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The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri is a nation led by Sun Dragon Emperor Wu Sassikastomo on the continent of Asia. The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri's government is a Constitutional Monarchy with very liberal social policies. Economically, The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri favors far left wing policies. The official currency of The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri is the Yariliajn. At 509 days old, The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri is an ancient nation. The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri has a population of 492,873 and a land area of 21,920.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 22.49. Pollution in the nation is noticeable. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.


Jangurupureri is a semi-progressivist & semi-traditional, Constitutional & Parliamentary Monarchist Democracy with severe Internationalism. It means that a coalition of parties and the dynasty has over the Sassiakastomo Mandates, but the coalition has more control over it than the dynasty does, and as such, the Sun Dragon Emperor must act upon what is best for the nation, following both the Rules of Individuality & Morality, and what the Mandates allow and don't allow. As such, there is a dynasty, a parliament, and branches of government within the nation of Jangurupureri. This is why it is considered a Union of Monarchist Republics, rather than a Monarchist Republic itself.

It also means that Jangurupureri is very open towards improving relations and getting to know more nations while still being it's own movement.

It also means that culture is revolved around progressive ideas, and progressive ideas are centered around culture, meaning that both are implemented within daily Janguresian life. Progressivism in Jangurupureri means, "To reshape our society to be more inclusive, be less corrupt, and improve living standards and opportunities for all. This includes the inclusion of cultural ideas that fit with progressive human rights standards. Any ideas that involve the harm of people (who are still alive) are not permitted; however, said culture can continue practicing all other ideas in the culture."

If you are still not sure as to what it means to have culture be shaped by progressive ideas and progressive ideas be shaped by culture, here is what we mean:

Things in some cultures that could be harmful to others, such as cannibalism, aren't allowed, but all other practices are ok, while things that don't allow for the showing of culture, identity, or individuality, aren't practiced or permitted, but all other practices are ok.


For those of you who wish to declare war with us:

For those who wish to raid our region, just note that you could just message me for some materials that you want, and I'll see what I can do. It's because I would much rather have it where we both get what we want without it costing us a lot more than just money.

Like, if you want something, just ask for it.

(Also, for those who use scrolling through a page as a means to declare war, you could just use different means of scrolling, or you could just message me ways of reducing the amount of my page. If scrolling through my page is enough to get you upset, why not do something about it peacefully? We have the ability to communicate for a reason, you know.)

(Basically, anything that you want to do regarding war, just message me so we can come up with a way to help each other out, instead of spend so much money and time trying to do something that'll likely be worse off for both of us in the end.)

(Thanks! - Wu Sassikastomo of the Janguresian Regional Council of the Union of India!)


New Website Dropped!



The United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri was established in November of 2085, after gaining independence from Nepal. The reason we are called the United Monarchist Republics is because we are like the Holy Roman Empire, but much smaller. Jangurupureri was founded with the help of 3 different political parties and the unification of those parties by Wu Sassikastomo. The reason you may see the political parties represented everywhere in our nation is because the political parties sparked hope in a better future in people in the area of modern-day Jangurupureri. All of the political parties were each founded by the three majority groups, and each of those three majority groups had joined these political parties. There would've been a Nepalese Civil War, had it not been for our founding Sun Dragon Emperor.
He unified the parties to solve the conflict regarding independence diplomatically and peacefully. Eventually, in 2085, due to the Suez Canal Crisis, a Trade Block from both China and India, and much more, Nepal had to release the land we now call home, in fear of the rest of the country collapsing, thus causing the birth of Jangurupureri.

Lil' Easter Egg I found. Happy Easter!




Proud Member of the Union of India & Creator of the Union of India Flag



Official Pledge Of Allegiance:

First Verse;

I, and others, pledge allegiance to the Grand Monarchist Republics,

 For which they shall all prosper; 

Government, community, and individual.

To which all shall be able to have grand amounts of opportunities.

