I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
04/01/2014 - Pollution & Message Consolidation |
This is a brief update of some more work I'm doing here, I've added Pollution Index as a functional part of the game, how it works is pretty straightforward. Some improvements add to your pollution index, some detract from it (Recycling Centers & Subways). Each pollution point you have increases your disease rate by 0.05% (not very much). Shouldn't really change gameplay too dramatically, but will probably make it necessary to get either a Recycling Center or Subway when your cities get fairly large. This will most likely get tweaked as more feedback comes in. Next thing I'm working on is also super simple, I'm consolidating messages so your inbox isn't spammed all the time. All trade interactions between two nations should automatically go into one conversation called "Trade Activity" instead of separate conversations for each message. See the forum post here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1291-412014-change-of-ownership/?p=13643 Posted by Sheepy 04/01/2014 06:27 pm |
04/01/2014 - Increased Food Production & Limit on City Building |
Link to the forum post: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1291-412014-change-of-ownership/ Farm Production output has been increased (or decreased, depending on how much land you've got in your cities with farms.) Basically the amount of food your farms will produce (per turn) is equal to the amount of land you have divided by 300. You need exactly 525 miles of land to have the same production you otherwise would have. You can buy as much land as you want to increase production as much as you want. This should help get the market going again and keep everyone fed, while also giving land more of a purpose. The second change is that you can only build a city once every 10 days now. Basically, this is to encourage vertical expansion (building up cities) instead of horizontal expansion (more cities) and also to make growth in the game a little less about how much money you have and a little bit more about how long you've been playing. Thanks guys! Posted by Sheepy 04/01/2014 09:45 am |
03/30/2014 - Trade Improvement & War Resource Usage Nerf |
First update is one I made yesterday, that is that when clicking the link to the trade page you are automatically taken to the global market unless you have pending trades (pending trades that you have to accept or refuse). If you have pending trades a (#) will appear next to "Trade" on your sidebar.
Secondly, the help deal with the issue of large nations wasted tons of resources I've modified how attacks use resources slightly. Nothing has changed for the aggressor of a battle, but for the defender usage has been lessened.
If the attack was an immense triumph, you'll use 100% of the resources your army normally would in an attack. If it was a moderate success, you'll only use 90%. If it was a Pyrrhic victory, you only use 70%. If it was a failure, you'll only use 40%. This may not be a perfect solution, but it should help. Leave feedback on the forum post here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1276-3302014-trade-improvement-war-resource-usage-nerf/ Posted by Sheepy 03/30/2014 07:01 pm |
03/20/2014 - Sheepy Will Be AFK Temporarily |
Hi everyone!
I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going on a trip, leaving tomorrow (Friday) and will be gone until next Friday. I'll still have access to internet and my tablet and stuff, so I'll be able to process donations (maybe not quite as fast as I normally do) and deal with any game-breaking bugs while I'm away from home. I simply wanted to let everyone know so you don't think I'm dead or have left you or the game. I'll be back next Friday and things will continue just like before. Keep enjoying Politics and War! Posted by Sheepy 03/20/2014 05:11 pm |
03/18/2014 - Improvements Cost Resources |
Something that has been planned for a long time, some improvements cost resources to build. These are 'late game' improvements, or ones for larger nation to buy. This will help increase demand of steel and aluminum and help grow smaller nations and create incentive for trade.
Read more and see exact pricing: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1202-3182014-some-improvements-require-resources-to-build/ Posted by Sheepy 03/18/2014 09:18 pm |