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Trutan Corporatist Hegemony

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Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is a nation led by High Administrator Leo Durkhiem on the continent of North America. Trutan Corporatist Hegemony's government is a Technocracy with very conservative social policies. Economically, Trutan Corporatist Hegemony favors moderate policies. The official currency of Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is the Dollar. At 442 days old, Trutan Corporatist Hegemony is an ancient nation. Trutan Corporatist Hegemony has a population of 315,690 and a land area of 16,400.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 19.25. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Trutan Corporate Hegemony is a corporatist state that strives to grant prosperity to all its citizens while maintaining a healthy social order. The government consist of the Central Government, the government offices and legislative branches run by elected officials, "The Board", a collection of powerful corporations and interest groups that have a certain amount of political power and have been granted special rights and privileges by the central government, and the various unions and political groups that also have been granted several rights and political powers.


Recent News:

The Atlas Wars have finally come to a close. Our forces struck major blows against their military over the course of several campaigns, gaining the upper hand and forcing their leadership to the bargaining table. They have agreed to peace, and to give us small reparations for the war once their economy recovers.

In related news, Militech Inc has replaced Airialine co. as the nation's premier  PMC, and has won itself a seat on The Board. Militech received large government grants during the Atlas wars to make up for the nations lack of Armored columns and Navy, and went beyond expectations, creating a advantage over Atlas in both areas by the end of the war. Militech has since begun investing its profits from the war into the continued growth of the nation's armed forced and into improving the wellbeing of it's own workforce.

The National Mining Syndicate (N.M.S.) has began reopening mines that were forced to close during the war, and has sold off the stock that it accumulated during the Embargo. Their Lead Officer in Holedug has also recently announced plans to open a second mining outpost.

Despite panic during the Embargo, High Administrator Leo Durkheim recently stated that our food reserves are still high enough to last us several years. Our reliance on imported food have drawn many critics, especially as the Atlas Navy prevented imports during the war several time. the government has since given some small grants to the Trutan Farmer's Union, a non-Board entity, to help bolster domestic production. However, experts say that without much more investment we will remain a food importing region for now.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Trutan Corporatist Hegemony
Leader Name: Leo Durkhiem
Nation ID: 584929
Founded: 12/08/2023 (442 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 09/25/2024
Discord Username:cerberusshield
Unique ID: faae841b46a79802953793c67
International Relations
Alliance: None
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 18
Denouncements: 0
Nation Page Visits: 3,601
Population: 315,690
Infrastructure: 2,328.91
Land Area: 16,400 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 19.25 people/sq. mi
GDP: $131,522,052.00
GDP per Capita: $416.62
GNI: $-217,736,005.00
Economic Policies: Moderate
Currency: Currency Image Dollar
Government Type: Technocracy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Conservative
State Religion: None None
National Animal: National Animal ImageTurtle
Approval Rating: 0% (-663.51)
Pollution Index: 96 points
Radiation Index: 636.31 R (Global: 613.46 R)
OBL Team: Drillers
Nation Score: More Information 1,097.22
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 17,969.37
Infrastructure Lost: 17,929.00
Money Looted: $213,232,267.20
Wars Won: 50
Wars Lost: 44

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

10 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
12/25 04:54 am - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Tentara for the reason of "This is just some corporate Tax if you don't mind ".
12/18 05:15 pm - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Bougainville for the reason of "Your defiance insults Bougainville’s honor.".
12/16 02:21 pm - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by United Skates Cities for the reason of "Nice Infra bro.".
12/15 07:00 am - Nathan B Clinton of Republic of East America has publicly commended the nation of Trutan Corporatist Hegemony.
12/15 06:55 am - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Republic of East America for the reason of "I hate you, which is why I declare martial law, and declare war on you ".
12/09 12:52 pm - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Portuguese Republic for the reason of "Sorry!".
12/07 11:02 am - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Aliber for the reason of "Say hello to my little friend!".
12/07 10:01 am - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by New Mortexia for the reason of "What the jonkler".
11/25 08:31 pm - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by united iprovial for the reason of "Your system is rigged against the people. We cannot stand by.".
11/25 01:18 pm - Trutan Corporatist Hegemony had war declared by Portuguese Republic for the reason of "Sorry!".
Trutan Industrialist -Trutan joins Atlas against Valoriana!

the Trutan Board has recently announced the full support toward Atlas against Valoriana

The Trutan Industrialist #1

Global war harms trade

Turnala Mining Outpost has been accepted as a official city

The High Assembly has recently moved to accept Turnala, previously know officially as mining outpost 2#, as a proper city in the Trutan Hegemony.

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
4 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Center for Civil Engineering
Center for Civil Engineering is a national project that increases knowledge about infrastructure. Infrastructure costs drop 5% in all cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.