
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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03/03/2014 - Donations & What's Coming
Hi guys, I wanted to push out a changelog update to bring everyone's attention (not just those on the forums) to an older forum announcement here

There are a few donation options available with nation rewards that I think everyone should be aware of. To make donating easier, I've included a Donations Page available at and there's also a link to it on the sidebar right below the link to the Changelog. You'll see there are a few donation options, mostly cosmetic things like the stars and portraits and flags, however note that the Donation Stars come with $1,000,000 in-game cash. This is pre-reset only, however, meaning when we end Beta and reset everything that money will be gone forever (you will get to keep the star icons, though).

Lastly I just wanted to bring everyone up to speed on the things I'm planning on adding next. The next two major updates will mostly likely be an Alliance Announcement Board (similar to this Changelog, but alliance specific and only viewable by members), the ability to "Win Wars" (see: and making some improvements cost resources to build (Aluminum and Steel, see

That's all I've got for you guys right now, but please consider donating to the game as I am in debt at the moment and trying to raise enough money to cover some unexpected hosting fees. Thanks.

Posted by Sheepy 03/03/2014 10:35 pm      

03/02/2014 - Naval Battles and Airstrike Changes
Naval Battles have been added to the game. With Naval Battles comes Blockades, which work very similar to Ground Control. Blockades will cancel and refund any pending trade offers from the blockadee and prevent them from creating or accepting any new offers so long as they are blockaded. Blockades can be ended by getting a successful naval battle agains the blockader. Naval Battles cost 5 Military Action Points (MAPs) to execute.

Airstrikes now cost 4 Military Action Points (MAPs) to execute. Getting ground control in a war now only disables 50% of the enemy's airforce.

Read more about this update in the post on the forum. The link is here:


Posted by Sheepy 03/02/2014 04:07 pm      

03/01/2014 - Introduction of the Changelog

I highly encourage you to read the entirety of the forum post, that is a very detailed explanation of this update. It's available here:

* Color Stock Bonus formula has been changed, and is now linked to treasures. If you notice a drop in income, it's probably tied to the drop in Color Stock Bonus.

* A new bonus, called Alliance Treasure Bonus has been added. Each treasure an alliance has gives that alliance a 2% bonus to income.

* If you're not on the same color as your alliance, or you're an applicant, you're not going to get either the Color Stock Bonus or the Alliance Treasure Bonus.

* Emojis have been added to messages, and we've got a neat Halloween logo temporarily!

Posted by Sheepy 03/01/2014 02:12 pm