
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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10/24/2017 - Treaty Web & In-Game Treaties

The treaty web is back, and is now automatically populated via in-game treaties. For more information, please read the forum thread, here:

Posted by Alex 10/24/2017 06:49 pm      

10/09/2017 - Player Advertisements Tracking Clicks

Hey all, just a quick update. New player advertisements will now track how many times they've been clicked. You can use this feature to see how well your ad is doing and how many people are engaging with it!

On an unrelated note, I just want to say that we've had some success with the Subscription donation feature. After this month, I will be upping the price of a 10-Credit subscription to the same price as 10 Credits costs. The subscription still comes with free VIP, and a $1,000,000 cash bonus for your nation.

While the price will be increasing, anyone who has subscribed at the current price (or does so before the price increases) will be permanently locked in at the lower price. As a thank you to everyone that has already subscribed, your prices will never go up, and as an incentive to anyone interested in subscribing to do so, you can get a $5 discount by creating your subscription before the month ends.

Subscribe Here!

Posted by Alex 10/09/2017 03:26 am      

10/01/2017 - October Donations, Account Verification

Hey all! A quick note that it's now October and donation limits have been reset. You can once again redeem 10 Credits for your nation on various bonuses, like money, infrastructure, resources, and resetting your build city or national project timers.

The next order of business is that I am introducing a new thing called Account Verification. Verification will allow players who are playing on the same network (at school, home, or work) to be manually verified as separate players to lift restrictions on gameplay between the accounts.

Verified accounts will be unrestricted when trading with each other, and will be designated with a checkmark on their nation pages. This will allow others to see them as authentic accounts as well.

Preventing cheating is still a top priority, however, I am hoping to make the game more accessible for friends, classmates, and family who want to have fun and work together. The verification process will require sending in a photo of yourself holding up a handwritten statement. It will also require regular renewals to prove ownership of the account.

Verification is not necessary, and only applicable for those players who play with others on the same network connection. You can learn more about Verification and the process here: Click Me! There is also a link on the Account page.

Posted by Alex 10/01/2017 11:13 pm      

09/26/2017 - Alliance Taxation of New Members

Just a quick update, new members to alliances will not contribute any taxes unless they have an alliance seniority of 2 days or higher. This is to combat abuse of the mechanic by frequently swapping applicants to members and back again to prevent alliance bank looting.

Posted by Alex 09/26/2017 06:00 am      

09/25/2017 - Player Ad Sale

For the rest of the month, for each Player Advertisement purchased, I will throw in two free ads. They can be the same ad repeated, or three separate ads. To take advantage of this deal, just submit an ad like normal on the Donate page and I will send you a message about the 2 free ads.

Posted by Alex 09/25/2017 03:58 am