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The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia is a nation led by Premier Guillan on the continent of South America. The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia's government is a Constitutional Republic with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia is the Platine. At 48 days old, The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia is an established nation. The Blessed Federal Republic of Aspaylia has a population of 646,411 and a land area of 10,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 64.64. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Political Information


Alliances: Currently Unalligned.

Trading: Free Market. May Trade with any Non-Embargoed Nation.

Military Stance: Defensive. Expect Heavy Resistance as much of the Economy will be spent on Military.


"From the Mountains to the Shiny Sea..."



A Nation of Ideals


      The nation of Aspaylia, or "Aspayle",  derived from the native name "Aspuyale" (Which Roughly means "Land on the Edge", probably owing to the fact that Aspaylia is a coastal country) was a colony, for most of its History, being ruled by an Imperialistic Nation far away. Over time, more settlers arrived, fleeing religious and political persecution after a period of bloody wars ravaging the Old World. The Aspaylian colonies flourished with the new influx of settlers, and prosperous trade with both their neighbours and their masters from Across the Sea. 

Eventually, resentment begun to grow amongst the people against their Colonizers, who ruled the country with an Iron Fist, and collected hefty taxes from the local population. After many failed attempts,  a revolt broke out across the many colonies, united in the name of a new Aspaylia, free from Colonial rule and free to forge its own destiny. The Imperialists decided that a war would be too costly, and accepted the demands of the revolutionaries. Thus was born the Federative Republic of Aspaylia.


Changing Tides


   After Industrialization took off, the rise of Communism across Orbis only stoked the fire of revolution higher and higher once again. Not willing to take the risk of a potential socialist victory, the government immediately took action, backed by the majority of the Population, and rooted out dissidents and "Political Threats", while at the same time beginning a series of reforms in order to appease the growing worker's movement. The government tried its best to keep the changes moderate, and managed to keep the country a free market. This, along with the fact that a vast majority of the country holds tight to conservative sentiments, means that Aspaylia stands as an all-round Traditionalist country.


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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Aspaylia
Leader Name: Guillan
Currency: Currency Image
National Animal: National Animal Image
Aspaylian Red Gecko
Continent: South America
Land Area: 16,093.40 sq. km
Highest Peak: Mt. Goliath, 9 meters
Lowest Valley: Red Gecko Valley, -47 meters
People & Society
Population: 646,411 people
Demonym: Aspaylen
Demonym Plural: Aspaylenne
Ethnic Groups: Whites - 79.4%
Blacks - 10.6%
Other Groups - 10.0%
Languages: Aspaylian - 82.4%
Maha - 4.0%
Other languages - 13.6%
Religions: Aspaylian Cult - 78.4%
Protestantism - 16.6%
Other religions - 5.0%
Life Expectancy: 75 years
Obesity: 14.5%
Alcohol Users: 76.4%
Tobacco Users: 30.5%
Cannabis Users: 6%
Hard Drug Users: 3%
Description: Aspaylia is a mixed economy making use of both free market and planned economical practices in order to maximize production and the people's standard of living. Although by no means socialist, the Aspaylians do give the worker's movements ample representation and attention, balancing the Populace's needs and the economic development of the Country. Aspaylia provides public services, but allows the Private industry to provide services to those willing to pay.
Average Yearly Income: $80.19
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $546,867,388.00
GDP per Capita: $846.00
Gross National Income (GNI): $356,143,275.00
Industries: The Republic's main export is Oil, extracted from the many underground reservoirs discovered beneath its soil by the end of the last century. Aspaylia also boasts a big internal market, trading mainly in food and imported products from across the world.
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 10
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/07/2024 05:36 pm