I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
12/20/2014 - Turn Timing |
Just the other day the game was down temporarily a the webhost did some maintenance. It appears they changed up the server time without telling me, and that's why for the last two update times military purchases weren't reset at midnight, but instead at 7AM. Another consequence of their messing with the times is that turns are back on even numbered hours as they should be. Military purchases and espionage operations will still be reset at 12AM server time. Lastly, it's just about winter break for me, so expect more updates and improvements within the next two weeks. I apologize for not devoting enough time recently in the past 2 weeks, but I've been incredibly busy. Posted by Sheepy 12/20/2014 02:37 pm |
12/09/2014 - Spies & Flags |
Espionage has been modified slightly. Your attack timer now resets at midnight server time every day. You get one operation per day, unless you have the CIA National Project which doubles that. A bug was fixed that was allowing nations to be sabotaged more than 3 times per day. A few new flags have been added in to the game: Belarus, Scotland, and Eritrea. Read the forum announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3815-1292014-spies-flags/ Posted by Sheepy 12/09/2014 10:08 am |
12/07/2014 - Holiday Logo Competition |
We're having a player competition to create a nice holiday logo that we'll run from December 21st to December 31st. Read up on this forum thread: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3763-1272014-holiday-competition/ to see the rules for the competition. Also, if you're a newer player, we have in-game bonuses for players that post on the forums. You can get $50,000 after your first 3 forum posts. The link to that thread is here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2529-8162014-bonus-for-having-a-forum-account/ We also have other bonuses for active participating members of our forums, including bonuses when you reach 100 posts, 250 posts, 500 posts, and more. See that thread here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3040-10202014-bonuses-for-forum-posts/ Posted by Sheepy 12/07/2014 11:10 am |
11/30/2014 - New Flag & Donations |
There is a new public flag available to all as a result of a recent competition. Congratulations to Phiney for his submission winning the vote, you can find his flag in-game under the name "Flubb". December donations are here, each $5 you donate will be worth $750,000 in-game for the month of December. Like last month, each nation is capped at a total of $30 USD. See the donate page to make your donations. Read the full announcement and reply to it here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3661-11302014-flag-winner-donations/ Posted by Sheepy 11/30/2014 10:50 pm |
11/29/2014 - Espionage & December Donations |
When executing an espionage operation with 100% odds, there will now still be a ~1.5% chance that you are discovered (while still being successful).
Next month's donation options are going to be $750,000 per $5 USD, capped at a max of $30 USD per nation for a total in-game of $4,500,000. Read all about this announcement and reply here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3639-11292014-spies-december-donations/ Posted by Sheepy 11/29/2014 10:52 pm |