
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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06/16/2016 - Baseball Revenue

Baseball revenue has been significantly reduced. Because it's so much easier to play now, I don't want the game to turn into a "cookie clicker" and so you will only get a fraction of the income you did previously.

If you've been around long enough, you'll recall that originally the revenue was very low, and I increased it when I added the captchas for every game. Just reverting that increase in income now since we're reducing captchas.

Posted by Alex 06/16/2016 06:33 pm      

06/16/2016 - Captchas

It's late and I'm tired, so check out the full update here:

Tl;dr is that there's less captchas on the site, and when you do get one, it will redirect you back to where you were before.

Posted by Alex 06/16/2016 06:39 am      

06/14/2016 - Alliance Seniority, Sneak Peek of City Templates & Bulk Infra/Land Purchasing

I've added Alliance Seniority tracking, as well as fixed an Espionage display odds bug.

Check out this video on some great features that are coming soon:

Read and respond to this update on the forums, here:

Posted by Alex 06/14/2016 09:19 pm      

06/01/2016 - June Donations

Hey all, I just wanted to let you know that for the month of June, you can redeem credits for $2,500,000 each. This is a $500,000 increase from last month's rate, and basically is just being adjusted for in-game inflation (more money available to all.)

Everyone's limits have been reset, so if you donated last month, you can now donate again. You can redeem up to 10 Credits, for up to $25,000,000; 500 infrastructure, and more. You can spend an unlimited amount of Credits on things like Custom Flags, Player Advertisements, and VIP Subscriptions as well. Check out all of these and more on the Donate page.

Posted by Alex 06/01/2016 06:31 am      

05/25/2016 - Rebranding, Espionage, VIP Stuff

I'll start off by noting that I've changed my identity from "Sheepy" to "Alex". The reason for this is that I'm trying to brand myself more professionally, and while the identity "Sheepy" has served me well for many years, I was ultimately very young when I chose that name and I believe it's time for me to make a change going into the future.

* VIP members can now set custom city images and custom religion icons

* There is a setting on the Account page to disable city images being displayed on nation pages

* Espionage odds are now displayed in a definitive range. For example, if your real odds were 33%, instead of some "estimated" odds that changed every time you reloaded the page, it'll now say "Between 25-50%"

* A new Espionage operation, "Terrorize Civilians" has been added. This operation destroys some infrastructure in the target's highest infrastructure city. At most (60 spies vs. 0 spies) it can destroy 34.5 infrastructure.

Read about it on the forum:

Posted by Alex 05/25/2016 10:23 pm