To allow others to express what they've learned and what they've inherited. 

For the mother of nature, the grand symbol of our nation,

 Protects our rights to express ourselves through our culture, and through our voices.

Second Verse;

All shall protect all identities; friend or foe, we shall allow all to express themselves.

We fight the good fight for all freedoms, all cultures, all identities, and all human rights. 

As long as sun and moon existence, 

We shall rise beyond the stars, united in conflict, united in peace, fighting for peace around the world, prosperity, and for the betterment of individual and community rights.



Jangurupureri is not part of one alliance, rather two alliances.


  Order Of The White Lotus (Minister Of Foreign Affairs) 

I'll handle the foreign affairs of anything going on within the Order, and as such, I'll try to handle great discourse with a severely democratic way of diplomacy, where I'll let both parties give evidence and discuss themselves, and such.






The Global Watch (Fellow Member) 

WARNING: This flag is unofficial! Please do not assume that this is the true Global Watch Flag!

This flag is merely a temporary flag until we find the actual Global Watch flag!



Orbis Peace Organization (Spiritual Member)

this is because while I'll like to be part of the Orbis Peace Organization, because of my Secreterial job in the Order Of The White Lotus.

Not only this, but I'll help any Orbis Peace Organization member regarding wars and such if my interception is required; however, I'll not do so unless discussed with fellow White Lotus members.

I'll also advocate for things regarding the Orbis Peace Organization unless whatever the Orbis Peace Organization is discussing about has some negative tension with the White Lotus alliance.


The Aequitas International (Spiritual Member)

this is because while I was part of the Aequitas International, and that I would still love to be a part of said alliance, because of my Secreterial job in the Order Of The White Lotus, it makes it more difficult to do so.

 I'll still try to help any Aequitas International member regarding wars and such if my interception is required; however, I'll not do so unless discussed with fellow White Lotus members.

I'll also advocate for things regarding the Aequitas International unless whatever the Aequitas International is discussing about has some negative tension with the White Lotus alliance.

JANGURESIAN COUNTRYBALL, in case if anyone was wondering.

















Unofficial Things

Things that were created and posted on the Official Janguresian Government Website by the Official Janguresian Government, but aren't necessarily diplomatic matters.



The first ever city anthem in which we have given our citizens was in St. Shangri-La. It was presented to us by Minister Romanov, who had a knack for his home-country's media and culture. As of right now, there is only one city anthem in the entire nation.

The Saint's Grand Galor - City Anthem of St. Shangri-La (Andrey Petrov's I Step Through Moscow)

This change was documented by the nation's first ever news press organization, called Artwork Imperial, which is ran by local aristocrat and documenter, Reporter Zhrau Shauan. For More Info about this adaption in the storyline of Jangurupureri, click here.


Due to conflicts with some of our neighboring nations, we've decided to elect a miliarial marching song for our Royal Goat Army Fleet.

The Striking Shanyang's Might: Beiyang Fleet March Song/Celebration Parade Song

Unofficial (Meme) Anthem:

The National Coat Of Arms 

(Situations Used In: both Militarial and Governmental Situations) 

(Name of Arms: The Horned Ribbons of Culture, Arms Variant):

This arms variant is the modern coat of arms, and the reason why is due to a Parlimentary vote in November of 2086 that had a 79% approval rating. The vote was whether to change the coat of arms or leave it the way it was. These are the more modern coat of arms, and are used at a more national level as the writing on the ribbons say:

"Ye Goats of the Earth, May the beauty and pride of our great culture live as long as the sun and the moon live."

As a result of the severe amounts of cultural identity protection that the government practices, it only seemed right that a ribbon that literally says something about protecting cultural identity to the best of their ability would make sense.

Not only this, but our military as also considered as "The Goats, " because of the protection of the beauty and pride of the cultures of Jangurupureri.



