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Colorado is a nation led by Governing Lead Shaners on the continent of North America. Colorado's government is a Democratic Republic with very moderate social policies. Economically, Colorado favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Colorado is the Coin of Colorado. At 1,767 days old, Colorado is an ancient nation. Colorado has a population of 1,264,619 and a land area of 27,000.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 46.84. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.



Former Top 100 Denouncements Peaking At 57th


Net + On Arrgh! In Golden Sunset

100 Mil Net + In Duck Hunt


National Achievements: 

Former Member Of The Sarum Family (MA) In Amarr, Top 5% Of All Nations, Formerly an MA Gov In HS, Former Winter Wolf in HS. Current Commander (MA) In MFR

GW 16: Made It On Swamp Counter List, Wars Won: 7 Feds, 3 Voids, 3 Weebs, 3 Ummahs, 1 Mortal, 1 Meloian, 1 Lost Empireian.

With A Total Of 46 Wars 35 Won .

Golden Sunset: 1 Won War, 1 War Total, On Side Of Amarr.

OMLB Season 4 Player, 28-29 Career Record, OMLB Season 3 Playoff Berth, OMLB Season 4 Playoff Berth, OMLB Season 5 Player

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National Factbook
Flag: National Flag
Nation Name: Colorado
Leader Name: Shaners
Currency: Currency Image
Coin of Colorado
National Animal: National Animal Image
History: Colorado was split into it city's and counties when the young nations realised they were falling behind Utah and Cheyenne they started wars with eachother and when there nighbors Topeka, Cheyenne And Albuquerque joined the war for land and Denver, The new empires made a risky move and united. When the dust settled The Citys of The United Denver area won the war and everyone was shocked a young little nation was able to beat 3 great american empires after the war the city desided to stay united (to prevent that ever happening agian) and change there name no one knows what the feutere has in store for The Coloradan Union but it looks good so far.
Continent: North America
Land Area: 43,452.18 sq. km
Terrain: Mountians To the West And Farmland to the east

We control Colorado Springs, Denver, Boulder, Ft collins and Cheyenne
Highest Peak: Mt elbert or Mt massive, 14,400 meters
Lowest Valley: Glennwood Canyon, 6,790 meters
Climate: classic coloradan weather your always in for a suprise on avg very cold winters hot summers
People & Society
Population: 1,264,619 people
Demonym: Coloradan
Demonym Plural: Coloradans
Ethnic Groups: American - 75.0%
Spanish - 22.5%
Other - 7.5%
Languages: English - 75.0%
Spanish - 22.5%
Others - 2.5%
Religions: Christianaty - 80.0%
Judaism - 10.0%
Others - 10.0%
Life Expectancy: 75 years
Obesity: 15%
Alcohol Users: 48.9%
Tobacco Users: 38.2%
Cannabis Users: 27%
Hard Drug Users: 6%
Description: Capitalist
Average Yearly Income: $56.91
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): $641,552,282.00
GDP per Capita: $507.31
Gross National Income (GNI): $68,994,125.00
Industries: Tourism, Skiing, Logging
History: All Coloradian Peoples and Resorces Were Given Back From The American Government After The Fall
Soldiers: 0
Tanks: 0
Aircraft: 0
Ships: 0
Missiles: 0
Nuclear Weapons: 0
Last Updated: 12/28/2021 01:28 am