
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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03/31/2016 - Donation Limits Reset

Good news, folks! Donation limits have been reset for the month of April. This means that even if you redeemed credits in March, you have the opportunity to redeem another 10 credits (for bonuses like in-game cash, resources, infrastructure, or selling credits on the market) between now and May 1st.

Thanks for supporting Politics & War, and here's to another month of growth and development!

Posted by Sheepy 03/31/2016 07:33 pm      

03/29/2016 - Score Changes, War Policies, Naval Battles Can Destroy Improvements

I'll post the short version of the update here, and would highly recommend you read the more detailed announcement on the forums:

The score formula has changed, so you may notice your own score having increased or decreased for no reason. Everyone's score has done this, and it's perfectly okay. Things have been rebalanced to prevent high military capacity nations from being able to hold down smaller nations and prevent them from growing.

War Policies have been added - these are a lot like the Domestic Policies that were recently added. They let you specialize your war interests in loot, espionage, infrastructure damage, improvement destruction, defensive options, and more. The PWPedia article details what each of the 10 War Policies does. You can change your war policy once every 5 days (60 turns.)

Immense Triumph Naval Battles now have a 15% chance to destroy improvements. This is just a slight buff for ships, and a slight nerf for improvements.

Posted by Sheepy 03/29/2016 10:25 am      

02/29/2016 - March Donations

Donation limits have been reset! You can purchase an additional 10 credits for use in things like money (up to $20,000,000; if you're lucky you can sell them for more than that on the market.), infrastructure (up to 500), city/project timer resets (up to 2 per month), and resources (up to 5,000 Steel, Munitions, Aluminum, or Gasoline.)

It's been a great February for the game, and I'm looking forward to an even better March!

Posted by Sheepy 02/29/2016 06:43 pm      

02/29/2016 - New Government Options & Domestic Policies

Click Here to Read the Full Update

* Government Types no longer have any bonuses associated with them

* There are now around 30 government types to pick from

* Government types can now be changed as frequently as you'd like (no more 5 day timer)

* You have a new option on your Edit Nation page, the Domestic Policy

* There are 5 domestic policies, one for each of the old government types

* They do the same thing that government types used to do

* Domestic Policies can only be changed once every 60 turns

* Everyone's government type timer was essentially reset. You're welcome.

Posted by Sheepy 02/29/2016 01:58 pm      

02/22/2016 - Military Caps & Donation Updates

Population caps have been tightened (slightly) on Soldiers and Tanks, and added to Aircraft and Ships. There are no population caps on Spies, Missiles, or Nuclear Weapons. See the specific numbers in the forum announcement, it's pretty minor and won't affect > 80% of players I suspect.

Next change is to donations and Credits, you can now redeem 10 credits per month (yes, that's an additional 2 this month if you've already used 8), you can redeem them for $2,000,000 now instead of $1,000,000, and you can also redeem credits for 500 of any of the following resources: Steel, Aluminum, Gasoline, or Munitions.

Please read the full announcement here:

Posted by Sheepy 02/22/2016 10:07 pm