundation upon which our society is built, guiding our collective ethos and shaping our national identity.

We are proud first nations of this land whom have fought to be a free land! Welcome to Tanvahak !

We see like birds, fight like bears, and live forever like air.

-Damian Jason Tanahak

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Tanvahak Confederation
Leader Name: Damian Jason Tanahak
Currency: Currency Image
Canadian Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: We are the Tanvahakans, the pioneering nation of this land. Unlike other nations, we have remained distinct, untouched by Americanization, preserving our unique culture and identity. Archaeological evidence suggests our origins date back to approximately 896 B.C. Since then, our nation has weathered challenges, battled barbarism, and forged its own political system rooted in freedom. Ours is not a rule of authority, but of common sense.

Throughout history, we have faced adversaries who sought our demise, yet we endure while they falter. Our spirituality, entwined with our religion, instills a profound respect for every individual and the natural world. Our neighbors, the pacifists, have always cherished us, reciprocating the affection we hold for them.

However, amidst the rapid urbanization of modern times, a rich history risks fading into obscurity. In 1897, our revered leader, Mahanika Tuwuki, led us through our fiercest conflict against the Hamazuki Nation, an Asian colony known as Comolia. Rising against their oppressive rule, Mahanika Tuwuki's rebellion marked a turning point, placing our nation on the global map. With valor and the aid of the Anice Empire, erstwhile foes of the Comolia, we emerged victorious. In gratitude, we aligned ourselves with the Anice Empire, joining their esteemed alliance, the Valorian Order.

We are the Tanvahakans

-Damian Jason Tanahak
Continent: North America
Land Area: 15,771.53 sq. km
Terrain: Welcome to Tanvahak, where every season tells a story of natural wonder. Nestled within the embrace of the Canadian Shield, our diverse landscapes and abundant forests offer a haven for both wildlife and adventurers alike.

In spring, witness the vibrant renewal of life as our forests burst with color and activity. Summer invites you to explore our pristine lakes and trails under the warm sun, while autumn paints a breathtaking canvas of fiery hues across our forests.

As winter descends, Tanvahak transforms into a serene winter wonderland, where snow-capped forests and frozen lakes beckon exploration. Whether you're marveling at the awakening of spring, basking in the summer sun, admiring the fall foliage, or embracing the tranquility of winter, Tanvahak promises an unforgettable journey through the seasons.
Highest Peak: Kitchik, 2,810 meters
Lowest Valley: Wapunahka, 150 meters
Climate: Tanvahak experiences a diverse climate, with distinct seasons that shape our landscape and lifestyle.

Summer brings mild temperatures, ideal for outdoor activities like hiking and fishing.

Autumn paints our forests with vibrant colors, creating a picturesque backdrop for leisurely strolls.

Winter blankets Tanvahak in snow, offering opportunities for winter sports like skiing and snowshoeing.

Spring brings renewal, as the landscape bursts with life once more.

No matter the season, Tanvahak's climate invites exploration and appreciation of the natural world.
People & Society
Population: 812,196 people
Demonym: Tanvahakan
Demonym Plural: Tanvahakans
Ethnic Groups: Tanvahakan - 92.0%
Anicians - 6.8%
Americanium - 2.2%
Languages: Tanahakwan - 99.0%
French - 63.2%
English - 40.0%
Religions: Spirituality - 91.1%
Atheism - 7.8%
Islam - 1.1%
Life Expectancy: 74 years
Obesity: 3%
Alcohol Users: 80.4%
Tobacco Users: 36.3%
Cannabis Users: 38.7%
Hard Drug Users: 12%
Description: Welcome to Tanvahak, where our economy thrives on a diverse array of industries, rooted in sustainability and innovation.

Our commitment to green energy is evident in the presence of wind power plants across our landscape, harnessing the natural power of the wind to generate clean, renewable electricity.

Additionally, our mining sector flourishes with abundant deposits of iron and steel ore, supporting the production of essential metal products for construction and manufacturing.

Tanvahak's economy is further bolstered by our rich natural resources, including timber, freshwater, and minerals, which drive various industries such as forestry, agriculture, and tourism.

Through responsible resource management and investment in green technologies, Tanvahak continues to build a thriving economy that benefits both our citizens and the environment.
Average Yearly Income: $207.55
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $295,815,945.00
GDP per Capita: $364.22
Gross National Income (GNI): $103,110,310.00
Industries: Enter the world of Tanvahak, where industry flourishes amidst the backdrop of our theocratic republic. Rooted in reverence for our spiritual heritage, our industrial journey is one of harmony between tradition and innovation.

From the verdant forests to the mineral-rich earth, Tanvahak's industries draw sustenance from our bountiful natural resources. Our traditional sectors, including forestry, agriculture, and fishing, serve as the bedrock of our economy, guided by principles of sustainability and stewardship.

Innovation is woven into the fabric of our industrial landscape, with advancements in renewable energy harnessing the power of wind and other natural elements. Meanwhile, our mining industry, fueled by rich deposits of iron and steel ore, propels the production of essential metals for construction and manufacturing.

Driven by a skilled workforce and a commitment to education, Tanvahak embraces progress while honoring our cultural heritage. Through responsible industry practices and a dedication to our spiritual values, we forge a path towards a prosperous and sustainable future for all.
History: In Tanvahak's storied history, we faced a formidable adversary in the form of the Hamazuki Nation, an Asian colony known as Comolia, which sought to annex our land and erase our cultural identity. In 1897, under the leadership of our revered leader, Mahanika Tuwuki, we found ourselves embroiled in our fiercest conflict yet.

Despite the overwhelming odds against us, our Fighting Bears Army displayed unparalleled resilience and courage, standing firm against the onslaught of the Comolian forces. In the face of adversity, our soldiers fought with unwavering determination, drawing strength from their deep connection to the land and the spirits that guide us.

Through valor and sacrifice, we emerged victorious, dealing a decisive blow to the aspirations of the Comolian aggressors. With the support of the Anice Empire, erstwhile foes of the Comolia, we turned the tide of battle and secured our independence.

The victory over Comolia stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Tanvahakan people and the resilience of our military forces. It is a reminder of our commitment to defend our homeland and preserve our cultural heritage against all who seek to extinguish it.

In Tanvahak, our military forces stand as guardians of our land, rooted in the traditions and spirituality of Canada's First Nations. Throughout history, Tanvahak's military has faced numerous challenges, defending our homeland against adversaries who sought our demise.

Despite the odds, our army has stood firm, winning 168 wars while courageously facing defeat in 19 conflicts. Our resilience and strength have earned us the distinction of being the last remaining First Nation, a testament to our unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit.

It is important to note that Tanvahak has never been the aggressor in war. Instead, we have always sought to defend ourselves and our way of life against external threats. Our military forces, including the Fighting Bears Army, Birds Operator Army, and The Anti-Air Navy, are not only skilled in combat but also in diplomacy, striving to resolve conflicts peacefully whenever possible.

As guardians of our land, Tanvahak's military forces are deeply connected to the natural world, drawing strength and inspiration from the land and its spirits. Through our commitment to peace, defense, and the preservation of our cultural heritage, Tanvahak's military continues to uphold the legacy of our ancestors, ensuring a future where our nation thrives in harmony with nature and spirituality.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/13/2024 04:43 am