
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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05/14/2020 - 4 New Projects, Nation Score Change, and more

Hello everyone!

I am happy to announce that we’ve got a decent sized update here, with a lot of new content and some balancing changes. Here’s what’s just been implemented:

  • A link to the world graphs "Data Visualization" page has been added to the sidebar under the World heading
  • The nation Score formula has been changed. This will tighten war ranges and align score determinants more with their actual gameplay value
    • Score per City increased from 50 -> 100 (after City #1)
    • Added a base +10 Score to everyone
    • Changing military unit score to be closer to actual value:
      • Soldiers: 0.0005 -> 0.0004 each
      • Tanks: 0.05 -> 0.009 each
      • Aircraft: 0.5 -> 0.2 each
      • Ships: 2 -> 0.75 each
      • Score from Missiles and Nuclear Weapons are capped at 50 each (the 51st Missile or Nuclear Weapon will not add to your nation score.)
  • The "unraidable" money limit for nations has been increased from $100,000 -> $1,000,000
  • Ground Control has been changed. It no longer blocks your opponent from using 1/3 of their air force. Instead, once Ground Control has been established, all subsequent Ground Battles will destroy some of your opponent's Aircraft (based on the number of Tanks you send in battle.) This makes Ground Units somewhat of a counter to a superior air force
  • Aircraft rebuys have been changed from 1/6 daily to 1/5 daily to be in-line with Tanks and Ships. Hangars' max capacity has been reduced from 18 -> 15, but the daily purchase of 3 Aircraft per Hangar remains the same. This standardization of military units will make the game less confusing, and make losing your Aircraft less punishing.
  • Raw resource production has been changed to standardize some improvement quantities. In the future, we may increase the maximum bonus % from maxing out an improvement type in a city depending on how this change impacts supply.
    • Bauxite and Iron Mines increased from a maximum of 6 -> 10
    • Coal Mines and Oil Wells reduced from a maximum of 12 -> 10
    • Uranium Mines increased from a maximum of 3 -> 5
  • Four (4!) New National Projects have been added to the game
    • Recycling Initiative
      • Requirements: Center for Civil Engineering Project
      • Effect: Recycling Centers' pollution reduction is increased from 70 -> 75. Max recycling centers per city is increased from 3 -> 4
      • Cost
        • Cash: $10,000,000
        • Food: 100,000
    • Green Technologies
      • Requirements: City Planning and Space Program Projects
      • Effect: Pollution caused from refining resources is reduced by 25%. Pollution from farms is reduced by 50%. Subways pollution reduction is increased from 45 to 70. Upkeep from resource production is reduced by 10%
      • Cost
        • Cash: $100,000,000
        • Food: 250,000
        • Aluminum: 10,000
        • Iron: 10,000
        • Steel: 10,000
    • Pirate Economy
      • Requirements: Propaganda Bureau Project. Must have a combined 50 wars in "Wars Won", "Wars Lost" stats
      • Effect: Increase maximum offensive war slots from 5 -> 6
      • Cost
        • Cash: $10,000,000
        • Munitions: 10,000
        • Aluminum: 10,000
        • Gas: 10,000
        • Steel: 10,000
    • Telecommunications Satellite
      • Requirements: City Planning, Space Program, International Trade Center Projects
      • Effect: Commerce is increased in all cities by 2%. Maximum Commerce rates are increased by 10% in each city from 115% to 125%.
      • Cost
        • Cash: $300,000,000
        • Uranium: 10,000
        • Aluminum: 10,000
        • Iron: 10,000
        • Oil: 10,000
  • Adjustments have been made to casualty rates. They have been calibrated based on the percentage of your daily rebuy of units that can be killed (assuming an equal city opponent, both sides having maxed-out military.) so that is how I will present the changes. Note: These are averages (expected values) given that there is a lot of randomness in battle results.
    • Avg Soldiers Killed in a Ground Battle: 80% -> 25%
    • Avg Tanks Killed in a Ground Battle: 30% -> 40%
    • Avg Aircraft Killed in an Airstrike (not dogfight): 59% -> 29%
    • Avg Ships Killed in a Naval Battle: 120% -> 53%
    • Airstrikes on Units
      • Soldiers Killed Airstrike: 43% -> 25%
      • Tanks Killed Airstrike: 43% -> 14%
      • Ships Killed Airstrike: 41% -> 34%
      • Aircraft Killed Airstrike (Dogfight): 83% -> 53%
    • Aircraft Killed by Tanks in a Ground Battle: 0% -> 42%

Posted by Alex 05/14/2020 07:13 pm      

05/01/2020 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem 10 Credits for up to $150,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $15,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $15,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to buy Credits or start a 10 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP!)

Posted by Alex 05/01/2020 12:01 am      

04/10/2020 - Game Rules Additions

I have made a couple of additions to the game rules to promote fair play and help remove toxicity.

Coerced City Deletion

Players have the ability to destroy their own cities. Coercing others to destroy cities is strictly against the rules. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Requiring city deletion as part of peace terms (for any war, individual or alliance)
Depending on the severity and scale of the offense, this can result in anywhere from a moderation strike to a permanent ban. The punishment is subject to moderator discretion.

Coerced Quitting / Forcing Players to Quit or Leave the Game

Bullying, harassing, or otherwise coercing/encouraging players to quit the game is against the rules. Depending on the severity and scale of the offense, this can result in anywhere from a moderation strike to a permanent ban. The punishment is subject to moderator discretion.

You can review the updated Game Rules here:

Posted by Alex 04/10/2020 02:40 pm      

04/10/2020 - Alliance Creation Time Restriction

Due to some pushback, I've decided to temporarily reduce the time restriction on creating new alliances to 5 days from 21 days while I consider the measure further.

Posted by Alex 04/10/2020 04:15 am      

04/10/2020 - Restrictions on Alliance and City Creation

I have put in place some restrictions on alliance creation and city creation.

-You can now only create an alliance once per 21 days, starting now (i.e. it is not retroactive.) This is to reduce the alliance spam, "offshore" alliance bank abuse, etc. I know this is easily worked around by having your friend make an alliance for you, but it's at least a start in the right direction.

-If you delete a city, you cannot build a new city for 10 days. This is regardless of whether you have less than 10 cities or not (i.e. it supersedes that rule.) This is to eliminate the extreme "down-declaring" that was starting to happen, whereby players were destroying cities, declaring war, then rebuilding them to gain a huge advantage in wars.

Posted by Alex 04/10/2020 03:42 am