I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
05/05/2014 - Cosmetic Changes |
Hey guys, really simple update but I want to explain it before anyone panics. See the whole forum post here: * War statuses now reflect victories and defeats * Your economic policy choices now decide your nations tax rate. To make sure that there isn't an "optimal" choice, it also affects your citizen's average income. This change is completely Revenue Neutral, meaning I didn't change how much money you make at all. It's just a cosmetic thing, so not everyone is stuck at 29% tax rate. For you number crunchers, here's my excel equations: Google Sheets Document I'm hoping to get more stuff done soon, so stay tuned! Thanks for playing Politics and War! Posted by Sheepy 05/05/2014 08:09 pm |
04/29/2014 - Partial Trading |
Hi guys! Pretty neat update here, read the forum post and discuss here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1665-4292014-partial-trades/ Basically, this update allows you (using the trade screen) to accept parts of offers. See 100 steel for sale? You no longer have to buy all 100 at one time, you can buy 5, or 10, or 11, or whatever amount you want (that's at least 1 and no more than 100). You no longer need to post multiple small offers. Using this new feature is easy, instead of an icon you clicked to buy things, you can now enter an amount in a box and click a button. Enjoy this change and look forward to more economic updates soon! :) Posted by Sheepy 04/29/2014 09:04 pm |
04/26/2014 - Change in Trades |
Read the full announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1646-4262014-change-in-how-trades-work/
* When you create a trade, you no longer automatically lose the money/resources. You hold on to them until someone accepts your offer. This means you won't be able to "hide" money or resources away in trades. Unfortunately, it also means that all the offers you see on the market aren't guaranteed. You could, potentially, post an offer to sell 80 steel and then go buy 80 tanks and have 0 steel, but your offer would still be posted (This is why I did it the other way to begin with). If you come across such a trade, it will tell you they don't have enough resources/money and the trade will get deleted. Hopefully this won't be too common of an occurrence, as I'm sure it will be annoying. * The other thing I did was add a link to nation colors on nation pages so it takes you to a search results page of all nations on that color. Nothing major there. More economic updates will follow shortly, the ability to partially accept trade offers and also banks. Posted by Sheepy 04/26/2014 01:28 pm |
04/23/2014 - Score Calculation & Military Change |
Hi guys, kind of an important update today. I'd really recommend that you read the whole forum post here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1614-4232014-scoring-and-military-update/ Seriously, give that a read. I'll give a brief summary here: * I changed the score formula in a way that more accurate represents nation growth and military strength. You most likely saw a drop in score, but that's normal for everyone. * Barracks now can hold 3,000 soldiers instead of 2,000. Factories now hold 250 tanks instead of 400. * Casualties have been reduced in battles slightly. * Upkeep costs have been increased for most units. Again definitely give the forum post a read, it's got a lot more information. Thanks! Posted by Sheepy 04/23/2014 08:02 pm |
04/17/2014 - New Color & Some Changes |
Hey guys! Pretty big update here actually, introducing a whole new color and some changes to trade and war. Please give the forum post a read, anything I put here won't be nearly as good as what I've written there: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1522-4172014-introducing-beige-small-change-to-trade-and-war/ Enjoy the update guys! Posted by Sheepy 04/17/2014 11:30 pm |