Shanyanguru (Fleeting Goat's Unity In Strife Flag/Army, United In Arms) (Jangurupureri's Current War Flag) :


Koiga-neila-Te'-bhutra (The Golden Swords Of The Himalayan Hurricanes) (Janguresian Regiment Flag):




Kingdom of Serenaigasia's Azuaigaazmua Faolraigaim & Sassiakastomo Dynasty's "Raiganesi's Golden Six" Flag:

Abbreviation: (KoSG)

  In Raiganesian culture, Six is of grand importance, as six represents the Six Sun Spirits, who bring great harvests and wealth in response to the Raiganesian people treating the earth well, let the blood of the Earth grow in the grounds they tend, and sharing your tended foods with others who respect their home, the Earth. As such, this is often why they are so down to Earth. They are by far the most agricultural people's group that lived in Jangurupureri, and they are also quite strict folks. They especially do not like it if you waste their hard-earned food, barely even taking any bites or even spilling the food on the ground, and will even kick you out of their home if it happens. They won't get angry about that so long as you help them tend the foods the way that they treat the grounds: with love, care, patience, and understanding.

This flag is a cultural iconic for the many folks who live in the kingdom, as it is the capital kingdom in the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri. It is ran by, you guessed it, Azuaigaazmua Faolraigaim & Wu Sassiakastomo. The reason why Wu doesn't control this entire kingdom is because he is the national emperor of the United Monarchist Republics, not an emperor of a singular monarchist republic. The Kingdom of Serenaigasia is a monarchist republic, and as such, displays many things of the emperor's sort. 

For starters, there is the Tibetan patterns on the left, with the Bengali pattern corner. Seperating the Tibetan side from the Raiganesians' side is the Glaibamgai, or the Three-Pointed Torch of Society. It contains a crescent, a 6-pointed star, and the Bengali Swastikaa. There are also 10 stars in this area, and they represent the One the Raiganesians side, there lies the Arialayogaimal, or the Kingdom's Six Sun Spirits of Society, hence why 6 is often represented on this flag. Underneath is the book of Druk, a well-known Bhutanese symbol, and it shows one orange side, which represents the Buddhist Kingdom, and another that represents growth through understanding and care. The 5 Horizontal banners represent 5 of the 6 Sun Spirits, and their courage and great growth of abundances of food, while the 6th banner is Vertical, and represents Tayilihaman, or The Son Of Fragaria, Bringer of Pran. The red represents the garden strawberries that grow in the Himalayas, and the green part of the banner represents the touch of life he brings about in the world. In short, he's farmer Jesus.

Both the local emperor, Azuaigaazmua Faolraigaim, and the Sassiakastomo Dynasty own this kingdom, as it is the capital kingdom and home of the Palace of The Sun Dragon, where the Sassiakastomo Dynasty currently resides in. It is also technically a theocracy, in the sense that the only place in the nation where the religious leader has any power is in the capital.


The Islamic Kingdom Of Sadur-Abhidia's "Islamia" Flag:

The Islamic Kingdom of Sadur-Abhidia is an semi-centrist Islamic Monarchist Republic that was founded by Gokhan Qiamkhani for the independence of the city-state dominion under the Janguresian banner. This was because of a war that had just happened regarding Dreamistan and Zullimanistan, and the fear from the Zulli people within the Janguresian borders, especially since an incident happened where Dreamistan was going to declare war on Jangurupureri over the previous land claims stated on the map.

This is also because the Islamic Kingdom felt like it's representative of both Zullimanistan and Jangurupureri, and as such, the Islamic Kingdom decided to use something that represents their Zulli people while representing the nation that they reside in.


Kingdom of Yausoli-Deyilisi-Bahhani's "The Nebbahuut's Kingdom" Flag:

Abbreviation: (KoYDB)

Yes, that is right, the flag is called the Nebbahuut's Kingdom, and this primarily because much of the Nebbahuutense population originated or lives in this area. This area was the place where Nepal and Bhutan were closest. When Jangurupureri took over both of them and Western Bengal, this now meant that both populations could come together under one banner. As a result of this, they eventually started to mingle in that area, creating a new populous of people. They declared independence from another kingdom within Jangurupureri, and officially became the Kingdom of Yausoli-Deyilisi-Bahhani, or the Kingdom Built By Blood, Trust, and Inclusion of the two populations into a unified culture.

