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Trutan Corporatist Hegemony

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Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is a nation led by High Administrator Leo Durkhiem on the continent of North America. Trutan Corporatist Hegemony's government is a Technocracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Trutan Corporatist Hegemony favors moderate policies. The official currency of Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is the Dollar. At 443 days old, Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is an ancient nation. Trutan Corporatist Hegemony has a population of 315,725 and a land area of 16,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 19.25. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Trutan Corporate Hegemony is a corporatist state that strives to grant prosperity to all its citizens while maintaining a healthy social order. The government consist of the Central Government, the government offices and legislative branches run by elected officials, "The Board", a collection of powerful corporations and interest groups that have a certain amount of political power and have been granted special rights and privileges by the central government, and the various unions and political groups that also have been granted several rights and political powers.


Recent News:

The Atlas Wars have finally come to a close. Our forces struck major blows against their military over the course of several campaigns, gaining the upper hand and forcing their leadership to the bargaining table. They have agreed to peace, and to give us small reparations for the war once their economy recovers.

In related news, Militech Inc has replaced Airialine co. as the nation's premier  PMC, and has won itself a seat on The Board. Militech received large government grants during the Atlas wars to make up for the nations lack of Armored columns and Navy, and went beyond expectations, creating a advantage over Atlas in both areas by the end of the war. Militech has since begun investing its profits from the war into the continued growth of the nation's armed forced and into improving the wellbeing of it's own workforce.

The National Mining Syndicate (N.M.S.) has began reopening mines that were forced to close during the war, and has sold off the stock that it accumulated during the Embargo. Their Lead Officer in Holedug has also recently announced plans to open a second mining outpost.

Despite panic during the Embargo, High Administrator Leo Durkheim recently stated that our food reserves are still high enough to last us several years. Our reliance on imported food have drawn many critics, especially as the Atlas Navy prevented imports during the war several time. the government has since given some small grants to the Trutan Farmer's Union, a non-Board entity, to help bolster domestic production. However, experts say that without much more investment we will remain a food importing region for now.

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Date Sender Receiver Banker Money Food Coal Oil Uranium Lead Iron Bauxite Gasoline Munitions Steel Aluminum
1)12/27/2024 04:32 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyTentaraTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$40,899.000.00182.
2)12/20/2024 10:40 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyBougainvilleTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$45,265.000.00185.
3)12/20/2024 12:24 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyUnited Skates CitiesTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$24,127.000.00211.
4)12/19/2024 04:12 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyRepublic of East AmericaTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.0077.
5)12/09/2024 01:34 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyAliberTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00196.
6)11/28/2024 04:03 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyPortuguese RepublicTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$70,000.000.00158.
7)11/27/2024 09:53 pm Trutan Corporatist Hegemonyunited iprovialTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$49,647.000.00179.
8)11/26/2024 02:49 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyStallwardTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00200.
9)11/23/2024 09:12 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyBasedTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00237.
10)11/18/2024 01:05 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyDurakiTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00219.
11)11/13/2024 04:44 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyDurakiTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00224.
12)11/08/2024 07:09 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonyGermaniazzTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$39,784.000.00229.
13)11/07/2024 05:30 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyThe Rising Empire of SeaTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$0.000.00177.
14)10/23/2024 08:14 pm Trutan Corporatist HegemonySwordlandTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$47,463.000.00188.
15)10/23/2024 11:15 am Trutan Corporatist HegemonyLand of MordorTrutan Corporatist Hegemony$35,002.000.00216.

Showing 0-15 of 145 Records