I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
10/01/2019 - Donation Cap Reset |
Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem 10 Credits for up to $150,000,000 directly in-game each month. As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $15,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Click here to redeem Credits for $15,000,000 each Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location Click here to buy Credits or start a 10 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP!)Posted by Alex 10/01/2019 02:57 pm |
09/12/2019 - Screenshot Abuse Rule Addition |
The Game Rules have been revised. This revision is a modification to the existing "Faking Vacation Mode" section of the rules, as well as the addition of a new rule against Screenshot Abuse. You will note that the previous Faking Vacation Mode section of the rules has been moved from under "Vacation Mode" to under the new "Screenshot Abuse" rule.
Screenshot Abuse
Essentially, this rule change is to ensure that people are not using fake screenshots in their nation descriptions to trick others. Like the previous rule change, I'll offer ~1 week grace period to allow people to remove these fake screenshots from their nation pages if they have them. Posted by Alex 09/12/2019 03:45 pm |
09/02/2019 - Donations Reset |
Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem 10 Credits for up to $150,000,000 directly in-game each month. Sorry, I forgot to announce this yesterday. As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $15,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Click here to redeem Credits for $15,000,000 each Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location Click here to buy Credits or start a 10 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP!)Posted by Alex 09/02/2019 09:56 pm |
08/30/2019 - Game Rules Revision |
The Game Rules have been revised, adding two new additions: Faking Vacation Mode The first addition is an additional paragraph in the "Vacation Mode" section.
As many of you may have noticed, in the past couple of weeks a number of players have started putting screenshots of the "This nation is in Vacation Mode for X turns" notice normally displayed at the top of a nation's page when they're in Vacation Mode. I've gotten enough confused/outraged messages about "how can so-and-so declare new wars when they're in vacation mode? They're CHEATING" that I am officially making it against the rules to do so. I'll offer a grace period of about a week to let people remove these fake Vacation Mode identifiers if they have them.
Moderation as a Weapon This second rule addition is an entire new section of the Game Rules.
This rule is being added to prevent players from abusing each other with threats of reports to myself or other moderators. It is now explicitly against the rules to do things like "hey, if you don't pay me $10,000,000, I'll report you for multis." You can read more and comment on the forum post announcement here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/topic/26196-8302019-additions-to-the-game-rules/ Posted by Alex 08/30/2019 05:45 pm |
08/14/2019 - Achievements |
Hey everyone, Achievements have finally been implemented in-game! This initial release features 36 unlockable achievements (with plenty more to come in the future), the ability to showcase achievements on your nation page, and the ability to choose which achievements are showcased from the Edit nation page.
Achievements are showcased on nation pages like so: Note: On mobile, only the first achievement will appear (to save space.)
There is a link to edit your achievement selection on the top of the Edit Nation page. This is a direct link: https://politicsandwar.com/nation/edit/achievements/
Achievements, unfortunately, are not retroactive. Even if you meet the requirements for a particular achievement (i.e. Build a Hangar) you may have to complete the action again to trigger the unlock. You will receive a notification in-game when you unlock an achievement.
At this time, I am not giving out a full list of all the achievements implemented in the game. It should be fun to let you all figure out what achievements exist and are possible to unlock.
If you have a suggestion for a new achievement, please don't message me, there is an official suggestion thread here:
Like I said, plenty of new achievements will get added. The hard work is done (setting up the system/interface) and so I don't expect we'll run out of achievements to unlock and feature anytime soon. If you have any questions, let me know! Posted by Alex 08/14/2019 05:55 am |