I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
07/09/2014 - Cheating |
I've had to address a big issue with people abusing the game to cheat. Unfortunately some have taken advantage of other players, or creating additional nations to get an unfair advantage for their main account. First, let me be clear, everyone is allowed one nation. Next, you start out with a fixed amount of money and resources for a reason. If you try to game the system, your nation will be reset or you will be banned. In this particular instance, I have reset all offenders. Next time I may not be so understanding. You can read the full forum announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2215-792014-cheating/ Posted by Sheepy 07/09/2014 01:53 am |
07/08/2014 - Speed Round Has Begun! |
This is a notification to everyone that the speed round has begun as of 7/8/2014 1:15 AM server time.
I wish you all the best of luck! It will last for 28 days, and awards will be handed out at the end. We want to simulate intense gameplay here, so try to break things! When you do break them, report them in the Tech Support section of the forums here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/forum/4-tech-support/ Thanks guys! Enjoy! Posted by Sheepy 07/08/2014 01:14 am |
07/07/2014 - Spies Usable |
Spies are usable now, you'll find a link to an espionage page via looking at someone's nation. You can attempt espionage on any nation of any size, beige or not, but you can only do one operation per day and you can only be the victim of 3 operations per day. I also tweaked things to allow you to train 2 spies per day instead of one. Happy espionaging! Read more about this update and about the reset tomorrow here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2165-772014-spies-reset-tomorrow/ Posted by Sheepy 07/07/2014 03:15 am |
07/04/2014 - Big Update! Read the forum post |
Hey guys, it's late and I'm tired. I just wrote up a large update announcement on the forum, so please just visit the link and catch up on what's new. Thanks! Posted by Sheepy 07/04/2014 02:54 am |
06/23/2014 - Missiles & More! |
Check out all of this awesome update here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2041-6232014-missiles-and-more/ * War Ranges have been changed from -34%/+67% to -25%/+75%. This helps prevent smaller nations from getting crushed by larger ones. * Missiles have been added! You've been waiting a long time for them, and now they're finally here. They require the Missile Launch Pad National Project to build the missiles, and you can only buy one missile per day. Launching them costs 6 MAPs, and they do 350+ infra damage to cities as well as destroying an improvement. If they take out a military improvement, they destroy the units within as well. * Dogfights have been added, aka the ability to target aircraft as an airstrike option. * Airstrikes have a new cap on infrastructure damage, that is they can't do over 12% of the total infrastructure in a city. I've also fixed the issue with the airstrikes doing crazy amounts of damage otherwise. * Casualties have been fixed! More or less. I believe more than less. I did some serious mathwork to get things narrowed down and into an acceptable range. Of course we'll continue further testing, and leave me your feedback, but casualties should be right around 10% of your army size per battle. (With some randomness to skew things, of course!) * The July 1st reset is being postponed until July 8th. Thanks! Posted by Sheepy 06/23/2014 01:49 pm |