I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
04/15/2015 - Aircraft Patch & Alliance Bank Looting Disabled Temporarily |
Read the forum announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5756-4152015-airstrikes-alliance-bank-looting/ Dogfights have been buffed slightly, you should be able to kill more enemy aircraft now Airstrikes targeting tanks and ships have both been nerfed ever so slightly Airstrikes targeting soldiers have been buffed to kill more soldiers Getting ground control now only disables 1/3rd of your enemy's aircraft, instead of 1/2 as it was previously Lastly, I've disabled alliance bank looting. We're going to see if this is the cause of alliance banks disappearing. If there are no more reports of alliance banks going away, I'll scrutinize that section of code extra heavily until I find the cause. If an alliance bank does get reset after this change, I'll re-enable it and look elsewhere. This is just to debug the game, I'd like to have it back and functional ASAP. Posted by Sheepy 04/15/2015 09:17 pm |
04/14/2015 - Income Log, VIP Passes |
Read the forum announcement here:http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5737-4142015-bug-fix-revenue-log-vip-passes/ - Fixed an important income bug that was causing some people to earn too much money. Some extra turns were simulated, forgive me while I was working out a bug - I've added a Revenue Log that you can access via your Revenue page. It keeps track of what you get in cash and resources each turn - I've changed the forum pips, and added two new ones. Wiki contributors now get a pip that says "Wiki Mod", and you can now become a "VIP" with your own fancy pip and access to an exclusive "VIP Lounge" subforum that is only accessible by VIP members - To become a VIP it costs 1 credit, and your VIP access lasts for the duration of the month. There's a thread in the announcements subforum that you can post in to get your VIP Passes As a sidenote, the VIP Pass idea is a way to try and support the game financially without relying on nation bonus type donations. I'd like to shift to a more cosmetic money-earning system. Posted by Sheepy 04/14/2015 11:40 pm |
03/17/2015 - Changing Alliance Names |
Read the full announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5208-3172015-changing-alliance-names/ You can now change alliance names. It costs 3 credits, and you have to be the leader of an alliance to do it. EDIT: I also updated the forum post with a change to the color stock bonus formula. Visit the forum topic to see the listed changes. Posted by Sheepy 03/17/2015 11:04 pm |
03/01/2015 - Credits |
See the full topic here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4941-312015-credits/ A small change has been made in how donations work. They're now automatically processed and quantified in the form of credits. They can be redeemed at your convenience, and the same caps on nation bonuses that existed before still exist now. This change does not make the game pay-to-win, or change anything at all, really, other than making things more efficient. Posted by Sheepy 03/01/2015 02:01 pm |
02/25/2015 - Center for Civil Engineering National Project |
Read the full announcement here: http://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4886-2252015-center-for-civil-engineering-national-project/ The Center for Civil Engineering national project has been added. It costs $3,000,000; 1,000 Oil; 1,000 Iron; 1,000 Bauxite to build, and reduces the infrastructure cost in all cities by 5%. Stacks with other bonuses, like the Autocracy govt type. Having ground control, air superiority, and a blockade on your opponent in war no longer stops them from launching missiles at you. This is rescinding a change from the last update. Posted by Sheepy 02/25/2015 10:25 pm |