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Kingdom of Centralia

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Kingdom of Centralia is a nation led by King Albert IX on the continent of Europe. Kingdom of Centralia's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very moderate social policies. Economically, Kingdom of Centralia favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Kingdom of Centralia is the Sovereign Pound. At 336 days old, Kingdom of Centralia is an old nation. Kingdom of Centralia has a population of 320,759 and a land area of 8,667.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 37.01. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Kingdom of Centralia
Leader Name: Albert IX
Currency: Currency Image
Sovereign Pound
National Animal: National Animal Image
Golden eagle
History: The kingdom of winsland was founded on the winter of 1257, the kingdom was for hundred of years consistent monarchy. The first ruler was King Rupert I, and there are a total of 35 monarchs who reigned over the kingdom.


Rupert I - 1257 -- 1284
Rupert II - 1284 -- 1294
Albert I - 1294 -- 1310
Albert II - 1310 -- 1322
Albert III - 1322 -- 1340
Oliver - 1340 -- 1354
Regina - 1354 -- 1370
Albert IV - 1370 -- 1410
Albert V - 1410 -- 1420
Aurea I - 1420 -- 1427
David I - 1427 -- 1436
David II - 1436 -- 1463
William - 1463 -- 1471
Albert VI - 1471 -- 1479
Albert VII - 1479 -- 1540
James I - 1540 -- 1560
Emily - 1560 -- 1614
George I - 1614 -- 1637
Joseph - 1637 -- 1725 (Second Longest Reigning Monarch in History) (88 years of reign)
Abert VIII - 1725 -- 1742
Elizabeth I - 1742 -- 1760
Elizabeth II - 1760 -- 1767
Rupert III - 1767 -- 1791
Aurea II - 1791 -- 1810
George II - 1810 -- 1820
Elizabeth III - 1820 -- 1835
Rupert IV - 1835 -- 1845
Elizabeth IV - 1845 -- 1942 (Longest Reigning Monarch in History) (97 years of reign)
Juliana - 1942 -- 1954
Scarlett I - 1954 -- 1969
Carl I - 1969 -- 1990
Carl II - 1990 -- 2001
Victoriana I - 2001 -- 2003 (Shortest Recorded Reigning Monarch)
Victoriana II - 2003 -- 2016
Albert IX - 2016 -- Present

Next in Line of Succession - Princess Scarlett (Future Scarlett II).
Continent: Europe
Land Area: 13,948.15 sq. km
Terrain: Winsland is 67.4% plains, 23.1% forest, 12.2% mountainy regions and 17.5% rural countryside.
Highest Peak: Mt. Victoria Valley, 7 meters
Lowest Valley: 1,435, -548 meters
Climate: Centralia's climate is like America's and all other European nations, we also have 4 different seasons per year. Spring, Autumn, Summer and Winter.
People & Society
Population: 320,759 people
Demonym: Centralian
Demonym Plural: Centralians
Ethnic Groups: Centralian - 78.7%
Neanderthal - 14.2%
Native Western Centralians - 7.1%
Languages: English - 64.8%
Centralian English - 15.4%
Valleysh - 7.2%
Religions: Catholicism | THCCOC - 84.7%
Christianity - 24.7%
Western Islam - 6.1%
Life Expectancy: 97 years
Obesity: 20.3%
Alcohol Users: 41.6%
Tobacco Users: 21%
Cannabis Users: 0%
Hard Drug Users: 10.2%
Description: This nation has a capitalist economy, in which the Royal Family consumes 45% of the collected tax and the rest percentage are distributed to the people.
Average Yearly Income: $53.79
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $124,238,659.00
GDP per Capita: $387.33
Gross National Income (GNI): $35,238,560.00
Industries: Major industries include Oil Production & Exportation, Tourism, Gold and Iron Production, Goods Production & Exportation, and last but not the least is arms & military weaponry production.
History: The RCAF | Royal Centralian Armed Forces was established in 1677 and currently holds..
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 05/01/2024 12:58 am