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Pocono Socialist Republic

Achievement Showcase


Pocono Socialist Republic is a nation led by President Woody Sinclair on the continent of North America. Pocono Socialist Republic's government is a Socialist Republic with very libertarian social policies. Economically, Pocono Socialist Republic favors extremely left wing policies. The official currency of Pocono Socialist Republic is the Poc. At 714 days old, Pocono Socialist Republic is an ancient nation. Pocono Socialist Republic has a population of 1,718,439 and a land area of 18,250.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 94.16. Pollution in the nation is everywhere. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.




The Pocono Socialist Republic, also known as the PSR, was founded by the working class as a rebellion against the former Appalachia Republic, being one of the many small nations that came from that. It is part of a long series of rebellions, strikes, and resistance from the government. The people in this region was always mistreated, and shut down any resistance that will go agansit their interests. Plenty of regions rebeled as well, however, plenty of other neighboring nations in the region looked at the situation, and started to invade them. 

 The PSR however, stood tall and was able to get peace after 2.5 years of fighting and all sides, being outnumbered and outgunned. Most of the Male population was involved in combat or logistics, with some females and other people involved in the war as well. They help build weapons, infrastructure for supplies, communications, and much more. The PSR generals decided that their best strategy was to do guerrilla warfare. The PSR Freedom fighters held the mountains, setting up traps and ambushes making the enemies lives harder. They also were able to take weapons and supplies from the enemies from different ambushes and attacks. With helping supply the troops, they build massive tunnel networks that send supplies by rail, send and house troops, and defensive positions.


PSR Guerilla Fighters from The “El Martillo” 29th Infantry Division.

 However, there was a lot of death and destruction on both sides of the conflict. Though it was hard to estimate, a total of 347k casualties were confirmed by all of the enemies combined, while for the PSR was 178k. This was both military and Civilian deaths. The PSR were able to hold on, and even push back in some areas and the enemies surrender. The Peace of Charleston was signed October 2th, 2085 



Former Republic of Appalachia Capital Building, where the Peace of Charleston was signed

 With the War is over, and ordered restore in all territories, on October 19th 2085, The Pocono Socialist Republic was established. While the other fanctions in the Appalachian War were conquered, the PSR was able to gain territory. With the dust settled, the temporary President and leader of the revolution Woody Sinclair, helped build up the PSR. The PSR is a very diverse nation, with ethnicity, languages, ideas, and beliefs. Sinclair and the working class sought to build their own identity and help created a much better society than before. They did not want to be apart of what the Republic of Appaulican since they were always a segregated, and an exploited part of it. The working class in the PSR has the power in the nation for the first time to build an equal, prosperous, free nation.



People Celebrating throughout the Night with the Establishment of the PSR and the ending of the Appalachian war.


Executive: Voted every 4 years (120 days irl) by Universal secret ballot. The President of the PSR serves as a weak executive, to try to prevent a tyrannical government. They have the power of signing bills that are passed by the Assembly into law, veto power that can be overturned by ⅔ in the Assembly, and being the representative of the PSR globally with trade deals and alliances. The President has the power to approve Cabinet Positions brought by the National Assembly. The Cabinet’s role is to advise the President in matters pertaining to their role as well as guiding the National Assembly if need be.


National Assembly: Made up currently by 200 elected members, withholding most of the power on the National Level, including levying Taxes, Lawmaking, declaration of war by ⅔ majority, and nominating cabinet Positions. Each seat is taken up by a Trade Union propositional in the National Population. There will be elections every 2 years (60 Days Irl), with each councilperson being voted by the trade they are a part of. However, a member can be recalled by the people they represent by a majority vote. They do not have the power to the regulation of industries as that is through local worker councils and the workers themselves. 



The Pocono Socialist Republic National Assembly 

 Local Worker Councils: They are set up at the local level in each city, town, and village, with each council being set up by trade propositional to their local population. Local worker councils as the ability and the right to work with other worker councils on local level, that can come together to help build projects at both region and national levels if voted by a majority on all local councils involved. They also have the power of recruitment for the Military, and by a majority vote can recall troops even in war. They have the right to regulate their own land and resources and manage welfare, healthcare, environmental protection, and more. The main power base is with the Local Worker Councils as it is closer to the people that they represent.

 Worker cooperatives: They have the majority of power in society, with workers democratically owning the means of production, and deciding how they are going to run and regulate their own workplace. They have the right to plan and self-manage themselves, and to work with government levels for goods and services. They can set up who they lead and hoe in whatever way they want, since they have that universal right.


The Pocono Socialist Republic is a very diverse nation, with culture, languages, and ideas. Its majority ethnic makeup is Italians, from Italy and all over the world. There is a surpisly number of Germans from the fallen constitutional monarchy of Pflegeberg in Africa. This has happened due to the fact their was Germans in North America, so they went all over, especially in the Appalachian Mountains.  Afro-Latinos from the Island of Hispaniola who have been in the region for generations. Though during the time of the Republic of Appalachia was segregated and divided, during the time of resistance they became more United and have towns and villages where multiple ethnicities worked and lived in common. This help creates cultural exchanges with food, culture, religion, and much more. This was called the Pocono exchange, and the effects are still being spread as the population keeps growing and different ethnic groups start to live in cities together. Though there are differences, there is not much difference in religion as Catholicism is the most practice religion by over 50%, with atheism being 23% and Protestantism being 9% of the population.

