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The Confederacy of Falridia is a nation led by President Thomar Brooks on the continent of North America. The Confederacy of Falridia's government is a Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, The Confederacy of Falridia favors moderate policies. The official currency of The Confederacy of Falridia is the Falridian Dollar. At 1,214 days old, The Confederacy of Falridia is an ancient nation. The Confederacy of Falridia has a population of 12,098,966 and a land area of 155,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 78.06. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

Falridia is a confederation of several cities and townships that united under a common culture, religion and desire to protect one another from foreign aggression. A primarily-agrarian society, Falridia has been slow to adopt a more centralized Republican government and industrialization for its urban centers. However, the decentralized nature of the nation provides its own boons in the form of communal militias, a well-connected internal commercial sector and an equal say for the states in Falridia's Parliament.

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Falridia
Leader Name: Thomar Brooks
Currency: Currency Image
Falridian Dollar
National Animal: National Animal Image
Whitetail Deer
History: The Confederacy of Falridia is a coalition of tightly-knit states and regions that slowly centralized over the course of centuries into a unified political body, though still with the trappings and traditions of its roots. This includes a policy of delegating social services such as mental health, fire, police, welfare, and healthcare to the individual states that make up Falridia. Though it is a confederation by name, the states are required to follow a Constitution that limits the powers of the state and federal governments, and changes to the centuries-old document are slow to come due to the traditional mindset of many Falridians.

Politics is reasonably diverse for a country of Falridia's size and history, with five main parties making up Parliament, as well as the smaller parties that find themselves under the big tents. The five main parties in order of popularity are the Conservative-aligned Trentonians, named after the first president of Falridia Matthew Trenton, the Liberal-aligned 'Freedom First', the Socialist-aligned Justice Party, the Centre-Right Solidarists, and the Far-Right Citizens' Front. These main parties form coalitions with numerous smaller parties who may hold significant sway in certain regions, but not are not nationally important. Legally, there are no types of parties banned by law, as long as they follow the laws of the nation. However, that has not prevented the harassment of far-Left and far-Right groups by the Neo-Chalcedonian Church. Each state of Falridia is allowed two Senators to be elected by their state to serve in the Falridian Parliament, to ensure that no larger states come to dominate the legislature. However, those same states are able to call for plebiscite on issues when three-fifths of all states agree to it. Elections are held every six years, while the term of presidents lasts eight years.

The presidency wields less power than his or her contemporaries, but the President of Falridia is still the head of the federal government and commander-in-chief of the Falridian Armed Forces. They are also the face of Falridia on the world stage, and ensure that no outside forces are able to interfere with the states and the people within. In times of emergency, the President can also take dictatorial powers for a term of two years, and is able to be renewed upon plebiscite. The President also has the authority to crack down on international corporations, if need be, with the use of the Falridian Armed Forces and the backing of Parliament. Despite this, the President is expected to keep friendly relations with Falridia's neighbors, as well as encourage trade with them.

The general populace is usually left alone by the federal government, save for the collection of federal taxes which goes towards the armed forces, stipends to poorer states, and the general funding of the bureaucracy. They also ensure that all states follow the laws of the Constitution, and rigorously crack down on any infractions of it. Freedom of trade and movement between the states is also kept by the federal government. What individual states do for and against their citizens, though, varies from region to region. The Constitution ensures the freedom of speech, assembly, religion, weapon ownership, association, as well as several other legal freedoms. The most important of which is the requirement for all searches of property by law enforcement to require a warrant. Economically, the citizenry are taxed depending on the needs of their state. Those states with complex social services generally tax more, while those with more laissez-faire attitudes generally tax less and leave social services either in the hands of the Church or private interests.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 249,447.70 sq. km
Highest Peak: , 0 meters
Lowest Valley: , 0 meters
People & Society
Population: 12,098,966 people
Demonym: Falridian
Demonym Plural: Falridians
Ethnic Groups: Falridians - 86.8%
Orsallians - 13.3%
Languages: English - 98.0%
Religions: Neo-Chalcedonian - 100.0%
Life Expectancy: 83 years
Obesity: 13.4%
Alcohol Users: 40.3%
Tobacco Users: 67.1%
Cannabis Users: 23.9%
Hard Drug Users: 3.2%
Average Yearly Income: $288.21
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $11,421,819,090.00
GDP per Capita: $944.03
Gross National Income (GNI): $4,715,981,770.00
Soldiers: 465,000
Tanks: 38,750
Aircraft: 2,325
Ships: 408
Missiles: 18
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 11/07/2022 02:16 am