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OMAIN is the Organisation of Mutual Autarkic Imperialist Nations. The purpose of this alliance is as the name suggests: it is a confederation of nations organized for the purpose of self-sufficiency and mutual benefit through trade and imperialism. On a national level, we advocate for the ideals of autocracy, generally through monarchy. On the alliance level, binding decisions are made via a council of five, with general votes on some issues.

For any diplomatic inquiries, or up-and-coming members, join our Discord


We as a faction are not to be held accountable for the poor raiding choice of any of our individual members. If you are declared on by one of our members, your faction is fully within their rights to counter, just as we may should war be declared on our own. We ask to not escalate further and leave any qualms with the individual.

To Any Raiders:
None of us carry a great deal of resources on us at any given time. Save everyone the economic trouble, and refrain from raiding us; you will be countered swiftly and properly should you decide to attack.

Alliances have the ability to share their markets with other alliances, effectively creating multi-alliance markets only available to the members of the alliances involved.

Alliance Name Date Members Color Average Score Score Status

This alliance has an alliance-member only market.