I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
1 1 1 1 109/28/2014 - SSL Security |
Read the full forum announcement here: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2915-9282014-ssl-update/ -Added SSL Security, you now access the site via https:// Posted by Sheepy 09/28/2014 09:48 pm |
09/24/2014 - Security & Military Change |
Read and reply to the whole announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2877-9242014-small-change-added-security/ - Can now only have 1% of population count for tank force, 0.5% population count for aircraft, and 0.25% of population count for ships - Added extra login security, including a captcha if you enter your password incorrectly Posted by Sheepy 09/24/2014 11:03 pm |
09/21/2014 - Atlas Horizons Password Breach |
Hello, I've got some important news I need to share with you. Following reports (like this one: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2856-atlas-horizons-admin-poaching-members-and-stealing-passwords/) it's become necessary that I make an announcement. Apparently there has been a password breach at Atlas Horizons (another nation simulation game that is NOT in any way affiliated with Politics & War). If you have never signed up for an Atlas Horizons count, this post does not affect you. If you have made an Atlas Horizons account however, it is possible that someone else has access to the password you used on that site. If you use the same password across multiple sites (highly discouraged) your other accounts may be at risk. Most important is that some P&W players that also played Atlas Horizons have had their accounts accessed, passwords changed, etc. If you haven't already, now is a great time to change your P&W password to something unique. We will continue to move forward with our investigation, finding out more about who is behind these acts and reporting them to the authorities. In the meantime, it's important that you understand that the Politics & War database is secure, has not been breached, and your passwords and account information on this website has not been accessed by anyone but you. Thank you. Posted by Sheepy 09/21/2014 09:52 pm |
09/17/2014 - Embargoes and Improvement Destruction |
This is the short version of this update, for more information read the very informative forum post here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2839-9172014-embargoes-and-improvement-destruction/ -Nation Embargoes have been added, allowing you to block other players from accepting your trades -Immense Triumph Ground Battles now offer a 10% chance to destroy a random improvement (excluding Power Plants) Posted by Sheepy 09/17/2014 08:58 pm |
09/09/2014 - Message to the Players |
Hi guys! I wanted to post an announcement because things have been going really well lately. Since we launched on August 5th (remember we had 0 nations) our community has grown bigger and faster than I ever could have imagined! Before speed round we peaked at around 1,600 nations and ~850 logging in per week (I think 600-650 per day). Right now we're looking at almost 1,200 nations and 700 logging in per week and 500+/day! It's amazing that we've come this far in just 36 days or so. I wanted to remind everyone that if you haven't received your $50,000 nation bonus for having a forum account with at least 3 posts, that option is still available! Simply make a post in this thread. Development wise I've mostly been hammering out the few minor technical glitches with the game, and also working on some fancy new charts. My next major goal is to create another server for the game that will be a permanent speed round, with turns being every half an hour and nations starting with more money, etc. This server would automatically reset every 2 weeks or month or something, (some finite period of time) and awards would be handed out to the winners. I don't have an expected date for this yet, I haven't had time to start working on it yet. Lastly, I want to thank everyone for the donations they've made to the game. I know the $300,000 bonus for $15 USD isn't huge, but enough of you have donated that we're officially out of the red and into the black! Assuming things continue to go swimmingly I'll see about upgrading our servers and continuing to invest the money I get back into the game. I couldn't have done any of this without you guys, the players! And that's a perfect segway into the last thing I wanted to say, which is a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has played Politics & War! There wouldn't be a game without you guys. -Sheepy Comment on this update via the forum post, here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2755-992014-general-update/ Posted by Sheepy 09/09/2014 10:47 pm |