Basic Information
Nation Name: Pocono Socialist Republic
Leader Name: Woody Sinclair
Nation ID: 528454
Founded: 03/05/2023 (714 Days Old)
Last Activity: Active in the last 7 days
Discord Username:buzzywood82#6833
Unique ID: 0505336ac5911e9fa36fefe00
International Relations
Alliance: The Fighting Pacifists Alliance Flag
Armed Peacekeeper
Alliance Seniority:111 days
Color Trade Bloc: The Beige Protection Bloc
Beige Turns Left: 21 (1.8 days)
Commendations: 30
Denouncements: 4
Nation Page Visits: 4,573
Population: 1,718,439
Infrastructure: 13,008.07
Land Area: 18,250 sq. miles
Avg Pop Density: 94.16 people/sq. mi
GDP: $2,513,406,147.00
GDP per Capita: $1,462.61
GNI: $1,773,570,040.00
Economic Policies: Extreme Left
Currency: Currency Image Poc
Government Type: Socialist Republic Govt Icon
Domestic Policy: Technological Advancement Technological Advancement Icon
Social Policies: Libertarian
State Religion: None None
National Animal: National Animal ImageGolden eagle
Approval Rating: 0% (-349.73)
Pollution Index: 965 points
Radiation Index: 844.15 R (Global: 851.71 R)
OBL Team: Poconos
Nation Rank: #3,501 of 11,186 Nations (31.30%)
Nation Score: More Information 1,615.20
War Policy: Help Covert Covert Icon
Nuclear Weapons:
Nation Stats
Infrastructure Destroyed: 42,510.84
Infrastructure Lost: 22,518.00
Money Looted: $674,204,790.25
Wars Won: 124
Wars Lost: 48

There are no posted bounties on this nation.

13 Cities [M]
Nation Activity
02/11 06:08 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Sakiland for the reason of "Nice Infra bro.".
02/10 09:31 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Weland for the reason of "I like money".
02/10 09:28 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Zylenon II for the reason of "Blood for the Blood God!".
02/03 10:18 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by The Big One for the reason of "Active Raid, DM for war.".
02/03 06:51 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by France for the reason of "Literally can't even with your country's vibes. Time to fix this mess.".
02/02 10:29 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Shikoku for the reason of "Gib me all ur moneyz".
01/31 12:38 am - Pocono Socialist Republic changed their Color Trade Bloc from Beige to White.
01/26 01:03 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by The Big One for the reason of "Economic inequality thrives under your rule. We declare war for the oppressed.".
01/25 10:56 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Saint for the reason of "Me too, thanks".
01/19 09:47 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Chlamidyaland for the reason of "We don't like you".
01/18 02:41 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by The Big One for the reason of "A not-so-general dispute".
01/18 12:29 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Shikoku for the reason of "I will have vengeance.".
01/17 12:28 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Walmart for the reason of "inactive!!!".
01/08 02:25 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Mountain Dew for the reason of "Inactive, DM for peace ".
01/08 02:22 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Emberfell for the reason of "NOOT NOOT".
01/08 02:04 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by The Big One for the reason of "Your navy looks cooler than ours, and we just can't let that slide.".
01/03 01:23 am - Pocono Socialist Republic founded a new city, New Naples.
12/31 06:55 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Zylenon II for the reason of "Your national bird pooped on our embassy's roof.".
12/31 06:42 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by LBoozer for the reason of "Raid, not personal".
12/31 01:53 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Emberfell for the reason of "NOOT NOOT".
12/30 10:17 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic changed their Color Trade Bloc from Beige to White.
12/30 10:16 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic has publicly commended the nation of The Dark Nerahkia led by Emmav Violeth.
12/30 10:13 pm - Emmav Violeth of The Dark Nerahkia has publicly commended the nation of Pocono Socialist Republic.
12/28 02:49 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Landcockia for the reason of "Cockfights rule!".
12/27 12:19 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Emberfell for the reason of "NOOT NOOT".
12/26 01:08 am - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by The Big One for the reason of "Your state exploits resources unsustainably. We intervene to protect the planet.".
12/18 10:20 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Chlamidyaland for the reason of "Your flag is cute, but mine's better. Let's settle this in a totally extra way.".
12/18 10:07 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Warlords of Valor for the reason of "Your country is a total mess. Sad! Time to go to war, and we'll win like never before.".
12/18 07:00 pm - Pocono Socialist Republic had war declared by Insia for the reason of "Tech Raid, PM for peace.".
12/14 11:00 am - Ronjoy Tehmina of Democratic Republic of Benga has publicly commended the nation of Pocono Socialist Republic.
The Goal of Net Neutrality gets closer in the PSR

The Goal is to reach Net Neutrality by next year.

The Pocono Socialist Republic becomes one of the Top Nations for Trans Refugees

Up to 15,000 total Transgender Persons refugees

Midterm Elections for Pocono Socialist Republic

Centralist Gain but Socialist Majority

See All
Nation Score Over Time
Score Component Breakdown
Nation Militarization Over Time
4 National Projects
Activity Center
Activity Center increases the daily login bonus for nations with 20 or fewer cities.
Intelligence Agency
Intelligence Agency is a national project that allows you to do two espionage operations per day instead of one and train up to 60 spies.
Ironworks is a national project that boosts Steel Mills' production by 36% nationwide.
Urban Planning
Urban Planning is a national project that reduces the cost of new cities by $50,000,000.