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Ashezion empire

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Ashezion empire is a nation led by Shogun Ezekiel Shiho on the continent of Asia. Ashezion empire's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Ashezion empire favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Ashezion empire is the Yen. At 363 days old, Ashezion empire is an old nation. Ashezion empire has a population of 611,047 and a land area of 2,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 305.52. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Ashezion Empire was led by a King, a king who brought the country out of darkness and into glory, coming from a small tribe called the Ash tribe, was born, a talented man, who led the tribe to become a nation and founded a kingdom with a holy sword called Zhion. The man founded a kingdom called the Ashezion empire which means the sword of the Ash people, The Tenno war was the turning point for the Ashezion empire, after almost losing to the Van kingdom, with only 20,000 men, Ashezion managed to defeat the Van kingdom which had 100,000 troops, after the victory of the Ashezion Empire in the Tenno war, the eastern alliance decided to attack Ashezion with more troops of 500,000 alliance troops marching towards Marrianate, thanks to the cunning of the seventh King and the blessing of God, the Ashezion troops managed to defeat the alliance troops on Mount Hanunji with heavy rain and terrible terrain, after victory in the Tenno war and victory in the Hanunji valley, Ashezion achieved glory and peace until the era of modernization. 

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