I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
10/27/2018 - Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest Vote |
Hey all, the submissions are in for the Halloween Pumpkin Carving contest! Please take a look at the cool creations some of our players made, and vote for your favorites! The top 3 winners are going to get some cool prizes. Posted by Alex 10/27/2018 10:44 pm |
10/20/2018 - P&W Pumpkin Carving Contest |
We're hosting a pumpkin carving contest! You have ~1 week to carve a P&W related pumpkin and submit a photo to enter the contest. There are prizes for the winners: -First Place: 30 Credits for your nation (~$121 USD value.) -Second Place: 10 Credits for your nation (~$43 USD value.) -Third Place: 1 year VIP Subscription for your nation (~$27 USD value.) Get all the details and submit your pumpkin carving here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/24121-10202018-politics-and-war-pumpkin-carving-contest/ Posted by Alex 10/20/2018 09:52 pm |
10/19/2018 - Server Slowness & Upgrade |
Just a quick update to everyone: the site was just offline for ~20 minutes while we pushed a server upgrade through to the front end as well as the database. Ideally, this will result in improved performance. As many of you have noticed, things have been a little slow the past few days, likely as a result of increased activity on the site. I have been working with the other admins to see what we can do to increase performance, and we are still working to improve things. I don't anticipate any more server upgrades in the immediate future, but I would recommend that you use Discord, Facebook, and/or Twitter to check-in if you can't access the site. Presuming it's planned downtime, we will post a heads up in those locations to keep you informed while the site itself is down. On a last note, there's only about 20 hours remaining to join the test server tournament before registration closes. The link to the test server is here: http://test.politicsandwar.com/ and if you have questions about the test server or the tournament, please hop on Discord and ask. Posted by Alex 10/19/2018 04:37 am |
10/15/2018 - Map Update & New Test Server Tournament |
This is a significant announcement, and I would highly encourage you to read the full details in the forum announcement, here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/24087-10152018-map-update-halloween-tournament/ Here are the highlights of the announcement. Note, that these features are still pending testing, and have not been implemented into (this) live server yet. -Instead of picking a point on the map, you will get to draw a shape (polygon) -Antarctica will be a new continent option -When the update goes live, everyone will get 2 free additional location changes. New nations will start with 3 -New cities will start with 250 sq. miles of land (instead of 20) Here is a short demo video of the new features: On a separate note, details for a new test server tournament have been announced. Those are located in the above forum post as well. Posted by Alex 10/15/2018 11:17 pm |
10/01/2018 - Donations Reset |
New: For nations older than 60 days that have not purchased Credits through PayPal in the past 90 days, discounted pricing is available. This is to encourage players who otherwise would not purchase Credits at the normal price to support the game at a discount. This discounted pricing does not apply to subscriptions, and there is a maximum purchase of 10 Credits. Once a purchase has been made at the discounted price, it will be unavailable for the next 90 days afterward. And, donations have now been reset for the new month! You can redeem 10 Credits for up to $100,000,000 directly in-game each month. As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $10,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for 2,000 Steel/Aluminum/Gasoline/Munitions, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, Custom Flags, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Here's a (dated) video about Donations as well: Posted by Alex 10/01/2018 12:36 am |