I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
02/02/2018 - Server Outage |
Hello everyone, I apologize for the server outage for the last ~16 hours. The server seems to have killed itself somehow, and I was not able to identify the immediate issue. Rest assured, the server is back online now, and hopefully we won't have any trouble with it. The other admin (ss23) and I will look at what happened and try to identify the cause of the issue; my best guess so far is that something became corrupted and caused the server to throw errors. In any case, while the server was down it was down for everyone. It appears turns ran as normal, and it's possible that some wars and things may have been thrown off, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that now. I apologize for the issue, but unfortunately this started in the middle of the night and there was nothing I could do to immediately resolve the issue. Like I said, we will do a post-incident review and see what we can do to ensure this doesn't happen again in the future. Posted by Alex 02/02/2018 10:57 pm |
02/01/2018 - Donations Reset |
It's February already! Donations have now been reset for the new month. As a reminder, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $5,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for 2,000 Steel/Aluminum/Gasoline/Munitions, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, Custom Flags, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Here's a (dated) video about Donations as well: Posted by Alex 02/01/2018 05:25 pm |
01/23/2018 - Testing War Changes, New Test Server Tournament |
The test server tournament is slated to begin at 12AM January 24th (server time). I highly recommend you DO NOT create an account until just before the tournament begins, as you will not be able to create a nation until the tournament starts (which means you can't set a password right away, which means you'll get locked out of your account. The test server does not send e-mails.) The test server is located at http://test.politicsandwar.com The start time is in ~4 hours of the time of this posting.Here's a quick overview of the War Changes we're testing on the test server. There are a number of changes, and I am certain there will be bugs. I doubt this will run smoothly, things will get broken and the tournament may not be "fair". Tough luck, if you end up disadvantaged as a result of something broken or a bug during the tournament, I am sorry but that is why we are running the tournament in the first place, is to test for these things. -I have redesigned the UI of each war page to be more user friendly. There's probably some things broken that will need to be fixed just in the UI alone. -The introduction of War Types: There are 3 types: Ordinary, Raid, and Attrition. Ordinary wars do 50% less damage and 50% less loot than wars did previously. Raid wars do 100% loot and 25% damage, and Attrition wars do 100% damage and 25% loot. War type is decided upon declaration; the defender in a given war has at least 50% of both damage and loot and matches the opponent if it is offensively a Raid or Attrition war. So, for example, in a Raid war the defender will do 50% damage and 100% loot back to the aggressor. -The damage and loot done by beiging has been reduced. Damage is reduced to a base 4% (affected by War Types) and loot has been reduced (for the case of money) to 10% (resources are staying at 10%, so it is 10% for both money and resources looted.) -Fortify has been changed. It no longer offers any additional Resistance in wars, but now causes your opponent to take 25% more casualties when attacking while you are Fortified. It has also been reduced to 3 MAPs in cost. -The Bounty system is introduced, whereby you can post Bounties on other nations. You can read about this on the Bounties page. Bounties cannot be posted until a nation is at least 3 days old. Bounties cannot be claimed unless the war was declared after the Bounty was posted. -Ground Battles, Airstrikes, and Naval Battles now offer some detailed battle reports after the fact related to rolls and the method behind determining battle outcomes. This is not a very formal tournament, and as stated there will likely be many bugs. It is important to test these changes before they can be implemented here, in the real server. To incentivize the testing, however, is the point of the tournament, and there will be up to 3 winners, one for each of the following categories: Highest Nation Score, Most Wars Won, and Most Bounties Completed. The tournament will run for approximately a week. Feel free to hop on Discord to chat in #the-test-server about the tournament and the changes. If you don't care about the test server or checking out new changes soon to be implemented in the game, feel free to ignore this update. Posted by Alex 01/23/2018 08:15 pm |
01/01/2018 - Donations Reset |
Happy New Year Everyone! Donations have been reset for the new month. As a reminder, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $5,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for 2,000 Steel/Aluminum/Gasoline/Munitions, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, Custom Flags, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Here's a (dated) video about Donations as well: Posted by Alex 01/01/2018 11:06 pm |
12/22/2017 - 2017, A Year in Review |
https://politicsandwar.com/forums/index.php?/topic/22003-12222017-politics-and-war-a-year-in-review/ Posted by Alex 12/22/2017 07:50 pm |