The KoYDB is a Communitaristic Monarchist Republic, with a government similar to that of Switzerland's government.

Elements of the Bhutanese and Nepalese flag can be seen quite a bit across the flag. Just think about it as kind of a union jack flag.

Its ruler is Emperor Kahalzi Misshikagoa.


The Noocratic Kingdom of Westelia-Bengalia's "Janguinyda Columbia." Flag. (NKoWB)


The flag of the Noocratic Kingdom is a state, located in Central and Southern West Bengal. It was given it's freedom in the purchase of Western Bengal. The Parliament had heard the cries of people who had troubles with the way that the original Indian Government had been handling their train crisis, and as a result, they were given their own local government, which is a government that takes in people, like Philosophers, Scholars, and people who are educated on problems like this. The Noocratic Kingdom is also the largest kingdom, essentially having more than the lands of Western Bengal. This is the first kingdom to have a local government seperate from the main government's governing policies, and this is because the Westelia-Bengalian Noocracy is an experiment of government; however, the Noocracy isn't your regular Noocracy. 

It's government is actually a Noocratic & Theocratic Parliamentary Monarchist Democracy, Where philsophers are chosen by the people, and the National and Local Parliament, and the philsopher and the National and Local Parliament must abide to the Janguresian Mandates, regardless on what the philsophers or what the local Parliament say, unless changed by a vote by the people. It is also ran by three popes, specifically a Buddhist pope, a Christian pope, and a Confucianist pope. They are considered the Holy Trio, as they are the representatives of the Noocratic Theocracy.

 The move was created by the first Noocratic Philsopher in Jangurupureri, Abbrealiostuv Yuagglaimoti. 

Abbrealiostuv had thought that if something like this were to be practiced, the national government must also take in part with the Noocracy to assure that democracy will prevail within the Noocracy. Abbrealiostuv has also made it a policy to promote the arts and studies of the mind in schooling. Much of the architectural choices are also very reminiscent of Bangladeshi, French-Canadian & Medieval Indian architectural designs. Due to the fact that these folks study the mind and arts better than most folks do, people like Barais Vei come here to express their artistic choices, teachings, and culture. This is has led some of the Janguresian Folk who've moved from Canada to call it the Birthchild of British Columbia and Quebec in Asia, especially since this population understands French quite a bit in comparison to the rest of the nation, and this is due to the fact that the Noocracy is the only kingdom to have direct Sea Access. This means that both the local and national governments must work together, and this requires a high level of education and diplomacy to accomplish tasks like trade. The local government heard about this, and held a vote regarding this, and much of the population believes that it is such the case that the NKoWB is like the birth-child of BC and Quebec in Asia. As such, they designed this flag, which was designed just to look like the British Columbia flag, but with the colors of Jangurupureri and India.

It's also the only official completely rectangular flag of any realm within Jangurupureri as of October, 2086.

Edifice Of The Glorious And Wise:

a palace made for his majesty of the philosophical parliament of Westelia Bengalia. Truly an architectural masterpiece:




Kingdoms or places that no longer exist as a part of Jangurupureri, officially or otherwise.

Listed under gray letters.

The People's Kingdom Of Old Bhutania's "Glory To The People's Monarchist Republic" Flag:

Possibly one of the most controversial Monarchist Republic ever in Janguresian History, the People's Kingdom of Old Bhutania was a monarchist republic that consisted of much of the old Bhutan's borders and then some. The Monarchist Republic of Bhutan was originally a socialist democracy; however, they've been pushing for more authoritarian and communist reforms in the kingdom, and this partially because of influence from the Empire Of Tibet. Old Bhutania wanted to join the Empire of Tibet; however, Jangurupureri doesn't want them to join the Tibetan Empire due to the fact that Bhutan contains valuable materials, and due to the fact that there is no official emperor for the People's Kingdom of Old Bhutania. 

