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Islamic Kekistan

The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan is a nation led by Monarch Khatri on the continent of Asia. The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan's government is a Absolute Monarchy with very conservative social policies. Economically, The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan is the Kek coins. At 408 days old, The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan is an ancient nation. The Kingdom of Islamic Kekistan has a population of 1,023,799 and a land area of 21,075.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 48.58. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Nation of Kekistan is located in the Indian Subcontient. The majority ethnic group is the Punjabis with Iranians and Turks being the minority. The nation is bestowed with a hilly terrain but fortunately, blessed with plenty of resources. The official language of the nation is Punjabi. 


Kekistan was founded by Lord Khatri, it's current monarch. The nation was founded after a rebellion(Led by Lord Khatri) against the liberal regime of British India. Kekistan prides itself on it's religious values and the achievements of our Punjabi ancestors.


 Currently, Lord Khatri resides in the great "Sher da Kila" Castle which is the 9th largest castle in the world. It is located in the city, Khatri enclave. 


As of writing, Over 1,000,000(1 million) people refer to Kekistan as their home. As our nation expands in size, due to our rapidly expanding economy and military, this number is only going to skyrocket. 

National anthem:- 

God bless the Kekistan 

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Islamic Kekistan
Leader Name: Khatri
Currency: Currency Image
Kek coins
National Animal: National Animal Image
The Red Kek Bull
History: The Nation of Kekistan was established by Lord Khatri after gaining independence from Britain in 1927.

After WW1, Britain used Punjab as a source of free manpower whilst totally neglecting Punjabj economy. After British mismanagement triggered an episode of hyperinflation, unemployment and starvation, Lord Khatri, in 1923,established a force of 24,000 men "Aryan Liberation Front" which focused in the bad state of economy and mass migration of lower races(South and Central indians) from Rest of India.

A violent clash with police got the ALF declared as a terrorist organization. In 1925, this supposed "terrorist organization" led a mass rebellion attacking British loyalists and taking control of all institutions. British forces were subsequently, thrown out of Punjab

By early, 1926, entire Punjab was under ALF. Britain couldn't accept it and sent a force of 200,000 men to reconquer Punjab. After a brutal 10 months of fighting, Lord Khatri stood victorious. Islamic Kekistan was established on 29th March, 1927.

Subsequently, all Non Punjabis form India were forced to leave and migrate back to India.

Motivated by Lord Khatri, several other rebellions occurred in North India against British which led to Balkanization of North India into 42 countries.south India remains under british control till date.

As the leader of this nation, Lord Khatri hopes to unite all Aryan people under Islam as the nation of Islamic Kekistan.

God bless the Kekistan and its glorious history
Continent: Asia
Land Area: 33,916.84 sq. km
Terrain: Most of the Islamic Kekistan is plains. A significant portion of the land, however is hills. All the region is fit for habitation and supports a rather high, population. Most cities lie in plains however, some are established in hills.

There are 5 originate in this nation making the land fertile and fit for civilization. However, the nation doesn't have a sea port which makes trade harder. One of the major goals pf national policy is to expand closer to a shore
Highest Peak: Rupnagar hills, 1,061 meters
Lowest Valley: N/A, 0 meters
Climate: The climate of Islamic Kekistan is relatively warm. However the hilly regions are colder. Average temperature ranges from 20*C to 32*C. In certain colder places, snow can be seen but not often. Here, temperature do drop negative

The Nation does see plenty of rain.
People & Society
Population: 1,023,799 people
Demonym: Kekistani
Demonym Plural: Kekistanis
Ethnic Groups: Punjabi - 86.0%
Iranian - 13.3%
Turks - 0.7%
Languages: Punjabi - 93.0%
Farsi - 11.0%
English - 8.0%
Religions: Islam - 94.0%
Christianity - 4.0%
Paganism - 1.8%
Life Expectancy: 77 years
Obesity: 2.8%
Alcohol Users: 0.7%
Tobacco Users: 21.7%
Cannabis Users: 0.9%
Hard Drug Users: 0.1%
Average Yearly Income: $87.33
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $1,021,863,185.00
GDP per Capita: $998.11
Gross National Income (GNI): $532,267,455.00
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 07/03/2023 03:59 pm