I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
06/19/2014 - War Changes |
Read more and discuss here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2010-6192014-war-changes/
* The amount of infrastructure damage done in battles is now dependent upon the size of the attacking army. Previously there was a hard cap on each attack, but now the cap shifts higher when you have more units as the attacker. This is so you bigger nations can beat each other up more. * I've changed things so that when you defeat a nation and loot it's bank, you loot the bank of the alliance they started in - not the one they're in currently. * This will keep people from kicking nations out of their alliance when they're about to lose a war. The last part of this update is I'm beginning to slow introduction of missiles. To build missiles you have to first get the Missile Launch Pad National Project. Posted by Sheepy 06/19/2014 05:03 pm |
06/18/2014 - Various Improvements |
See the whole announcement and post your feedback here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1994-6182014-many-game-improvements/ * Every nation has the ability to change either their leader or nation name. You start with 1 free change, and have the ability to purchase additional changes for $10 each. Everyone will get a free change when we leave beta. * Every nation has the ability to change it's location. This gives you the ability to get a different resource set later. You start with 1 free change, and have the ability to purchase additional changes for $10 each. Everyone will get a free change when we leave beta. * The amount of money taken in wars has been reduced by about 1/3rd. When looting a bank, you can take up to (Nation's Score/Alliance Score*3), or 33% of what you could before. * I have removed the in-game economy type option, since it had no purpose and overlapped with the economic policies indicator. * Bonuses for each government type have been added * Having negative pollution has been removed, and a nationwide pollution stat has been added to nation pages. * I added a little more information to the automatic nation description. * Other various bug fixes Posted by Sheepy 06/18/2014 02:09 pm |
06/15/2014 - Hefty Update |
This is a big update guys, please read the full thing: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1972-6152014-color-stock-banks-war/
* Color Stock formula got changed again * Banks are done * New ways to cooperate in wars Like I said, give the forum announcement a read. Thanks! Posted by Sheepy 06/15/2014 11:53 pm |
06/07/2014 - Alliance Taxes & Some Visual Changes |
Discuss this update here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1896-alliance-taxes-some-visual-updates/ Alliance banks are (mostly) done, again. The one thing I still need to do is make their funds vulnerable when alliance members lose wars, but it's late and I'm tired and won't be doing it until I get back from my trip most likely (6/13 I get back). Enjoy the taxation feature, it should be pretty easy to understand. If there are any bugs, please report them on the forums ASAP so that I can fix them before I leave. Along with this I made a few slight changes to how some things look. You can thank Phiney for the inspiration there. Hopefully it'll make things easier for new and old users alike. Posted by Sheepy 06/07/2014 12:55 am |
06/05/2014 - Alliance Banks are (Mostly) Done |
Discuss this update on the forums: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1885-652014-alliance-banks-mostly-done/ Hi guys, I wanted to post an announcement to remind everyone that yes, I am still alive. I have been working on alliance banks lately, and they are mostly done. The only part left I have to add is the automatic taxation and the ability to lose funds from them when you lose a war. Currently, alliance banks are a reserve controlled by the alliance for money and resources. You can deposit and withdraw from them, with the option to send money to a nation or even another alliance bank. All transactions are recorded and you can add notes for you records. You can also control who in your alliance can view the alliance bank and withdraw from it. I've also buffed Wind Power Plants slightly, they can now power 250 infra instead of 200. There have also been numerous minor bug fixes. Now let's talk about what's next: There is still a lot I want to add to the game, and I have been unfortunately more busy lately than I expected. I'm now working 5 days a week (my weekends are Tuesday/Wednesday) and of course have other responsibilities outside of Politics & War. I would like to see us leave beta by July 1st, however, which is a very optimistic goal. It's going to take a lot of work from me, but I'm hoping I can achieve that goal. The next thing is that I am going to be gone from home Sunday the 8th to Friday the 13th. During this time there won't be any progress on game development, but I'm hoping this won't set me back too far. Lastly, thanks again to everyone who is still playing and supporting the game. You guys rock, and I promise things will continue to get better and better! Posted by Sheepy 06/05/2014 04:30 pm |