An illegal position was originally taken by Taorajj Kaggiamaha, who was originally thought of as the person who orchestrated the Burning Storm of the Sun Dragon's Square on that night long ago. Because of the illegal occuptation of this area by Sir Taorajj, Jangurupureri was  trying to find ways into Old Bhutania. 

Old Bhutania orignally kind of considers itself more of it's own nation; however, it's no longer recognized as part of Jangurupureri as was explained in an article by the Chittagong.

Old Bhutania was controversial for numerous reasons, and because the Kingdom had gotten into a war with the neighboring kingdom of the Nebbahuutenese people over a disputed area. In this war, at least more than 500 people were killed, causing severe backlash against this kingdom within the nation. The Chittagong and Jangurupureri agreed to allow the occuptation of all of West Bengal, where much of the kingdom of Westelia-Bengalia went on, and the Chittagong also got back Old Bhutania. Taorajj's party has been expelled and has been dealt with by the Chittagong State.

Old Bhutania was considered an Totalitarian Extreme Pro-Communist Monarchist Republic, but fear not, for Old Bhutania is no more.

First Variant:



Second Variant:


They've also originally made this their theme illegally, sparking even more controversy, especially in the Janguresian Filipino community; however, this is not the case anymore as Old Bhutania is old news.

Old Bhutania is also a no-go zone for people who are travelling to Jangurupureri.


Disputed Areas Flags:

These are the most controversial thing included on this page for many Janguresians, as these areas are not owned by any official government due to the fact that at least 2 kingdoms want to own the lands, but only one can officially own the lands, and as such, zone flags were made to alarm many Janguresians to stay away from these lands.

The Former Nebba-Bhutania Disputed Lands Flag:

This article is old, but will not be discarded as it is a reference to Janguresian history.

This dispute orignally regarded both The Kingdom of Old Bhutania and The Kingdom of Yausoli-Deyilisi-Bahhani; however, the people of this area wanted to become their own kingdom. As such, we originally used the flag that they waved around to say not to go towards that area, at least not after political disputes about the lands have been settled.

The area was under severe disputes as the people there want to become their own monarchist republic because they feel that they're capable of being able to run themselves, and the neighboring monarchist republics want the kingdom for it's severe amount of resources, such as trees, food, and gold, and because parts of the Nebbahuutense population live there, and because the Nebbahuutense population is essentially mixed Bhutanese and Nepalese people, both monarchist republics feel like the lands belong to them. Wu Sassikastomo was able to solve this situation kind-of peacefully. After spillover of the Tibetan Civil War, this land was also taken by the Chittagong as an agreement that Jangurupureri and the Chittagong had regarding the lands.




St. Itihas Vol Kowida's Barais LeCaon Vei's "Stripes Of Peace" Flag:

  This flag uses the Zairlatainyag writing system, a writing system developed by the ethnic groups that fought for Janguresian Independence.

In case if you are confused, St. Itihas Vol Kowida was formerly St. Shangri-La, but was renamed due to a major redesign of the city. Itihas in Hindi means History, while Vol Kowida means in Lazaygano as "Of Great Opportunities." In the context of this city, this means that now the name of the city is "the city of Great Opportunities, in old & new (history)."

The 3 characters on the far left mean (From Top To Bottom), Rising Sun, Home Of The Sun Dragon, and The Two Shining Moons. Much like the Nepalese flag, the 2 moons and the rising sun represent hope that the strength and prosperity of the nation and the city of St. Itihas Vol Kowida stay strong as long as the Sun and Moon Does. The 5 point stars and the 13 point star at the end of each triangle represent lineage and tradition, and unity through culture. The frame of the flag represents the lavish architecture and culture of the city, and the white represents the hope of peace and community.

