
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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10/06/2024 - Projects and Commerce Update


Hello everyone, the long-awaited project and commerece changes have been pushed live. these were intended to be completed after the revenue codebase was finished switching over, however due to the delays in that update we have decided to push them now, the cliffnotes version of the changes:

  • Arms stockpile makes each factory produce 1.8 munitions per turn(used to be 2.01) but does not increase lead consumption from standard (0.5)
  • Bureau of Domestic Affairs now removes the cool down to change domestic policy entirely, and adds a +25% modifier to the domestic policy. This effect is additive with the GSA project for a total of 75%.
  • Fallout Shelter, now reduces the food lost to radiation by 15% (up from 10%) and also now caps the total loss at 85%.
  • ITC adds 1% commerce to your cities now, and allows you to build an extra bank.
  • The specialized police training program now adds 4% commerce to all your cities, it also no longer allows you to build six police stations; However no one has ever used this effect, so no one will be effected by this.
  • Telecommunications Satellite allows you to build an extra mall.
  • Supermarkets will see an increase from 3% to 4% commerce per improvement, and a reduction in their cap, from 6 to 4.
  • Banks will see an increase from 5% to 6% commerce per improvement, with their cap increasing to 6 when you possess an ITC.
  • Stadiums will see a decrease from 12% to 10% commerce per improvement, with no changes to their cap.

In addition the maximum number of supermarkets will be lowered from 6 to 4 - This will be done on the 10th/11th, if you have five or six supermarkets this is your official warning to sell them before they are sold for you. 

Posted by Limi 10/06/2024 09:33 pm      

10/01/2024 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $900,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $45,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $45,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 7,500 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer

Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)

Posted by Alex 10/01/2024 12:00 am      

09/01/2024 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $900,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $45,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $45,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 7,500 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer

Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)

Posted by Alex 09/01/2024 12:00 am      

08/21/2024 - Game Rules Update Regarding Spam and Alliance Recruitment Messages

The Game Rules have been updated, specifically pertaining to Community Rule #3 - Spam Messages. (Changes emphasized in bold) 

3. Spam Messages

Moderation Points Guideline: 20-50
Expiration: 6 Months

Sending unrequested solicitation messages to other players or repetitive or nonsensical messages.
Example: Sending another player an apple pie recipe three times for no reason.
Example: Sending out an invitation to your Discord server to all players in the game. 

Note: We do permit unsolicited alliance recruitment messages to players not in alliances for the purpose of better engaging new players. However, such alliance recruitment messages are subject to the following restrictions:

  • You may not send the same message to the same player more than once per 60 days.
  • You may not message the same player any alliance recruiting message more than once every 60 hours.
  • The same alliance may not have different alliance members message a given player more than once per day.

This change was made as a result of a warning issued by the moderation team for sending spam messages that was appealed with the claim that the previous game rules were not specific about the limitations of sending alliance recruitment messages, only that an exception was made for them.

My hope is that these additional points will clear up any confusion and set a new standard that will still allow for recruitment messages to be sent to new players (new players joining alliances is good for player retention and the community) while mitigating spam.

The first point, You may not send the same message to the same player more than once per 60 days, is intended to prevent low-effort spam by sending the same exact message over and over and over again. If you want to continue to message new players, you can, but you will now be required to use new messages, at least every 60 days.

The second point, You may not message the same player any alliance recruiting message more than once every 60 hours, is intended to limit you from messaging the same player every day. We will allow a message up to every 3 days, and 60 hours allows some grace there to make the rule more specific and manageable.

The third point, The same alliance may not have different alliance members message a given player more than once per day, is to prevent an alliance from having two, five, or ten of their members send alliance recruitment messages to the same player. Alliances are allowed to have multiple people send recruitment messages, but you must not bombard someone with messages from the same alliance in the same day.

We'll offer a grace period through the end of the month on strict enforcement of these new rules, as I know some folks have scripts and other procedures in place that may not exactly match these new rules. Starting September 1, however, we will enforce this rule in full if we receive reports regarding spam alliance recruitment messages.

In case anyone has any questions, please ask in the forum announcement here: 

Posted by Alex 08/21/2024 05:22 pm      

08/05/2024 - P&W Anniversary

Today marks the 10th anniversary of P&Ws official release! Whether your an old hand or a new player the staff team would like to thank you all for making this amazing community possible and we all look forward to another 10 years and beyond!

The game's creator and lead dev Alex will be doing a special interview podcast later today at 11 PM server time. (7PM US EST) The interview will be hosted by community member and content creator Kev in the official P&W Discord.

You can click HERE to both RSVP and join the server!

Also don't forget to pickup the Special Anniversary package available for a limited time. The 10th Anniversary package gets you a nation award, flag, achievement, and $100,000,000 in-game for 1 Credit. In years past, we did this from Aug 1 - Aug 12, but last year we extended it for all of August and we'll be doing that again this year.

P.S. You can turn off the confetti on your account page under settings.

Posted by DrRush 08/05/2024 04:19 am