I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements
06/04/2020 - Military Reset Bug |
Hey all, Just a notification about a known and now fixed issue: for some users, their daily military rebuy reset did not work properly during the past 3 turns. This issue has been fixed, and I am manually issuing the resets now. If your military rebuy reset was missed, and you have not gotten a notification that it has since gone through yet, you will receive one shortly. My apologies for the error and the inconvenience. Posted by Alex 06/04/2020 03:36 am |
06/03/2020 - "Unraidable" Money Amount, Character Encoding |
Hey all, This is a delayed update, but I just wanted to let you know that the "unraidable" money amount was changed from a flat $1,000,000 for every nation to a $50,000 allowance per city you have. E.g. If you have 5 cities, your "unraidable" money about is $250,000. Also, we upgraded the database recently and that destroyed some existing character encoding. Special characters, emojis, etc. may not be working properly. They will work, but you will need to re-save the data unfortunately. I apologize for the inconvenience. Posted by Alex 06/03/2020 06:58 pm |
06/01/2020 - Donation Limit Reset |
Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem 10 Credits for up to $150,000,000 directly in-game each month. As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 10 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $15,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, and 4 Credits to reset your City/Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support. Click here to redeem Credits for $15,000,000 each Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location Click here to buy Credits or start a 10 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP!)Posted by Alex 06/01/2020 12:22 am |
05/29/2020 - Server Upgrade |
We've got a short planned downtime for a server upgrade. Afterward, there may be some minor bugs with the game. If you run into any issues, please report them by making a new topic in the Tech Support subforum here: https://forum.politicsandwar.com/index.php?/forum/48-tech-support/ Posted by Alex 05/29/2020 10:04 pm |
05/23/2020 - Game Rules Amendment on War Slot Filling |
Hello everyone, I have explicitly written into the Game Rules that "coordinated" wars for the purpose of removing a bounty or transferring a Treasures are considered War Slot Filling and against the rules going forward. To be clear, this means that paying someone money and then doing a war with minimal damage to defeat them and take their Treasure is considered War Slot Filling (you are taking that slot from someone who may want to declare and steal the Treasure the way the mechanic is intended) and against the rules. Similar actions for the purpose of removing a bounty are also explicitly against the rules now. While bounty-hunting is legal and actively encouraged, coordinating with the target so that they don't fight back and let you easily win the bounty is war slot filling. Posted by Alex 05/23/2020 09:22 pm |