The dragon, surrounding the sun, represents the Sun Dragon, whose place in the majority group of religion in the nation, always seeks ambition and the bravery, courage, and sacrifice to gleam as much as the burning sun.

The flower stars above and below the Sun Dragon symbolize the growth, boldness, and courage to being the capital state and city of the country.



St. Viljoenshoffra-Lai's Christrov Vasandro Vollentainkov'

"South Kirichelles" Flag:

  This is the flag created by the South Africa, Kiribati, and Seychelles communities of St. Viljoenshoffra-Lai. They are the major groups of the city and county. To the west of the flag, shows a variation of the South Africa flag. It represents not only the ethnic South Africa community, but it represents why they came to Jangurupureri: to have more ethnic and cultural recognition. The Seychelles colors are in the middle of this flag, and they appear to be coming out of South Africa as Seychelles did follow where the ethnic South African community was going after assuming that they were going to Jangurupureri for better economic opportunities and variety. The Kiribati part at the end not only represents the ethnic Kiribati community, but also represents the wishes that the St. Viljoenshoffra-Lai's Kiribati community's ancestors had when coming there: better opportunities for all, and wanting it to last as long as the sun keeps revolving around the world. 

 The reason why Christrov Vasandro Vollentainkov is taking credit for this flag is because he was the one who had proposed the flag, after studying the history of how the majority groups of St. Viljoenshoffra-Lai got to where they are today, and found out that South Africans came to the country first, in the city's modern area, founded the city, and the Seychelles population followed them to this city and resided in it. The Kiribati community came at last, with their sense of leadership and trust in the city, they all helped build up the city to what it is today.



St. Kalipo' Koko's "Paradise City" Flag:


 It consists of two banners, one to represent the ethnic populations of the area, and another to represent it’s government(s). 

The top banner represents the ethnic populations by using each ethnic populations flag, starting with Japan, as they are the sun in the middle. Then it’s my g’old home country, Australia! After one of the best countries in the world is the color of the Burmanese population, then there is the 4th color, to represent the Hawaiians. A nod to the Altantic Islanders is also made with the water portion of the flag.


Now, what I find interesting about this city is the fact that St. Kalipo' Koko is almost kind-of the reversed version of Pearl Harbor. This is because St. Kalipo' Koko is a city that was CREATED in part because of war, specifically a period of time known as the Johnston period, instead of getting nearly DESTROYED. This is primarily the reason why St. Kalipo' Koko has a lot of militarial influence, as it is a city quite literally made as a military base; however, eventually, people started hearing about St. Kalipo' Koko, including myself, and we figured it was like the Janguresian version of Hawaii, except there's cheaper housing. In a way, it kind of is as we get sights of a large body of water from here. Mapang Yongcuo is that large body of water. It was made near this large body of water as St. Kalipo' Koko's position near this body of water and the Himalayas not only made it less visible, but also significally reduced the probability of anyone being able to get to St. Kalipo' Koko on the ground, which is why it's also SUPER INFURIATING TO GET TO! St. Kalipo' Koko is especially hard to travel through, sometimes, because St. Kalipo' Koko recently established a canal system that goes out into different parts of the city, which means certain parts of the city are only accessible by canal for one reason or another.

Picture of St. Kalipo' Koko's Parliamentary Building.


Either way, though, I'mma glad that the city exists. It's a really beautiful city as it's quite an expensive-looking city, and it's community is (in my opinion) the most welcoming community I've ever come to face with my lifetime! It's also a glamarous city, even with it's politics.


Also, for those that need a proper pronunciation for St. Kalipo' Koko, the locals here call it

Locals: Kal-Po' Koko Seii-jin.

Janguresian Officials call the city

JPO: Kal-Po Koko.

Foreigners call the city:

Saint Kalipa-Koca.

To put it simply, the I in Saint Kalipo' Koko is silent, so pronounce it silent when referring to the city. 

