I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
09/16/2017 - Baseball & Player Ads |
Just a quick couple of notes on the subject of baseball and player ads: The length of time between captchas has been reduced to 10 minutes. Both of the previous lengths of time, 60 minutes and 30 minutes, resulted in large exploitation of the baseball mechanic by running scripts to generate free money. Hopefully 10 minute intervals between captchas will be frequent enough to discourage such behavior while still allowing baseball to be a fun pastime for active players. Player Advertisement requirements have changed slightly. They will now be shown automatically to mobile users, and their recommended size has changed from 1000 x 100 pixels to 800 x 100 pixels. The Player Advertisement page also received a slight makeover as well. In the near future, we're looking at some updates for Spies, and other general game improvements. Thanks for playing Politics & War! Posted by Alex 09/16/2017 01:11 am |
09/06/2017 - Monthly Subscription Option |
Good news everyone! I am happy to announce that we are now offering a monthly subscription option for purchasing Credits. You now have the option to buy 10 Credits automatically each month via a PayPal subscription. In doing so, you will get a discounted price, a free VIP subscription for your nation, as well as a free $1,000,000 bonus to your nation each time the subscription processes. Everything should be working smoothly, however if there happen to be any technical issues with the launch of this new feature, please bear with me and I will ensure that they are resolved in short order. Thanks! You can find the new subscription option on the Donate page, here: https://politicsandwar.com/donate/ Posted by Alex 09/06/2017 06:55 am |
09/01/2017 - Streamlining Registration & September Donations |
Donation limits have been reset for the month of September! Read all about it and some updates to the registration process here: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/21017-912017-streamlining-registration-september-donations/ Posted by Alex 09/01/2017 07:56 pm |
08/13/2017 - Captcha Relief |
You will now run into captchas to prove that you are a human and not a script less often when playing baseball or trading. Read more here: https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20827-8132017-captcha-relief/ Posted by Alex 08/13/2017 08:26 pm |
08/12/2017 - Last Day of 3rd Anniversary Deal |
Just a quick notice, if you're interested in purchasing the 3rd Anniversary special offer, which includes a limited edition award for your nation (which will be unavailable after Aug 12, server time) as well as 15 days of VIP for your nation, $2,000,000, and a special P&W flag. To purchase the deal, go here: https://politicsandwar.com/donate/anniversary This offer does not count against your monthly Credit redemption limit, and after midnight server time (in about 9 hours as of posting) will be unavailable. There is also a link on your nation page. Posted by Alex 08/12/2017 02:53 pm |