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Brynslen is a nation led by Dy Natdysev on the continent of Europe. Brynslen's government is a Republic with very authoritarian social policies. Economically, Brynslen favors moderate policies. The official currency of Brynslen is the Dollar. At 46 days old, Brynslen is an established nation. Brynslen has a population of 10 and a land area of 0.01 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 1,000.00. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Republic of Brynsland

Дй Республик вй Брйнслен


The Republic of Brynsland is a presidential republic on the continent of Arosea, and borders the Communist Republic of Nurusia/The Arosean Communist Union to the north, the Dunsland People’s Republic (DPR) to the east, the Democratic Republic of Hinsland to the south, and the Sea of Hysat to the west. It boasts a population of approximately 26,000,000, split across 6 states.

Map of Brynsland

Карту вй Брйнслен


Capital City: Tryske

Land Area: 760,473km2

Population: 26,432,000

Population Density: 34.8 People/km2

Basic Information

Громле Информатионун

President: Grigov Dysek (6th President) [PRO-DEM]

Official Languages: Brynsek

Unofficial Languages: Nurusian, Dunsak, Ureski (Aboriginal), Agnish (English)

Currency: Brynsek Saliru (BS1.7432 = $1VD)

GDP: BS755.1 Billion ($433.2VD Billion)

GDP per Capita: BS28,567 ($16,389VD)

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