The Bottom Banner consists of two flags, the flag of Jangurupureri, to represent the Janguresian Parliament and Government, and the flag of St. Kalipo’ Koko’s home kingdom.

Some of the openers that you'll hear when visiting my home city is:

A. "Usiku labwino mawa abwino kumeneko!"

B. "Hawaii? Nah, aia ʻoe i St. Kalipo Koko, e kuʻu hoa! ʻAʻole hiki iā ʻoe ke leʻaleʻa i nā wai daimana, akā he paradaiso nō kēia!"

B2."Hawaii? Nah, muli ku St. Kalipo Koko, mzanga! Mwina simungathe kusangalala ndi madzi a diamondi, koma akadali paradaiso pano!"

C. "Dzikonzekereni nokha! Mphepo yamkuntho ikubwera, ndipo ndi gehena imodzi ya mkuntho wamchenga motsimikiza!"

Yea, so we also have a bit of a Sandstorm problem. Since St. Kalipo Koko is the city that borders the Gobi Desert the most, you can sometimes see real gigantic sand storms, where they often look like waves of red sand. This is why when you are visiting here, take note of the Mask, Goggle, and Scarf businesses here. If you see them jam-packed, then you should take cover, because that means a sandstorm may be coming tomorrow or even on that day! Despite the sandstorms, St. Kalipo Koko is a great place to live!

In fact, St. Kalipo Koko is the only other city who has a song that's associated with them in some kind of way, just listen to this!

NOTE: There is no official theme for St. Kalipo' Koko; however, considering recent politics over in St. Kalipo' Koko, we find this song to be most appropriate.


Chapter 2: Bosnia & Herzegovina 2: Janguresian Style.

This place is essentially Bosnia & Herzegovina 2, with it’s severely large Bosnian population, its severely Bosnian-looking buildings, and such, It’s no wonder why this place has a similar name to the second name of the nation. It’s St. Haarapettzia! This is one of the few majorly Christian places in the nation, as much of its population practices some level of Christianity, as well as most infrastructure really representing Christian culture. It’s essentially Little Bosnia! The reason why this city was made was also the same reason for St. Kalipo’ Koko, where during the Johnston period, it was created to help increase military support for Jangurupureri; however, unlike St. Kalipo’ Koko, it was made in a less strategic place, meaning that many land mines were placed in the instance that any ground support against the city would likely not make it to get to the other side. Like Bosnia, the government of the holder of the city is also attempting to clear all the Land Mines; however, it’s not the easiest task, nor is it as difficult as Bosnia’s task of handling their own land mines; however, it is an amazing sight to behold if you live there.

Picture of a wheat town in St. Haarapettzia.


St. Haarapettzia isn't a bad city if you're looking for a taste of the Balkans in Jangurupureri, since it has very picturesque neighborhoods, but let me tell you, folks, the people there can be a handful. Because so much of this town revolves around religious practices, and because much of the Bosnian people here are orthodox people, much of the controversy and way that people in this town are make'n friends are about orthodox christanity. For instance, here's some sentence starters you may hear when arriving to this town:


A. "Koje si ti vjere, momče? Slavite li Isusa Krista?"


C. "Prijatelju, prijatelju, ako ne slaviš pravoslavno hrišćanstvo, bukvalno ću te naći u snu i lično ću te odbaciti na Himalaje."


Because of their severally Orthodox Christian ways, many in Jangurupureri believe that area of Bosnia was a very Christian country, but this is not so, in fact, there are more Islamic people in Bosnia than even in Sadur-Abhi, a very religious monarchist republic that was formed with Zullimanistan! I couldn't believe it either. How did this come to be? Well, simple, you see, there were rumors that spread about that said that the area where St. Kalipo Koko was near the geographical point where Heaven is said to be perched. As such, this rumor eventually spread in secret, particularly in a very controversial part of Europe, the Balkans. Because of this, many Orthodox Christians rushed to meet their god; however, due to the height of the Himalayas, these same people set up settlement in the area you see in that image. When the Johnston Period happened, Jangurupureri decided to militarize the area to allow for a better strategic location; however, it turned out that it's so high and cloudy that it could only be used for emergencies, when the security of the nation was severely compromised. Because of this level of safety, and because it was perched up to near where it was said to be near the geographic point of Heaven, it was decided that after the Johnston period, they would make this into a town, for the betterment and security of culture in the nation.

