
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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08/31/2023 - Push Notifications, Tutorial Rewrite, Achievement Rework, and more! - August 2023 Update

Hiya everyone! Thank you all so much for sticking with me through debugging war issues and getting the last stuff deployed, for the past few weeks everything has been sorted out and we’ve been hard at work putting up design team forum posts and implementing new features!

If you want to stay up to date on the game’s development, be sure to follow the game discussion forum ( to get news about new proposed updates and contribute your own suggestions!

Now, onto the meaty stuff!


New Forum Login

You can now log into the forums with your Politics and War account! Simply use the same email and password you use to log into the game on the forum website and it’ll automatically create your account and log you in! Please note that if you have an existing forum account make sure both accounts (existing forum account and PnW account) are using the same email address so that they can be properly linked when logging in. At the moment normal forum logins will continue to work, however in the next few weeks we may disable normal forum account creation to fully transition over and help combat spam bots. If you have any issues linking your two accounts, please open a ticket in the Discord and I’ll be happy to help you out.

New Tutorial

The game’s tutorial has been completely rewritten and re-implemented, I’d like to give a massive shoutout and thank you to the members of the tutorial team, you can find them all listed on the initial post ( If you encounter any issues with the tutorial please let me know!

Achievement Rework

Achievements in-game have been completely reworked to include rewards, public statistics, new achievements, and more! For relevant discussion see the post here ( Happy achievement hunting!

P.S. 😉

P.P.S. For those of you that already have some achievements your rewards have been added to your nation (or your escrow, which will empty when you are no longer blockaded).

Push Notifications

The game finally has a (initial) implementation of mobile and desktop push notifications! If you head into your account settings ( you can configure a few initial notification settings! Over the next few weeks/months we’ll be adding more notifications for various things, we’re starting with a small initial implementation to make sure it’s feasible at the game’s scale before going crazy with it.

No City Timers Until City 20

Woohoo! City timers until city 20 have been removed to enable a smoother transition for newer players (more information in the forum post here

Expanded Declare Ranges

The war declaration ranges have been changed from 75%-175% of your score up to 75%-250% of your score, please note the deployment of this change has been delayed due to the outbreak of war this morning. The intent of this change is to provide greater power to smaller nations and enable them to hit larger nations who could otherwise build out of range of their opponents. More information can be found in the associated forum post (

Required Deposit Note

Alliances now have the option to require a note when depositing into the alliance bank. This setting can be enabled from the edit alliance page and will likely expand further to include pre-fill templates and default options at some point in the future.

Bounty Messages

Bounties are now able to have a message attached to them that will display on the bounties page.

Max PPU Trade Limit

To help prevent predatory trades and some level of mistrades, you are no longer able to post global buy or sell offers for more than $10,000 PPU or 2x the average trade price for the specific resource (whichever is higher).


Moving forward, I have some exciting things to share about upcoming features! Over the past two weeks we’ve announced a number of new features for the game, namely tariffs ( and perks (, we’ve also got lots of amazing new things planned over the coming next few months!

The goal is to have tariffs and the initial slate of perks ready in the coming few weeks as the September update, then every week thereafter release smaller content updates containing a few page overhauls, a few perks, and some other quality of life changes. Stay tuned to the forums to hear more!

I hope everyone has a fantastic day, have fun playing around with the new stuff! 🙂

This announcement is also on the forums

Posted by Village 08/31/2023 11:14 pm      

08/27/2023 - Where Did My Achievements Go?

Hey everyone,

Just a heads up we're aware of the issue with missing achievements and are working to fix that now. I would expect that to be resolved within the next several hours. If you have any questions, please open a support ticket in Discord and ask away!

Posted by Alex 08/27/2023 03:02 am      

08/10/2023 - Deadlock Found Errors

If you are playing the game and you get a weird error message like "Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction" just refresh or try again. Basically, this is better error catching to stop the MAP and other bugs, we just need to tweak it to print it out more nicely, but that's what's going on there.

Posted by Alex 08/10/2023 12:36 am      

08/05/2023 - P&W Anniversary Podcast

We have prepared a special radio show in the official Discord this evening to explore P&W's history through the last 9 years. The show will be hosted by Lysander and Velyni Vas, with guests including SRD, Pubstomper, Adrienne, Buorhann, and WANA. Please join us as we explore the rich tapestry of events that have transpired to make the game what it is today!

The show will start at Midnight UTC/8pm EST click the link below for an invite to the server and rsvp.

RSVP and Invite Link

Posted by DrRush 08/05/2023 08:01 am      

08/01/2023 - 9th Anniversary

Hello everyone!

I am very excited to announce Politics and War's 9th anniversary event! For those of you who do not know, Politics and War officially launched on August 5, 2014, and each year we do an anniversary award event between August 1 - August 12 where you can spend 1 Credit to get a limited edition nation award, nation achievement, nation flag, 30 days of VIP, and $27,000,000 in cash for your nation. You can find the Anniversary deal here: 

It will not be possible to get the award or achievement after the event ends on August 12.

Please note, there was also a temporary bug causing the cash reward to be $270,000,000 instead of $90,000,000. This has been corrected, but the nations that did redeem the reward before this was fixed will be allowed to keep the extra money.

Thank you all for playing Politics and War and making such a wonderful community. I feel very grateful and fortunate to be a part of it all.


Posted by Alex 08/01/2023 01:29 am