
I try to record all updates to the game here. Each changelog post should have a relevant forum post, so head there for discussion: Announcements

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08/01/2023 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $500,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $25,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $25,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 5,000 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer

Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)

Posted by Alex 08/01/2023 12:00 am      

07/20/2023 - June 2023 Update Deployed!

Hey everyone, the June 2023 Update is now officially deployed! Below I’ve listed the various changes completed. The key differences from the original post is that the beige and partial superiorities changes are not being implemented and an army value modifier has been added.

July 2023 Update

The July 2023 Update should be announced and deployed in the next short while, along with a rough roadmap of content through to the end of this year!


The entirety of the war components for the game have been rewritten from the ground up, that’s both the backend and frontend. Given the nature of these updates, there will most certainly be issues in its implementation, and the goal of the tournament is primarily to test these changes and catch any issues before they become apparent during a live server global war.

Spy counts and exact spy odds have been made public.

Nation score from cities has been returned to 100 score per city instead of 75 score.

An army modifier is being implemented to take the calculated army value (for calculating attack success, not casualties) and raise it to the power of 3/4. I.e. If I have an army value of 1000, my army value is now 1000^(3/4) = 177, and my opponent’s army value goes from 800 to 150. For casualties, the kills for each unit will be calculated using the formula (the army values here are pre-adjustment to the power of 3/4) ((att army value + def army value) / (att army value ^ (3/4) + def army value ^ (3/4))) * (side army value ^ (3/4)). For example, to calculate attacker kills the side army value would be the attacker’s army value before being adjusted to the power of 3/4. This formula has the effect that it reduces attacker losses and increases defender losses when a smaller military is attacking a larger, and increases attacker losses while reducing defender losses when a larger military is attacking a smaller.

Spy attacks against missiles now have a 25% chance to destroy an additional missile.

Nukes now kill four improvements per attack.

  • 2 of these improvements can be any improvement.
  • 2 of these improvements are any non-power plant, non-military improvement.
    • In the effect 2 such improvements are not available, the remaining improvement destructions can target any improvement.

Missiles can now kill two improvements per missile.

Missile Launch Pad allows a nation to build two missiles per day.

Iron Dome reduces the number of improvements destroyed by a missile by 1.

The chance that Iron Dome blocks a missile is reduced from 50% to 30%.

Vital Defense System reduces the number of non-power plant, non-military improvements destroyed by a nuke by 1.

The chance that Vital Defense System blocks a nuke is increased from 20% to 25%.

Military Salvage now uses steel/aluminum used by both sides when calculating the amount of resources to add.

Treasures can only be lost through defensive wars.

National Projects

  • Added Bureau of Domestic Affairs:
    • $20,000,000, 100,000 Food, 10,000 Aluminum, 10,000 Gasoline, 10,000 Steel, 10,000 Oil, 10,000 Coal, 10,000 Iron.
    • Requires Government Support Agency.
    • Reduces the timer for changing Domestic Policies to 1 turn.
  • Added Advanced Pirate Economy:
    • $50,000,000, 20,000 Aluminum, 40,000 Munitions, 20,000 Gasoline
    • Requires Pirate Economy and that the nation has won or lost 100 combined wars.
    • Adds an additional offensive war slot, 5% more loot from ground attacks, and a 1.1x modifier to loot from defeating a nation and the defeated nation’s alliance bank.
  • Pirate Economy now provides a 5% bonus to loot from ground attacks.
  • Added Surveillance Network:
    • $300,000,000, 20,000 Aluminum, 20,000 Steel, 10,000 Uranium
    • Requires Intelligence Agency and Advanced Urban Planning.
    • Spy attacks against your nation are 10% less likely to succeed and the attacker is 10% more likely to be identified.
  • Added Mars Landing:
    • $200,000,000, 20,000 Oil, 20,000 Aluminum, 20,000 Munitions, 20,000 Steel, 20,000 Gasoline, 20,000 Uranium
    • Requires Space Program and Moon Landing.
    • Similar to Moon Landing, provides a unique achievement to the first player to build it as well as one to every other player who builds it. All players who complete it will be tracked on a leaderboard like the Moon Landing project. Nations will also gain a daily boost to their approval rating.


