
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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12/09/2015 - Removing Color Stock Bonus, Adding Timer Reset Donation Option

There's an excellent writeup about this update available on the forum, and I'd encourage you all to take a couple of minutes to check it out. It fully explains what changes have been made, and why they were made. That post is here:

For those of you that are really too lazy (I seriously recommend you read the forum post) what's changed is that I've removed Color Stock Bonus, and instead you now have a "Color Bonus." This Color Bonus gives you a 3% boost to your gross income, so long as you're on the same color as your alliance, or if you're not in an alliance, you simply have to be on a color that's not Beige or Gray. Beige still has a 5% bonus no matter what, and Gray still has a 0% bonus no matter what.

Lastly, you now can reset your 10 day new city/national project timers with Credits. This new option costs 4 Credits, and will let you build a new city or national project immediately. It also counts against your 8 Credit limit per month. You can find this option available on the Donate page.

Posted by Sheepy 12/09/2015 10:02 pm      

12/07/2015 - Color Scramble Event

This is an exciting one-time event ladies and gentlemen! You have the chance to vote on and decide what colors should be included in the game, with the potentially to replace any of the existing colors. Take advantage of your forum accounts and participate in the poll today! Voting will go on for the next week, but don't delay; make your voice heard! You can choose as many options as you'd like in the poll, so pick your top 10 colors.

Link to Poll:

Posted by Sheepy 12/07/2015 08:50 pm      

12/01/2015 - December Donations

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fine November. As of this morning, I've reset the donation caps for this month (December) so everyone is back to their normal 8 Credit Redemption limit. Remember, you can redeem credits for $1,000,000 each, sell them on the market at potentially a higher price, or use them to get yourself 50 infrastructure in a city of your choice. Also, there are many fun cosmetic things you can do with credits which aren't limited, like Player Advertisements, Custom Flags (for nations and alliances) and VIP subscriptions, which let you have a national anthem, custom background, and more.

If you're interested in supporting the game through purchasing Credits, check out the Donate page (link in the sidebar) which is where you can purchase and redeem them. Visit the page and see all the fun and neat things you can do with your credits, while supporting Politics & War at the same time!

Posted by Sheepy 12/01/2015 11:47 am      

11/19/2015 - Small Changes

I've made a few minor changes that you can read about here:

Posted by Sheepy 11/19/2015 08:30 pm      

11/14/2015 - Vive la France

Yesterday there was a horrible terrorist attack in Paris, France. By request, I've added a Parisian flag to the game, that you can fly if you wish. Paris has been added to the list of city images you can choose from on your city pages as well.

Vive la France

Posted by Sheepy 11/14/2015 01:33 pm