I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
08/20/2018 - Inactivity Policy |
Nations will no longer be deleted after 45 days of inactivity. . Instead, after 90 days of inactivity, nations will be automatically placed into Vacation Mode for 180 days (~6 months). During this period of time, if the player logs back into their nation, it will be automatically taken out of Vacation Mode. After 180 days, it will automatically be taken out of Vacation Mode as well. After 270 days of inactivity, nations that are not in Vacation Mode will be automatically deleted. Posted by Alex 08/20/2018 02:19 am |
08/16/2018 - Player Satisfaction Survey |
Hey everyone! We are looking to get more player feedback, specifically on satisfaction with the game, in an effort to collect better data and make the game better. If you would please fill out this survey, it should only take 30 seconds to complete. Survey Link: https://goo.gl/forms/ODKEBr0TWyBMeD0s2 We are asking for your Nation ID with your rating not so that we can look at any individual's response, but so that we can make sure we're getting accurate data (no duplicates, no responses from non-players) and so we can correlate player satisfaction with other in-game characteristics, such as alliance, city county, etc. Thanks! And a big thank you to our new team member Chris for putting it together! Posted by Alex 08/16/2018 02:28 am |
08/04/2018 - Color Trade Bloc, Free Flags Live |
Just a heads up, I've implemented the recently announced changes a few hours early to ensure that I would be online to deal with any bugs that popped up. You can read about the changes that have been implemented here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/23693-color-trade-bloc-implementation-free-flags/ A couple other changes that have occurred with this update: - The GDP formula has been fixed (it was broken before) and as such you may see a steep drop in GDP. Know that this impacts everyone, not just you; proportionally things are still the same. - The game will now prohibit you from sending messages to nations for their first 3 minutes of existence. This is to cut down on spam and the overwhelming of new players. - Custom Flag uploads do not appear to be working in either the Android or iOS apps. While we look to resolve this issue, please just log into your nation on your mobile web browser at https://politicsandwar.com and upload your flag there. Also note that the annual award & limited edition custom flag will be made available at the midnight update today, and will be available for purchase for 1 week. For 1 Credit, you get the limited edition 4th anniversary nation award, limited edition flag, 1 month of VIP, and $4,444,444 for your nation. Posted by Alex 08/04/2018 08:38 pm |
08/02/2018 - Player Feedback Survey |
Hey everyone, I'm working on adding a new staff member to the team, Chris. He's still getting a hang of the game and the community, but he has put together a player feedback survey for us to gauge what you all (the players) want and have to say. If you have a minute, please fill it out here: https://goo.gl/forms/dVHD3ooMgjLPFz912 Thanks! Posted by Alex 08/02/2018 10:45 pm |
08/01/2018 - August Donations, New Changes |
Wow, it's August already! That means it's almost P&W's 4th birthday, and I've got some exciting new changes planned! Please take a look at this detailed forum post, here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/23693-color-trade-bloc-implementation-free-flags/ Also, donations have now been reset for the new month. You can redeem 10 Credits for up to $100,000,000 directly in-game each month. As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $10,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for 2,000 Steel/Aluminum/Gasoline/Munitions, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, Custom Flags, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Here's a (dated) video about Donations as well: Posted by Alex 08/01/2018 12:06 am |