  • The game will now notify you when your verification is about to run out.
  • The new player revenue bonus is extended to 100% at C1 then decreasing by 5% through to C20.
  • Login bonus changes:
  • Nations leaving Vacation Mode will automatically be given 1 day (12 turns) of beige.
  • Players will be sent an email to verify their IP address when logging in from a new IP.
  • Completing a bounty while blockaded will place the money into an escrow account that will be emptied onto your nation once you are no longer blockaded.
  • When a nation deletes with active defensive wars, 50% of its resources will be split between the attackers.
  • A new withdrawal confirmation modal to protect against mistaken transfers.
  • A new alliance disband button to allow easier alliance disbandment (this has a number of checks to prevent against erroneous or mistaken use).
  • Add a editor parameter to the nation and alliance edit pages to allow disabling the WYSIWYG editor for custom HTML descriptions (&editor=raw in the URL)

API Changes

These changes will be likely be deployed after the test server tournament, however they may be launched earlier. Further updates will be provided in the Politics and Development server (

  • API v1/v2 are being deprecated. They will have a six month deprecation period then after that they may be deleted or have their functionality reduced at our discretion. I strongly recommend upgrading your code to use API v3 moving forwards.
    • The send-message endpoint is an exception to this deprecation and will continue to function indefinitely.
  • Massive shoutout to Putmir for this, API v3 now has mutations for accepting personal trades and managing alliance positions. Also, tax bracket and treaty mutations were released a while ago although never announced very well.
  • Again massive shoutout to Putmir, the game now has functionality to facilitate the creation of scoped API keys (i.e. API keys that only have access to specific pieces of information). These scoped keys will not work for API v1 or v2 but will allow users to protect themselves and limit what actions and information developers are able to work with when creating bots or scripts.
    • All existing API keys will have all scopes and new nations will no longer be created with an API key.
  • Massive shoutout to Mateus for this, API subscriptions now support backtracking, meaning if you lose connection, once you reconnect your channel will receive events back to the last 10 minutes.
    • To manually trigger this process, the client may make a GET request to /subscriptions/v1/rollback endpoint with two URL parameters being the timestamp (in milliseconds and up to 10 minutes before the present time) to roll back to and the channel to roll back. Events will then be sent back to that time.
  • The API will also be getting a number of new fields to correspond to the war changes and new projects.
  • And again to Putmir, anew query roughly equivalent to the tradeprice query from API v1.


Thank you guys so much for your patience, have a wonderful day and enjoy the update!

This post can also be found on the forums here.

Posted by Village 07/20/2023 12:50 am      

07/14/2023 - War Blackout

Hey everyone, as the last remaining major conflict in Orbis has just ended in a white peace, we're going to be starting the war declaration blackout for the next few days so we can deploy the other war related changes as well. As a note, the beige changes are currently under discussion and when things go live no beige changes will be pushed without a final conclusion on the ongoing discussions.

Posted by Village 07/14/2023 11:41 pm      

07/01/2023 - Donation Limit Reset

Donations have now been reset for the new month! You can now redeem up to 20 Credits for at least $500,000,000 directly in-game each month.

As a reminder about Donations, you can use up to 20 Credits per month on in-game bonuses like 1 Credit for $25,000,000 in-game money, 1 Credit for a set amount of Resources, 1 Credit for 100 Infrastructure, 3 Credits to reset your New City timer, and 1 Credit to reset your National Project timer. You can spend an unlimited number of Credits per month on cosmetic bonuses, like VIP, Player Ads, and Name Changes. If you have any questions about donations or credits, please jump on the Discord server and ask in #support.

Click here to redeem Credits for $25,000,000 each

Click here to redeem Credits for 7,500 of any resource

Click here to redeem Credits for 100 Infrastructure each

Click here to redeem Credits for VIP status

Click here to redeem Credits for a Player Advertisement

Click here to redeem Credits for a Leader or Nation Name Change

Click here to redeem Credits to change your nation location

Click here to redeem Credits to reset your new City timer

Click here to redeem Credits to change your new National Project timer

Click here to buy Credits or start a 20 Credit per month subscription (comes with free VIP and an extra $10m!)

Posted by Alex 07/01/2023 12:00 am      

06/30/2023 - Quick Update - More Money for New Players, Potential New Mechanic, More Resources for Credits

Hello everyone,

Quick update!

We have increased the starting amount of money for new nations from $1,000,000 -> $5,000,000. All new nations created in the past 7 days will receive +$4,000,000.

The amount of resources you can redeem for a Credit on the Donate page has increased from 5,000 to 7,500 for all resources except Food, which remains at 150,000. This means that, for example, you can redeem 1 Credit for 7,500 Steel.

I released a new video recently talking through a potential new game mechanic, Military Experience, which you can watch here: 

Posted by Alex 06/30/2023 04:13 am