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The Commonwealth of Rutania

Achievement Showcase


The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania is a nation led by HM Queen Rowan II on the continent of Asia. The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania favors left wing policies. The official currency of The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania is the RUT. At 321 days old, The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania is an old nation. The Kingdom Of The Commonwealth of Rutania has a population of 1,293,569 and a land area of 12,850.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 100.67. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is plentiful with an approval rating of 81.0343%.

This link is to our forum page where all of our treaty's and legislation is put we also work with our country on other game platforms on our forum page if u would like to join please 

Create a account on the link below and become part of our government and bring peace to nations across the world 

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The nation does not hold democratic elections.


Worship of the official state religion is mandatory.


The special status of a royal family is enshrined in law.

No Dissent

Public protests are illegal.

Pledge of Allegiance

The daily singing of an anthem or reciting of a pledge is compulsory in schools.



Citizens are legally entitled to end their lives.


All Nations in The  NATORM can send one group , Or single artist  to perform to win the RutaniaVision Cup Paid for by HM Queen Rowan II Each nations has 15 Points the can give for each round the group/or person with the most points wins the Rutania Vision Cup and will meet HM Quenn Rowan II to receive the 1.0Million RUTS.

Compulsory Organ Harvesting

Citizens have no say in the medical use of their bodies after death.

No Zoos

Animals may not be kept in confinement.

Law & Order

Capital Punishment

Citizens may be executed for crimes.


A period of military service is compulsory for all citizens.



Private industry is permitted within a market-based economy.


Cannabis may be legally purchased.

Space Program

The nation runs a space program.


The state mandates the use of the metric system.


Weapons of Mass Destruction

The nation claims the legal right to use WMDs.

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Show rows starting at

Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)05/23/2024 01:36 pm The Commonwealth of RutaniaThe Commonwealth of Rutania$6,130,317.001,710.0033.0060.0060.000.0024.000.0070.000.0059.0040.00
2)05/23/2024 12:50 pm The Commonwealth of RutaniaSportugalThe Commonwealth of Rutania$1,144,942.00313.006.0010.0011.
3)05/23/2024 12:38 pm The Commonwealth of RutaniaGreat Plains ConfederacyThe Commonwealth of Rutania$7,556,181.002,039.0039.0071.0072.000.0028.000.0084.000.0070.0048.00
4)05/16/2024 01:07 pm The Commonwealth of Rutania$57,
5)05/14/2024 02:39 pm Pantheon BankThe Commonwealth of RutaniaDank Republic$10,000,,000.002,000.002,000.002,000.00
6)05/11/2024 04:03 am ShipnairThe Commonwealth of RutaniaShipnair$40,610.003,098.000.00120.000.000.0030.000.0038.
7)05/11/2024 04:02 am The Commonwealth of Rutania$100,634.004,007.000.0070.0096.000.000.0065.0036.009.002.0030.00
8)05/08/2024 06:45 pm Knights Templar BankThe Commonwealth of RutaniaBlueOrchid Empire$
9)05/08/2024 06:45 pm BlueOrchid EmpireThe Commonwealth of RutaniaBlueOrchid Empire$2,617,200.008,617.00235.00161.00129.0034.00102.0016.0085.0074.0064.00142.00
10)05/08/2024 12:26 am The Commonwealth of Rutania$42,
11)04/18/2024 03:54 pm The Mortals BankThe Commonwealth of RutaniaKingdom of The Immortal Fox$10,000,

Showing 0-15 of 11 Records