Anyways, if you're looking for a song to represent this city, this is the closest thing you'll find to the city anthem. People in this city blare it all the god-damn time!  It's a all-dayer type of earrape! I understand that these people are proud to be Bosnian, but you don't have to r@$! our ears to show that you're proud of your ethnicity!

They really do take that rumor to heart, as their flag is literally just about that rumor that the St. Kalipo Koko mayor started that one time. Look at this flag!

It literally represents one thing, and one thing only: "OH LOOK GUYS, IT'S THE GEOGRAPHICAL POINT WHERE IT'S SAID THAT HEAVEN RESIDES IN! LOOK LOOK!" It's whole purpose is to tell everyone in the world that the city is literally the closest thing to heaven, when that may not even be TRUE!








Basic Information
Nation Name: Jangurupureri
Leader Name: Wu Sassikastomo
Nation ID: 528490
Founded: 03/05/2023 (509 Days Old)
Last Activity: Last active on 02/12/2024
Forum Account:Click Here
Discord Username:The Guys From Cape Florence#2536
Unique ID: d579fc689bd6a508aecc819cd
International Relations
Alliance: The High Table Alliance Flag
Alliance Seniority:146 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Gray Inactive Group
Commendations: 67
Denouncements: 3
Nation Page Visits: 8,083
Population: 492,873
Infrastructure: 3,618.28
Land Area: 21,920 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 22.49 people/sq. mi
GDP: $1,030,324,365.00
GDP per Capita: $2,090.44
GNI: $492,310,540.00
Economic Policies: Far Left
Currency: Currency Image Yariliajn
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Imperialism Imperialism Icon
Social Policies: Liberal
State Religion: Bi-Lunair Uham, Mesigar-Rajji Bi-Lunair Uham, Mesigar-Rajji
National Animal: National Animal ImageHimalayan Tahr
Approval Rating: 0% (-453.03)
Pollution Index: 377 points
Radiation Index: 89.67 R (Global: 78.99 R)
OBL Team: Sun Dragons
Nation Score: More Information 1,345.46
War Policy: Help Pirate Pirate Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 23,978.55
Infrastructure Lost: 26,127.00
Money Looted: $96,557,934.67
Wars Won: 78
Wars Lost: 50

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

12 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
05/10 02:34 pm - Jangurupureri had war declared by Interitus for the reason of "Arrgh!".
05/08 04:23 pm - Jangurupureri had war declared by Big day for the reason of "Gib me all ur moneyz".
04/29 02:54 pm - Jangurupureri had war declared by Alta Republica Brasileira for the reason of "Arrgh!".
04/29 12:34 pm - Jangurupureri had war declared by Britannica for the reason of "Why the hell is your description so long it took me forever to reach the bottom".
04/28 09:09 am - Jangurupureri had war declared by Dominion of Taurus for the reason of "Nice Infra bro.".
I've gotta talk about something I've been thinking about for a while now.

Listen here, if you want.

J.P Exclusive: Janguresian Regional Council decides on flag change; nearing 300 days of Jangurupureri; quality of life report; special thing

THE JANGURUPURERI EXCLUSIVE, as reported & written by Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja of the JTAL Network (Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Network)

So, about this whole North Korea thing

What's up?

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3 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Iron Dome
Iron Dome is a national project that gives you a 30% chance of shooting down enemy missiles and prevents 1 improvement from being destroyed by enemy missiles.
Missile Launch Pad
Missile Launch Pad is a national project that allows you to build Missiles.