I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
04/05/2017 - Game Issues |
Hey all, I made a huge mistake and screwed up everyone's Alliance Affiliations. You can read in detail what happened here on the forum: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18982-452017-bank-bug-alliance-issue/ If your alliance was affected by this bug (bank was over-looted, alliance needs someone in the leadership position, or alliance was inadvertently deleted) please send me (Alex) a PM and I will help resolve the issue. My sincerest apology for causing this issue. Posted by Alex 04/05/2017 06:11 pm |
04/01/2017 - April Donations |
It's that time of the month! Donation limits have been reset, and you can spend up to 10 Credits on things like in-game money, infrastructure, and resources for the month of April. You can always spend as many Credits as you want on things like Player Advertisements, Flags, and VIP Subscriptions. To help explain what Credits are and how Donations work, I've put together a short video that explains them and how to take advantage of the benefits they offer. If you're not sure what Credits are, give this quick video a watch! Posted by Alex 04/01/2017 12:10 am |
03/01/2017 - March Donations |
Donations have been reset. Stimulus February was a success, we saw about a 75% increase in donations during the month, which was a beneficial for ensuring the longevity of the game. To clear up any confusion, being able to buy your first 5 cities without waiting for the timer was not intended to be a temporary event, and that will remain in existence and continue to remain in the future. Going forward, you will be able to redeem your Credits for $5,000,000 each. This amount is increased from the regular $2,500,000 that we've been using for several months, and I believe is a respectable amount given in-game inflation. You can once again redeem up to 10 Credits for your nation in pay-to-win benefits this month. Remember, you can buy an unlimited number of custom flags, VIP subscriptions, and player advertisements. Posted by Alex 03/01/2017 03:11 am |
02/14/2017 - Alliance Control Panel |
An alliance page sub-page, the alliance control panel, has been added. Alliance officers, heirs, and leaders can use this page to manage applicants, send out mass-messages, and review member nation warchest information. Nations can prevent their alliance officers/heirs/leaders from viewing their warchest information (available money and resources) by disabling the setting on the Account page. Read more on the forum here: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18513-2142017-alliance-control-panel/ Posted by Alex 02/14/2017 06:14 am |
02/01/2017 - February Update |
It's the first of the month, and of course that means an announcement. Here's what's in store for February: It's Stimulus February! It's the shortest month of the year, and P&W will be running a bit of a fundraiser. For this month only, Credits can be redeemed directly for $10,000,000 each. That's a cap of $100,000,000/nation for this month. As soon as February ends, this will change, and the amount of money redeemed per Credit will be significantly reduced. For new nations, the first 5 cities can be built without waiting on the 10 day timer. This does not apply to National Projects. If you build a national project, you will have to wait 10 days to build your next city, whether you have less than 5 cities or not. It now costs 1 Credit to create an alliance. This change is less amount money or sustaining the game, but applying a bit of game theory to alliances. This change will encourage new players to seek out established alliances and learn the ropes, instead of creating their own alliances, getting raided, and quitting shortly thereafter. It will also discourage (though I am not so foolish to believe completely root out) alliance bank gimmicks where multiple alliances are created to protect money and resources from attackers. This change will make alliances more serious, more permanent, and new alliances more successful. You can read more about these changes on the forums, here: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/18385-212017-stimulus-february/ Posted by Alex 02/01/2017 02:10 am |