
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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08/12/2014 - Recruitment Bonuses

When an account is registered, there is now a "Referral" box, where a leader name can be entered. Each time someone enters your leader name, you'll get a $100,000 and 20 steel, aluminum, gasoline, and munitions bonus, once they've played for 2 weeks and reached 30 score.

Read the forum post here

Posted by Sheepy 08/12/2014 04:33 pm      

08/11/2014 - Flags

Read the forum post here

Flags have been added as little icons next to nation and leader names throughout the game. If they're being displayed large press F5 to have your browser refresh the website cache.

Posted by Sheepy 08/11/2014 01:00 am      

08/05/2014 - Politics & War is Live!

I'm excited to announce the end of the Speed Round and the end of the testing period of Politics & War! You are now playing the live version of the game -- free of any future resets.

All nations get 168 turns (14 days) of Beige protection (no war declarations on your nation). There is also now an in-game tutorial that you can complete for a bonus $100,000 for your nation.

Enjoy the game everyone! I'll post an update about the award winners from the speed round soon. If you do happen to find any remaining bugs, please report them on the forum. Thanks!

I accidentally messed a couple things up so I reset the game again at 12:10 AM. Sorry guys, I think we're good to go now!

Posted by Sheepy 08/05/2014 12:10 am      

08/03/2014 - Transition into Post-Beta
This is a really big announcement guys! There's a lot of important information for you to read, so please just check out the long forum post I made and ask any questions you might have there. Thanks!

Posted by Sheepy 08/03/2014 02:42 pm      

07/23/2014 - Update
Hey guys, I'm feeling lazy (it's past 2AM) and I just wrote up the whole announcement on the forum. I'll just give you the link and you can read it there:

Posted by Sheepy 07/23/2014 02:07 am