
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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07/12/2015 - Player Advertisement Change

Player Advertisements are, from this point onward, limited to either one image with a maximum size of 1000 pixels by 100 pixels, or 300 characters and up to 3 line breaks. This is to minimize the amount of space that advertisements take up.

Secondly, when you purchase a Player Advertisement, they now last for 10 days and 100,000 views, instead of 7 days and 70,000 views previously. Extending an ad now adds an extra 14 days and 140,000 views.

Lastly, the Donate page has received a bit of a makeover, so check out the new renovations when you get a chance.

Posted by Sheepy 07/12/2015 10:41 pm      

07/09/2015 - Credit Purchases Re-Enabled

For those of you that attempted to buy credits in the past few days, you saw that purchases were temporarily disabled. I'm happy to announce they're re-enabled. You can purchase credits on the Donate page.

Posted by Sheepy 07/09/2015 05:27 pm      

07/06/2015 - Player Advertisements Setting and Frequency

Player Advertisements are now displayed 100% of the time, instead of 20%. This is to help address concerns about inconsistency of page content, and how it randomly moves about every time an ad is displayed.

A setting has been added to disable player advertisements. This setting is available on the Account page, below the War E-mail and Anthem Autoplay settings. You must be a VIP member to disable advertisements.

To vote in a survey related to this change, or comment your feedback, please visit here:

Posted by Sheepy 07/06/2015 07:44 pm      

07/01/2015 - July Donation Bonuses

It's that time again! A new month means that everyone's nation bonus donation caps are reset. You can once again purchase and redeem credits for that sweet, sweet cash.

Rates have remained the same; each credit redeemed is worth $1,000,000. You can redeem up to 6 credits. Alternatively, you can buy credits and sell them on the market, but for each credit you sell it counts against your 6 credit cap. You can buy as many credits as you'd like, and you can spend as many as you'd like on cosmetic things like a VIP Subscription, Flags, Name/Location Changes, and Advertisements.

Thanks for playing Politics & War! We're one month away from our 1 year anniversary! Let's keep things going!

Posted by Sheepy 07/01/2015 12:00 am      

06/30/2015 - Player Advertisements

Read the full, detailed forum post about this change, here:

Player Advertisements have been added. When you're logged in, you have a 20% chance of seeing one that is randomly chosen. Players can include an image, links, bold, italicized, and underlined text in their advertisements. See the forum post for more details on the specifics.

You can create an ad on the Donate page. An ad costs 1 credit, and runs for up to 84 turns (7 days). Ads can be managed and extended on the Account page.

Posted by Sheepy 06/30/2015 07:50 pm