
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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05/21/2014 - Unique IDs to Combat Cheating
Discuss this update on the forum here:

Hey guys, this is a very small update. It's to help deal with a moderation issue -- players cheating.

Using multiple nations to play the game is not allowed. By giving yourself an unfair advantage you take away from the gameplay of others. If you are caught cheating, you are eligible to have your nation reset, deleted, and potentially find yourself banned from Politics and War permanently.

Because I can't police the 1500+ nations in the game myself, I'm allowing the community to help find cheaters. If you happen to have some suspicion that someone is cheating by having multiple nations, you will now be able to check for yourself. I've added Unique IDs to each nation based on your IP address. If two Unique IDs match, it means those two nations are playing from the same network.

Now we have a very lenient policy on allowing multiple people to play from the same network, so that's not enough. If two nations on the same network are trading together, in the same alliance, fighting the same alliances, or any other sort of "cooperative" behavior, that does constitute cheating. Any such behavior should be reported to the Game Reports subforum in the Moderation section.

Thanks guys, this should help improve gameplay for all (and if you currently have multiple nations, I recommend you delete one of them ASAP. We'll be cracking down on your shortly otherwise.)

Posted by Sheepy 05/21/2014 10:40 pm      

05/19/2014 - Minor Game Improvements
* The color brown looks a lot more brown on the maps.
* All trades auto delete after 7 days, instead of only accepted trades previously. This should keep the global market more "fresh".
* Messages get deleted after 90 days, unless they're favorited.
* Average prices now track the last 5,000 units sold, instead of 2,000 previously.
* There is an average trade price history page now, where you'll be able to see up to 2 weeks' changes in the average price of each resource. The link to that page is included in the marquee on the "Trade" page. If you're lazy, it's here:

Discuss the changes on the forum:

Posted by Sheepy 05/19/2014 08:37 pm      

05/16/2014 - Cheaper Infra & More Uranium Mines
Discuss this update here:

* Infrastructure formula changed so that it's slightly cheaper. New formula is:

Cost = ( ( ( Infrastructure - 10 ) ^ 1.95 ) * 0.01 ) + 300

* Cities on continents that have uranium available can now have 2 uranium mines instead of one previously

Posted by Sheepy 05/16/2014 03:40 pm      

05/07/2014 - National Projects & $5,000 Log-in Bonus
Discuss this update on the forum here:

Good news everyone! Here's something new to waste your money and resources on: National Projects! Think of them like city improvements, but for you nation.

There's only 6 so far (more to be added later) and they're very expensive things, typically for very large nations to purchase. You must have 5,000 infrastructure (nationally) per National Project, and you can only build a National Project or City every 10 days (that's right, you have to pick. It's one timer, not two separate ones.)

Aside from this main update, I've made various other bug fixes and updates, not all of which I can think of at the moment. One thing I also changed is that the daily log-in bonus is now $5,000 up from $1,000.

Hopefully you'll see market prices increase again as bigger nations scramble to build a national project or two, and then things should settle down again. Enjoy, guys, and let me know about everything I broke while working on the game!

Posted by Sheepy 05/07/2014 08:53 pm      

05/05/2014 - Market Sharing
Read and discuss on the forum, here:

Hi guys! I'm pretty excited to bring you this update, actually. I've added a new feature to the game called Market Sharing. Basically what this allows you to do is open up your alliance market to other alliances.

It's really a pretty simple idea: say you want to form an economic treaty with alliance X. You can now make it so that you can see alliance X's "alliance" trades in your "alliance" trades screen, and vice versa.

Should be handy for alliances working together with each other. Not a huge gamechanger, but something to improve the game.


Posted by Sheepy 05/05/2014 10:27 pm