
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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08/10/2022 - Changes to Ships & Naval Battles

We just deployed some changes to Ships & Naval Battles:

  • Ships' Gasoline usage in naval battles has decreased from 2 -> 1.5
  • Ships' Munitions usage in naval battles has decreased from 3 -> 2.5
  • Ships' peacetime upkeep costs decreased from $3,750 -> $3,375
  • Ship's wartime upkeep costs decreased from $5,625 -> $5,062.50

Posted by Alex 08/10/2022 03:34 pm      

08/01/2022 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $400,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $20,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $20,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer


Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)


Also, also!

It's almost Politics and War's 8th birthday! Can you believe that?

Our annual anniversary award is live! For 1 Credit, you can get $80,000,000 for your nation, a sweet 8th anniversary flag, an 8th anniversary achievement, an 8th anniversary nation award, and 30 days of VIP! This does not count against your monthly credit redemption limit. For more info & to purchase the anniversary award, go to: 

Note: This is only available through August 12; after that it will not be possible to get the 8th Anniversary award/achievement.

Posted by Alex 08/01/2022 12:00 am      

07/25/2022 - Big July Update!

Hi everyone!

A bunch of new things which have been in development are being pushed live. A big thank you to the dev team, the QA team, and specifically Prefontaine and Village for all their work on this!

·         3 New National Projects

    Metropolitan Planning

          Requirement: City 21 or higher, Urban Planning, Advanced Urban Planning.
          Effect: Reduces City costs by $150,000,000 per city, stacks with UP and AUP.
          Aluminum: 60,000
          Steel: 40,000
          Uranium: 30,000
          Lead: 15,000
          Iron: 15,000
          Bauxite: 15,000
          Oil: 10,000
          Coal: 10,000

    Military Salvage

          Effect: When you declare an attack and are victorious, recover 5% of lost steel/aluminum from units in that attack.
          Cash: $20,000,000
          Aluminum: 5,000
          Steel: 5,000
          Gas: 5,000

    Fallout Shelter

          Requirement: Research and Development Center, Clinical Research Center
          -Reduces damage from nuclear missiles by 10%.
          -Reduces fall-out length in a city by 25%
          -Maximum radiation impact on food is 90% (can always produce 10% of food)
          Cash: $25,000,000
          Food: 100,000
          Lead: 10,000
          Steel: 10,000
          Aluminum: 10,000

·         Push for consistency across the game in using Leader Names by default everywhere (instead of sometimes nation name, sometimes leader name)

·         Allow commas and $ in number inputs (they will automatically get filtered out. WARNING: In some countries, decimals and commas are used alternatively. For example, “one thousand” gets written as “1.000,00” in some places. If you had entered this previously, you likely would have returned an error message – this will automatically filter out to “1.00000” now. If you try to enter, say, “one million” as “1000000,00” you will really be entering the number “one hundred million” or “100000000”). In Politics and War, commas always operate as cosmetic number separators, and decimals indicate a fractional amount.

·         Alliance trades (or Market Share trades) will now be included in the Global Trade display but with a separate indicator to let you know that the trade offer is part of your internal alliance market

·         Nations in alliances that have a treaty to your alliance will appear with an indicator or color on the market to show "ally" trades

·         Alliances can now create embargoes which will automatically apply on behalf of all member nations. Please note: Alliance members can opt out of any individual alliance embargo in the Alliance Embargoes section of the alliance page.

·         You can now upvote alliance advertisements directly on the Player Advertisements page

·         There is a new treaty option between alliances, the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT. This is based on real-life NPTs (see Wikipedia article here). If an alliance has this treaty with another alliance, member nations will not be able to build nuclear weapons. This does not stop a nation which already has nuclear weapons from building them, nor does it stop nations from building the Nuclear Research Facility, the prerequisite to building nuclear weapons.

·         Village made some nice optimizations to the Treaty Web page letting you filter out types of treaties and such, as well as which alliances you want to be included in the display. Please note: If you try to show too many alliances, it’s going to break and not show anything. It’s just a limitation of the treaty web software.

·         Baseball earnings are capped at $2,000,000 / day. This is due to people likely using scripts/bots to automatically play baseball games. Revenue is increased by 25% per game.

·         Baseball players will age out ~29% slower than previously

·         Players can have at most 3 active buy offers and 3 active sell offers for a single resource. (Credits excluded)
If a player attempts to post a 4th trade offer for a specific resource, that trade attempt will fail and the nation will need to select which trade offer they want to delete.
This does not impact private trades or shared alliance markets, only global market trades. 

·         We will shortly have a new Discord validation bot live in the P&W Discord Server. By adding your Discord username to your nation page, you can link it to the new Discord bot and get 60 days of VIP for free. This is mainly to encourage new players to use Discord, but we have reset it such that if you have done this in the past (old bot) and received 60 days of free VIP, you will be able to do so again and get 60 more days of VIP for free. You can use this bot in the #botspam channel with a command like “/validate YOURNATIONID”. For example, for my nation ( my nation ID is 6 and I would do “/validate 6”
The new bot will also automatically remove everyone’s VIP role in the Discord server if your nation does not currently have VIP (or your Discord account is not linked) but it will also automatically add the VIP role to your Discord account if you have VIP in-game (This gets triggered every 15 minutes or if you run the validate command)

·         The Discord ID of nations will be stored and retrievable in the API as well

Here are some changes that we are working on which will be coming soon:

  • Navy upkeep reduced by 10%
  • Munitions usage in naval battles reduced from 3 -> 2.5
  • Gasoline usage in naval battles reduced from 2 -> 1.5
  • If a nation in active wars deletes, the nations at war with it will get to loot it sequentially in priority based on resistance remaining
  • Beige rework – will be deployed on the test server for an extended period to gather lots of feedback from players
  • Tutorial rework
  • Series of upgrades to the PWPedia
  • For the bulk  improvement import feature, have the default be to all cities but give the option to select which cities to import to. Cities may have differing infra levels/improvement slots, especially during war, or people may want different builds for different cities - but still across multiple cities - so allowing them to choose which cities the import applies to would make things easier.
  • You can use k,m,b to be used to send cash/resources (e.g. 1m instead of 1000000 to send 1 million).

Posted by Alex 07/25/2022 10:03 pm      

07/06/2022 - PWPedia Feedback

While most people know about the fandom wiki, the in-game wiki (PWPedia), is mostly forgotten. This is mainly because it has always lacked what every wiki requires, accurate and up to date information.

As a part of a project to overhaul the state of the PWPedia, a survey is linked below to see what the community thinks about its current state and where it should go. Additionally if you are interested in contributing in any capacity there will be a section on the form for those interested.

Related Links
- PWPedia - 
- Survey - 

Posted by Alex 07/06/2022 05:32 pm      

07/01/2022 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $400,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $20,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $20,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer

Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)

Posted by Alex 07/01/2022 12:00 am