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Greater Neo Drakonus

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Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus is a nation led by Imperator Taranis V on the continent of Europe. Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus's government is a Social Democracy with very liberal social policies. Economically, Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus favors far left wing policies. The official currency of Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus is the Bitcoin. At 2,472 days old, Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus is an ancient nation. Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus has a population of 7,860,547 and a land area of 122,840.00 sq. miles. This gives it a national average population density of 63.99. Pollution in the nation is almost non-existent. The citizens' faith in the government is completely depleted with an approval rating of 0%.

The Democratic Imperium of Greater Neo Drakonus is a nation that is extremely left in its government policy and is governed by a Democratic Socialist ideology. 

The Office of the Imperator is democratically elected every 5 years. 

The government of the Imperium is divided into three separate branches that operate as the legislative, judicial and executive for the maintenance of the nation. 

The legislative role is carried out through the implementation of a bicameral legislature consisting of two separate 'chambers' that make up the overall Imperial Congress. The Imperial Senate is the 'upper chamber' and is composed of 40 members, usually of a higher social and economic standing within the Imperium that has several powers of advice and consent that unique to its composition. These powers include the approval of treaties, the confirmation of Council secretaries, Greater Imperial Judges (including Supreme Imperial Court Justices), the flag officers of the Imperial Drakonic Forces, regulatory officials, Imperial Ambassadors, other Imperial Executive officials and Imperial Uniformed officers. 

National Motto: "War is the remedy that the enemy has chosen, and I say let us give them all they want" - William Tecumseh Sherman 

National Quote: "Know thy self. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles. A thousand victories" - Sun Tzu 

National Animal: Imperial Dragon 

"My children, we are the Sons and Daughters of Mars. Our land is awash with the power and beauty of those who sacrificed everything for our great nation. Together, We are a nation of many people's coalesced together against a world that arms and prepares for us as if waiting for a storm. Those who came before us have fought, bled and died for our freedom and now it is the time for us to return the favour to those who wish to see us extinguished! We must extend our power and our talent for war across this world. But we must also remember the path of peace, brotherhood and equality to those who seek to rise and make a better world. The road ahead of us is long and the path will difficult, but know that wherever the enemy appear above our skies, feebly attempting to wipe us off the face of existence, do not shy away from their wroth, instead let them feel the full fury of our nation. We are the blood of Warriors, Kings, EMPERORS! Each and every one of us is proud to serve our nation and our families, So now go forth, fight for what you love, your country, friends, families, loves, I do not care so long as you fight! Now go forth you Sons and Daughters of Mars, show this world what you are, UNLEASH THE FURY!"

 - Imperial Declaration upon victory after the Reunification Wars of 857, 

  • As proclaimed by First Imperator Tyranus II the Crimson Scourge; 
  • Great Grandsire of Taranis V,  The Dark Emperor - The Destroyer of Worlds.

There is currently not enough information available to provide a factbook for this nation.